Su Yuntian stopped in front of Zhao Bonian, and said solemnly and respectfully: "Uncle Zhao, let the performing arts company handle the artist's affairs. There is no need to trouble the chairman with such trivial matters. Otherwise, the chairman will really think it is What do you think of me as the general manager being unfavorable in handling affairs?"

Su Yuntian looked at Zhao Bonian seriously, waiting for her reply.

Unable to see Zhao Bonian's heart, he nodded slightly and replied: "Boss Su is right, there is no need to alert the chairman of such a trivial matter, and I will urge the performing arts company to manage its artists well."

Su Yuntian nodded slightly, as if he was relieved.

Zhao Bonian continued: "As far as I know, the chairman trusts Mr. Su and recognizes your ability."

Su Yuntian said calmly: "Thank you, Uncle Zhao, for your help."

Zhao Bonian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and replied: "Boss Su is flattering you, I just did some things that are part of my job. If Boss Su has no other orders, I'll go to work first."

Su Yuntian nodded, and watched Zhao Bonian leave the office, guessing his real intention for bringing up this matter.

The scene of the event.

As soon as he saw Na Lan, Gao Shuai happily ran over and asked eagerly, "Sister, where did the new driver girl go?"

Na Lan thought that Gao Shuai was so happy because he saw him, and he was quite happy.

As soon as Gao Shuai opened his mouth, his good mood was instantly extinguished, and he replied angrily, "I've already arrived at my destination, why are you still looking for a driver?"

Gao Shuai didn't pay attention to Nalan's emotional changes, and imitated Nalan's usual tone of admonishing him, and said, "Did she ask you for leave? If she didn't ask for leave, then she must be taught a lesson. How dare you be late, do you still think about it?" done?"

Na Lan looked at Gao Shuai as if she were a stranger, this was the first time she saw Gao Shuai as a strict boss.

Nalan looked down at the phone, and said slowly: "Don't tell me, I really don't want to do it anymore."

"Ah?" Gao Shuai was shocked.

"She sent me a message in the early morning to say that she has important matters and can't continue to work." Nalan replied.

Gao Shuai asked angrily: "How can she come and leave as soon as she says? Who does she think of me?"

"I still want to ask you, are you bullying others?" Nalan asked back.

Gao Shuai was a little guilty, pretending to be pitiful and said: "Sister, we are a family, you can't treat outsiders."

Nalan didn't like this, and asked instead: "When you enter our door, you are all a family, and I don't take sides with anyone. If it weren't for you for going too far, would they rush to resign in the middle of the night? Also, why is she You only get off work in the middle of the night. Am I not going to let you go home in the afternoon? What the hell are you doing?"

Not wanting to be scolded by Na Lan, Gao Shuai hurriedly changed the subject: "It's just a driver, if you don't come, you won't come. Don't talk about her, I'm going to work."

Fearing that Na Lan would continue to question and reveal the itinerary of last night, Gao Shuai just wanted to run away, but was stopped by Na Lan, so he had to stand still.

"The director called and asked you to return to the group today, and the script will not be changed."

Thinking it was a violent storm, Na Lan changed the subject, and Gao Shuai exclaimed again: "Ah?"

"Ah, what? I heard that President Su didn't want to affect the progress of the filming, so the director made the most of it. You should restrain yourself in the future, no matter how reasonable you are, you can't mess around. If you really make trouble in the group, we will be in trouble, you know?"

Gao Shuai didn't think he was fooling around, but he didn't dare to contradict Na Lan, so he reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Not daring to stay too long, he quickly went to Rong Yu for makeup.

Watching him walk away, Nalan murmured in a low voice: "Little boy, dare to do it but not admit it, and even dare to beat him up, let's see how I deal with you."

Wen Xue nestled leisurely in the hanging chair, sipping delicious black coffee and watching the latest movie, feeling very comfortable.

