Sophie He closed the website after thinking about it, locked the security measures of the website and her computer information, and started writing a book. She picked up her quilt and took a sip of water. The water emptied and fell to the ground. Feihe wanted to pick it up, but the computer fell directly on the ground and got water. Sophie He hurriedly wiped it with paper. After a while, the screen of the computer went black. Sophie He frowned as she looked at the computer. Bad luck.

It was raining outside, but the computer was like this. Sophie He had no choice but to dry the computer and put it in her computer bag. She took her mobile phone and backpack and umbrella and went out. Ling Wenyi, who was asleep, did not hear Noise, so I don't know that Sophie went out.

Sophie He went to the bus stop, and when she got on the bus, she heard the driver next to her say, put away the umbrella, but Sophie He didn't do it but was stunned for a moment, the louder voice made Sophie He After reacting, he put away the umbrella and sat in the back.

"Master, you are really a man of temperament! I will get off at the next stop, thank you."

The driver smiled and said, "Girl, there are many good cars in this city, why do you bother to take this bus?"Why does he feel that she is scolding him for this temperamental person?Hence the words.

Sophie Ho is helpless!She also wants to make a luxury car!If she wanted to, there would be a few luxury cars lined up to pick her up, but these trivial things don't need such a big fight!Su Feihe can only say one thing, there are so many good cars but none of them suit me, besides, I am used to squeezing the bus.

Hearing this, the driver opened his mouth and said, "It's another poor girl." The driver's anger suddenly disappeared, and he felt sorry for Sophie He. What he heard meant that I don't have the money to buy so many cars. , I can barely replace walking by squeezing the bus, and I am used to such days.

After a few people had chatted with these few words, they arrived at the station. Sophie He got out of the car and said thank you to the driver, and walked inside with an umbrella. Sophie He first went to see a house, but the door was closed, so she went to the station. I went to the one where I bought the computer, a little further inside, because she needed it urgently, so she walked over.

The inside is still very big, there are two facades, she called Mr. Guo, but no one was tough, but Su Feihe walked over, and saw a 1.6-meter man talking on the phone there, there is no mistake, this person is Mr. Guo , Guo Zhizhu.

"Mr. Guo, so you are here! Quickly help me, this computer is broken."

The man read Su Feihe's words, he walked over, picked up the computer, and looked at it. After reading it, Guo Zhizhu said directly: "I can't fix your computer if it's flooded. If you go to Tokyo, you need to pay 30 yuan for the shipping fee! I will tell you how much it will be repaired later on.”

Sophie He agreed without even thinking about it, said yes, and left. She walked to a coffee shop and sat down, explaining to Lu Ying, this is what she said, my computer is broken Yes, you can act as an agent for the website. Let me know what order you want to take first. Lu Ying said directly, "Good sister He, Sophie He ordered a cup of coffee and sat down to type."

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in Su Feihe's eyes. She walked over slowly. When Su Feihe saw her, she smiled lightly. Her happy and lively appearance once again made Su Feihe envious , that's right, it was Ling Wenjing who walked over.

"Sister-in-law? Sister-in-law, you are here so well, where is my brother?"

After the last kiss, Ling Wenjing finally knew who Su Feihe was. She never imagined that the writer she liked was her sister-in-law?Ling Wenjing felt that her brother was great, having such an excellent sister-in-law.

"Your brother is already asleep, Jinger, why are you here? You should be in a better mood!"

Ling Wenjing thought of what Su Feihe had done for her, so Ling Wenjing hugged Su Feihe and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you for making Li Junhao pay the price." Su Feihe nodded calmly after hearing this, She always felt very sorry for her, putting her in the hotel caused such a shadow to her.

"A scumbag who does such a thing really has to pay the price."

As soon as Su Feihe finished speaking, she took a sip of coffee in her hand. At this moment, a person came from outside. That person was Li Junhao. Since he was rescued by Zhang Hu, he would come to this coffee shop to drink coffee every day. A cup of coffee, coming and going has become a habit.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Speaking of Ling Wenjing, she wanted to go up and beat Li Junhao up. Seeing Ling Wenjing's appearance, Su Feihe grabbed her hand and said, "Let's be forgiving, let's go!" Ling Wenjing looked Seeing that Su Feihe was serious, he left here with Su Feihe, but when Li Junhao saw the two people, he immediately stopped them, his face was full of anger, if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't have become In this way, the Li family will not suffer from falling into a position above the Su family...

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