Fortunately, among the awakened human beings, there are also strong ones. One by one, they turned into human charge-cutting figures, and directly carried out the counter-charge.

This boosts the morale of the humans on the battlefield, especially when some of those rifles shatter these amazingly flexible alien octopuses!

It seems that these octopuses are not invincible, nor are they made of steel, and they can also be penetrated by bullets, although they must be of a large caliber of 12.7 mm.

But anyway, this is an achievement, isn't it? Humans are still experimenting with more advanced pulse guns. Some teams are equipped with them, but most of them are ordinary firearms.

So it's just a morale boosting effect, but it's enough.

Under the impact of the awakened ones, the crushing momentum of the octopus aliens was completely stopped. Suddenly, on the magnificent battlefield, the human momentum was like a rainbow. It was staged and transmitted to the TV through the live camera, which touched countless people in an instant. It is really the light of mankind.

When this human epic scene was staged, the commander of the octopus alien couldn't help it.

Originally, it was enough for him to watch his cubs wreck and rot at the back with peace of mind, because he didn't feel any threat at all, but he didn't expect that this little reptile could make a splash.

"Badanmu, go and deal with it." The leader sat on a suspended throne and ordered to one of his unusually tall subordinates.

"Yes, leader!" Badam knelt down and agreed, and the next moment, he rushed towards the human awakened like a bull.

At this time, several meteor-like fireballs appeared in the sky, rushing towards the spaceship from a high altitude, as if they wanted to penetrate the entire spaceship.

Zhai Nan recognized it, this shit-yellow flamboyant outfit doesn't need to be guessed, it's 287% a dung beetle war, no, it's a golden saint!It seems that they should be top-notch, and there is no such thing as the Taurus Gold Saint who awakened his strength some time ago and has an attribute value of [-]. That would be too embarrassing, Goddess of Wisdom's brain might not only be commanding, but should also be flooded.

The octopus leader glanced at his subordinates.

"Peanut, you go"

"Yes, leader!" A female octopus with no characteristics, but with an obviously delicate waist, which fits her peanut name very well, took the lead.

After that, it flew into the sky and went straight to those "shooting stars"!
Looking at the calm expression of the octopus leader, everyone knew that this was a sign of confidence.

"Boom!" The sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

The octopus leader laughed, and a fist was blocked in front of him.

His own arms supported the opponent's fist.There is only one body position away from my own head.

And behind him, there was also a dagger blocked by his men, which was also at the same distance.

"Raisin, pistachio, hello." The octopus leader calmly gave orders to his two men who were resisting.

"Yes! Leader!" The two men responded and then directly engaged the attacking humans!

And these two people who have planned for a long time are not small, the two of them are the two highest combat powers in the free country.

This man with bare hands has sharp edges, fair skin, starry eyebrows and sharp eyes, and his hair has a natural hook. He is called a free man!He is about to be 40 years old and is ranked tied for second in the world!On the same level as Wang Jianguo.

The eyes can emit laser light, and awaken strength, speed, and natural elemental wind at the same time. It is very rare for ordinary people to awaken one of them, and he is a super awakener with the superposition of these four abilities!
It’s just like the Superman in Zhai Nan’s previous comics, but his temper is not like Superman’s, but he is very domineering. Even if he has fought against Wang Jianguo a few times and didn’t gain any advantage, he still preaches that Wang Jianguo is not as good as him at all, boasting Typical.And this person's lecherousness is beyond the charts!Inherited the fine traditions of the Saru people!
And another young white girl with a dagger, called Carona, actually has a number of 19, because she was created by a biological experiment, but the government of the free country will never recognize this bloody and criminal experiment. , so everyone only knows that her name is Carona, and she is a rare ability awakener. The ability to awaken is space, and the ability to flash is within a certain range. As a result, her dagger is very powerful and threatening. It is said that the deaths of many leaders of small countries or politicians who do not listen to the leadership of the free country have a lot to do with her!

In any case, at this moment they should have come to the battlefield from a human point of view, and Zhai Nan still felt that he should cheer them on and applaud them. After all, if they can be delayed for a while, the more casualties will be.

Our Lady?For all mankind?Whether it is the old world or this world, fewer people from the Xia Kingdom died due to various wars, pressure, and even interference in the Free Country?Just on the battlefield of Bangzi Country, 30 heroes died heroically. Why should you help them so generously?Anyone who has the ability can just accept it if he doesn't like it. Anyway, Zhai Nan supports him and that's it.

At this time, the TV was cut into several pictures one after another. The cameras with the temporary structure started to work, and they were also aimed at the sub-battlefields of these super-awakened human beings. Hit the octopus star's face hard!

The awakened human beings are indeed fighting for their spirits, especially the strong suppression (group fights) of the "Golden Saints" on Almond, which makes people feel like beating a dog in the water.

The free men over there had the complete upper hand, and seeing Peanut's state, he almost couldn't hold it anymore.

Here, Pistachio was wounded several times by Corolla's elusive daggers, but instead of panicking, he kept a weird smile on his face!
"It's over!" Mowan said while watching the TV.

Zhai Nan agrees with this statement very much, because even if the camera position promotes how humans come, the octopuses on the opposite side obviously have not exerted their strength at all.

It seems that the other party is just testing the level of the awakened humans on the human side, or they are trying to prevent the awakened humans from dying too quickly, which is no fun!
At this time, Almond, who had been under fire from the "shit yellow" fighters, finally dealt with the first wave of fire from the fighters.

Just now the fighters were going to go straight to Huanglong, but they were intercepted by the other party because of the momentum of their impact just now. To put it bluntly, it was after being kicked to the ground (this paragraph was pinched and not broadcast)!Several people decided on a joint action strategy on the spot, and first deal with this octopus star who looks a little special in size.

Several fighters popped out their exclusive weapons, and after Libra shouted "Look at the sword", he turned the tiger away from the mountain.He rushed forward with a vigorous step, raised his sword and stabbed!
Seeing that the opponent did not dodge, and even used his own limbs to catch his sword, the Libra Saint felt that he should occupy a place in the documentary of mankind's victory against aliens!

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