The funny plot made her cry from laughter. When she was picking up a tissue, she inadvertently glanced at the mobile phone on the table, and suddenly thought of Editor-in-Chief Nan. Now, she couldn't laugh anymore.

She turned off the movie, stared at the phone and stared blankly.

Although it was imperative to quit Hua Peacock, Editor-in-Chief Nan was kind enough to help her and cared so much about this matter, she should have said hello to Editor-in-Chief Nan first anyway.

In the auditorium, Na Lan was watching the rehearsal when her cell phone rang suddenly.

After answering the phone, Nalan took the initiative to say: "Is it because of Wen Xue's business? Don't worry, I have no influence here."

Na Lan's character has always been straightforward, let alone with her close friends, there is no need to make detours at all.

"That's good. Just now Wen Xue called me and told me about the situation. She is not a temperamental person, and she must have made such a decision for a last resort. She doesn't want to talk, and I can't ask. I just want to ask you , Did she say anything to you?" Nan Xin's tone was obviously worried.

Nalan was slightly startled, and replied casually: "I didn't say anything, I just sent a message saying that I couldn't come due to something."

Nan Xin was a little disappointed when she didn't get the answer she wanted, and asked softly, "I'm curious, who did you arrange for her to be the driver?"

A trace of panic flashed by, and Na Lan replied in a low voice: "Gao Shuai."

Hearing this name, Nan Xin was so surprised that she fell silent.

Nalan explained in a panic: "It's like this, when Wen Xue came yesterday, Gao Shuai just broke into my office, so I just arranged Wen Xue for him."

Nan Xin's expression has returned to normal, and her gentleness is still the same: "It's okay, it doesn't matter who you are, I'm just curious." After a pause, she continued: "The protagonist of her work this time is an actor, and she needs to find out through experience. Some inspiration and materials. She is a very serious and responsible person, and she will never give up voluntarily. I guess, there may be some problems when she gets along with Gao Shuai. I want to persuade her to go back, but... I want to Can you arrange another artist for her, please?"

Nalan was a little upset, this was the first time Nanxin said the word "please" to her.

"Xin'er, I'm very upset when you say that. Your business is my business. You actually said something to me, please. It makes me feel that there is a lot of difference between us."

Nan Xin smiled, and hurriedly apologized: "I was wrong. I'm not doing things for others. If it was my own business, I definitely wouldn't say that."

Only then did Nalan smile with satisfaction, and said, "That's about the same. You can ask her to call me. This time, I'll let her choose."

In fact, Wen Xue told Na Lan the reason for her resignation very directly. To be precise: it was not Wen Xue who was resigning, but Gao Shuai was resigned.

The reason why she didn't tell Nan Xin was because she thought that the reason for all this was that she shouldn't have assigned Wen Xue to Gao Shuai in the first place; the reason why she didn't tell Gao Shuai was that she was worried that this guy would be irritated.

Cheng Jingshen finished his work quickly and returned home.

This was the first time he went home during working hours, and it was also the first time he wanted to go home so eagerly.

Back home, Cheng Jingshen did not go upstairs to find Ye Muyun immediately, but first asked Aunt Li for news.

"Is Yun'er still sleeping?"

"No, Miss Ye woke up not long after you went out."

Cheng Jingshen was stunned for a moment, Ye Muyun didn't contact him, he thought Ye Muyun was still asleep, and with Ye Muyun's character, it was impossible to stay quietly.

Cheng Jingshen was a little worried, and asked Aunt Li: "Has she eaten? Did she say anything?"

Aunt Li replied truthfully: "Miss Ye had some breakfast, but she ate very little. She just asked where you were, and then she didn't speak again. When I went to collect the dishes just now, I saw her sitting by the window, She seemed to be thinking about something, so she didn't bother her any more."

Think about things quietly?This was not the Ye Muyun that Cheng Jingshen knew, he couldn't help but became more worried, and immediately went upstairs quickly.

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