This sentence caused Wang Jing to fall into deep thought, there is nothing wrong, this is Lao Wang’s grandson, named Wang Jing, Su Feihe continued: “But I have a friend who can introduce you, as long as you are willing to worship him as a teacher .”

Su Feihe's words made Wang look at Su Feihe in amazement, who is she talking about?As long as you are willing to worship him as a teacher?Is he very powerful?Is it better than Mr. Tang and his grandfather?Wang Jing was a little curious about that person when he thought of this.

"Is he there and I can see him?"

Su Feihe smiled and said: "Okay, we will meet at this coffee shop at [-] o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and remember to bring chess." Wang Jing must be very happy!So after saying good words, Su Feihe nodded and walked outside. This matter finally came to an end.

Su Feihe walked to the school gate and saw Ling Wenyi, Ling Wenyi walked up to Su Feihe and said, "Do you know how long I have been waiting for you here?" Su Feihe didn't speak when she heard this, but walked forward .

He meant that he would report to her wherever he went in the future?If they were a real couple, then she could say, but they were just a deal, why should she tell her what she did there?Thinking of this, Su Feihe didn't want to pay attention to Ling Wenyi, they were just a deal, not a real couple.

Su Feihe bought something on the side of the road, and as soon as she got home, she went upstairs and locked herself in the room. Ling Wenyi suddenly felt that women were strange, and she seemed to have said nothing wrong!If Su Feihe heard it, she just wanted to say that there is something called emotional intelligence.

Sophie He turned on her computer, looked at her mobile phone, and suddenly received a message. It was Tang Yanfeng who was right. He said that he would go back to Donghai City to accompany He Yi back on Friday evening. Sophie He originally wanted to find Huang Lu's, but thinking of Huang Lu teaching a child to be impatient, and thinking of the last time Huang Lu taught a child to play chess, he directly let the child commit suicide by jumping off the building. Thinking of these things, she dared not let him teach, but Tang Yanfeng's news Solved her urgent need.

So Su Feihe told Tang Yanfeng about the matter, Tang Yanfeng did not refuse, but agreed, and said a good word, at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Su Feihe knew it was Ling Wenyi, so she turned off the computer Going out and opening the door, what she saw was Ling Wenyi making noodles for her to eat, Su Feihe smiled and said, "Boss Ling can cook?"

"Try it! See how it tastes?"

Ling Wenyi said it very calmly, and Su Feihe felt that there was a ghost. He must have something to ask for her. Sophie He cut to the point and said, "Tell me! What do you want me to do?" Ling Wenyi looked at her in disbelief. Sophie Ho, is she so smart?He knew right away that he had something to ask her.

"It's like this, the top ten family gatherings, it's the Gu family this year, on Friday night..."

Ling Wenyi looked at Su Feihe hesitantly, with a cautious expression for fear that Su Feihe would disagree, so Su Feihe looked at the face in his hand and said, "Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow night." Su Feihe didn't agree Knowing what will happen, but she will definitely accompany him, she thinks that Tang Yanfeng's return to Donghai City should be more than just accompanying He Yi!

"You shouldn't have eaten it! Eat the noodles and go to rest!"

Su Feihe's words seemed to have magical powers, making Ling Wenyi nod and walk down with the noodles. It wasn't until he finished eating that Ling Wenyi realized, didn't he make this noodles for her?
Sophie He locked the door, turned on the computer again, looked at the order inside, and suddenly saw a funny one, Mo Tianxiang is very courageous!Do you want the old man of the Mo family to step down in front of so many people?Would he be sure to persuade her to help?However, Mo Tianxiang moved out of Mo Binliang, which made Su Feihe plan to help him.

There are all the bad things that the old man of the Mo family has done on the list, and there is also a lot of evidence. I hope she can help, and the reward is 30. What she wants to do is to make a video of these evidence and release it on the day of the party.

He wanted to take over Mr. Mo's side, which made Su Feihe understandable, but what's the matter with Su Yifang?Because there is another order that says that Su Yifang of the Su family injured his younger brother's arm and dealt with her, and the reward is 100 million...

Sophie Ho is helpless!What the hell is this guy thinking?Su Yifang let her be disabled anyway!Isn't that enough?Besides, Su Yifang's words are still useful for her to keep, and she has to take her time. If she wanted Su Yifang to die, she would have killed her long ago. She has to take her time to achieve the effect she wants. , so she can't take this order.

So she took the last order and deleted Su Yifang's order. It would be a good choice for the head of the Mo family to become Mo Tianxiang. He has a good relationship with Mo Binliang, and Mo Binliang can gain a foothold in the Mo family.

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