I got scammed by a famous actor

Chapter 17: Gao Shuai's Evaluation

Cheng Jingshen knocked on the door lightly, but got no response, he ignored the etiquette and pushed the door open.

Ye Muyun sat by the window without any reaction.

Cheng Jingshen squatted beside Ye Muyun, gently stroked her hair, and asked, "Little girl, what are you thinking?"

Ye Muyun subconsciously looked up at Cheng Jingshen, avoided his sight in a panic, and looked out the window again.

Cheng Jingshen looked solemn, and asked worriedly, "Girl, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Muyun still didn't speak, and moved her body slightly, deliberately keeping a distance from Cheng Jingshen.

This subtle movement made Cheng Jingshen both worried and heartbroken, and asked softly, "Yun'er, you can tell Brother Shen about anything, and Brother Shen will promise you anything."

Ye Muyun still looked out of the window dumbly, without responding.

Cheng Jingshen said again: "If you don't want to tell me, then... I'll call your handsome brother right now, and you can tell him, okay?"

Ye Muyun finally had a reaction, she nervously pulled Cheng Jingshen's arm, seemed very scared, and stopped her: "No, don't call him, please."

Cheng Jingshen looked at Ye Muyun distressedly, and asked: "Yun'er, what's wrong with you? I'm worried about you." After a while, he said again: "Your handsome brother asked me to take care of you, I definitely don't want to see you like this .If I let him know, he will definitely blame me."

Ye Muyun began to sob softly, which made Cheng Jingshen even more at a loss. He gently wiped away Ye Muyun's tears and comforted him carefully: "Okay, okay, Yun'er doesn't want to say anything."

Ye Muyun raised his head slowly, no longer avoiding Cheng Jingshen's gaze, and asked sobbingly, "Brother Shen, you don't like me, right?"

I have known Ye Muyun for three years. In Cheng Jingshen's eyes, Ye Muyun has always been a cheerful, casual, innocent and kind girl.

He had never seen Ye Muyun like this before, her reddish eye sockets, the sparkle in her eyes, her sad expression, and the question she asked deeply hurt Cheng Jingshen's heart.

Cheng Jingshen gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Ye Muyun's eyes, and replied softly: "You call me brother Shen, so aren't you my younger sister? How can a brother not like a younger sister?"

Ye Muyun finally smiled through his tears, and explained the reason for the abnormality.

"Thank you brother Shen, I feel relieved when you say that. You know, I...I really love handsome brother, no matter how he treats me, I will not change."

Ye Muyun lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "But, but if you do too. I really don't want to lose you as a friend, and I don't want to affect your friendship with the handsome brother because of me."

Cheng Jingshen's heart was bleeding, yes, he was sure, because it hurt too much.He lowered his head, trying to suppress the tears that were about to overflow due to heartache, but when he looked up, he was already smiling.

Cheng Jinshen fondled Ye Muyun's hair and said, "Silly girl, take care of your little head and don't let it run wild all the time. My relationship with your handsome brother has nothing to do with it. As for you, call me brother, It will be called for a lifetime, and I will spoil my sister for the rest of my life."

Cheng Jingshen's thoughtfulness opened Ye Muyun's emotional gate. She looked at this gentle man with tears in her eyes, and thought of her own brother who was even worse than the brother in front of her. She became more emotional and threw herself into Cheng Jingshen's arms , burst into tears.

Holding his beloved in his arms, Cheng Jingshen's face was full of sadness.

After releasing her emotions, Ye Muyun gradually regained her composure.

She looked up at Cheng Jingshen and said, "Brother Shen, I'm sorry. Last night, I mistook you for a handsome brother. That's why. Fortunately, you stopped me in time. Thank you, Brother Shen."

Ye Muyun, with tears in his eyes, looked very pitiful and pitiful.

Cheng Jingshen's sadness became more intense, but he still pretended not to care and helped Ye Muyun clear up his tears, hugged her tightly again, looked out of the window and promised: "Of course I know. Don't worry, Yun'er, he will never know about this matter." of."

Before the words finished, a crystal drop fell on Cheng Jingshen's sad cheek, dripped on Ye Muyun's clothes, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

On the way back to the set, Gao Shuai took the initiative to bring up Wen Xue's matter again.

"Sister, what's going on with that girl?"

"Who?" Gao Shuai's nonsensical question made Na Lan confused.

"It's my driver, Wen Xue."

Na Lan carefully looked Gao Shuai up and down like a stranger before answering: "Why do you care about him so much?"

The word "caring" shocked Gao Shuai.You know, he is cold-blooded in the eyes of others, and this word has nothing to do with him.

He subconsciously cleared his throat, and replied with a forced calm: "That girl, although her mouth is not forgiving, her driving skills are still good. The key is that she doesn't like me."

Na Lan asked in surprise and helplessness: "You don't like her if she doesn't like you?"

How can a person who is obsessed with himself to the extreme like someone who doesn't like him?It's no wonder Na Lan was so surprised.

When Wen Xue was mentioned, Gao Shuai was always inexplicably excited, and excitedly explained the reason to Na Lan.

"Under normal circumstances, I definitely don't like such a person. But she is different. She is my driver and must be with me all the time. She doesn't like me. It is safe to stay with me. I don't want to have A nympho works around me. Also, I don't think she's a gossip."

"What do you think? If I remember correctly, you haven't known her for 24 hours, right?" Na Lan looked suspicious.

Gao Shuai smiled slightly, changed from his old hippie, and said with a sense of realization: "Knowing a person, getting to know a person, often takes a long time. Some people are good at disguising, and you may not be able to recognize him for the rest of your life , and some people are straightforward and have a heart like a mirror, and you can tell at a glance that they are people who can talk to each other."

Na Lan, who was watching the show, suddenly looked serious and fell silent.

I'm used to seeing the cynical Gao Shuai, it's the first time I've seen him look so young and mature.

Rong Yu, who was silent as an audience member, couldn't help interjecting: "Hearing what you said, I want to meet her. I'm really curious about what kind of person she is that can make you give such a high evaluation."

Not only Rong Yu, but Xiaoyu was also very curious. It was really rare for Gao Shuai to speak highly of someone.

Just a few casual words of truth caused everyone's strong reaction, Gao Shuai couldn't react, he was silent for a long time before speaking: "That little girl has a poisonous mouth, but she is still pretty, don't look at her as fierce Yes, it's actually quite kind."

Obviously he was introducing Wen Xue, but Gao Shuai actually looked proud, which aroused Rong Yu and Xiao Yu's curiosity even more, but Na Lan stared out the window blankly, looking out of place.

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