A video conference about the fate of the human beings on the Celestial Star was held quickly.

Among the participants, the main opinion of the Free Country and Free Continent countries is resistance, and many countries, including Xia Guo, support it.After all, anyone who is sensible knows what it means to have cold lips and teeth.

However, some shit-stirring sticks are still cautious, or observe first. After all, the opponent’s civilization is not to mention the crushing level. A member, it is also in the fundamental interests of mankind to test it first, and then declare war and surrender based on the results.

When this point of view was made in line with the appeasement of a western country, the countries in the free continent looked at the head of the country as if they were breathing fire again. The most annoying thing is that many countries really agreed. The meeting reached an impasse.

The first one-hour urgent consultation ended without a problem, and soon, the results of the meeting were leaked by some people, which caused a big discussion all over the world!

Some people think that we should strongly resist resistance, or even take the initiative to attack. After all, everyone should think about their own children and grandchildren. When they are reduced to slaves and controlled, is it the result we want?

Some people believe that coexistence with alien life forms is also an opportunity for human beings. Contacting higher civilizations and taking the initiative to succumb may save the cultural spark of human beings and prevent them from being directly obliterated.If human beings can sublimate and finally coexist with alien life forms, it can be regarded as promoting the progress of human beings.

Of course, this process means that there must be a lot of sacrifices, but overall there is hope.

These two factions are the resistance faction and the appeasement faction. The most controversial point between the two groups is, who should be sacrificed?Why should he be sacrificed, and why should these sacrificed people be abandoned like this? !
The two groups were quarreling fiercely!They used all sorts of dirty words and insults, it was so lively.

Afterwards, the second round of emergency consultations became public. After all, even Free State began to split opinions. This time, there was obviously one more representative of Free State, an appeaser.

In the end, with the active participation of netizens around the world, the appeasers actually won the final vote! ! !
This is really an eye-opener for Zhai Nan, the political correctness and the compromise of the bourgeoisie are vividly reflected!Xia Guo and Mao Ziguo immediately turned off the video, which made them angry, but they had no choice but to let the appeasement faction explore the way. At the same time, the two heads of state had also immediately started emergency preparations. Outsiders, after all, were unreliable!
At noon that day, the Free State decided to announce its decision to the alien life forms, but made some demands.

As a result, the octopus overturned the table on the spot, and directly killed a few people cleanly, even if it was the standard blond beauty among humans with flaming red lips, but people didn't care about this thing, it was annoying to watch, and directly swept their heads with their tentacles !
"There are still requirements for fuel cells?! It's a garbage evolutionary creature, and it doesn't understand any rules!" These pictures, especially the last sentence, were captured by the dedicated video recorder, and spread to all corners of Tianxing.

At this time, some biological experts made a special science popularization of what is called "fuel cell", which is similar to what is described in a film called The Matrix. It is to put people in related liquids and release certain stimuli to make people generate bioelectricity. Although the energy level of this kind of electric energy is relatively low, it can mainly be regenerated continuously, that is, for human reproduction to make new batteries. It is conceivable what status human beings have in the eyes of these octopus.

As a result, the appeasement faction was completely cast aside by people, "Give up your illusions and prepare for war!" became the catchphrase of the Tianxing people.

The years of patriotic brainwashing education in the free country have also played a certain role. People no longer commit crimes like crazy. Of course, there is still some garbage that cannot be stopped.However, most people waited for the call of the government of the free country and prepared to attack the spacecraft.

The aircraft and aircraft of the countries that can support have also taken off, carrying various missiles.

The Awakened and a state-supported Awakened also gathered on the coast of Rocky Mountain City, preparing for the largest war in human history and the first space war against aggression in human history.

"May God bless the free country!" After the incumbent president finished praying, he gave an order, and the plane missiles fired directly, and the awakened ones took the initiative to attack!

With missiles, energy cannons, and bullets all over the sky, the awakened ones began to attack!
"It's really like a blockbuster movie!" Looking at the realistic shooting on the battlefield, Zhai Nan felt that at this moment, at least the human spirit is worth remembering forever.

It would be bad luck if he didn’t like the free country. After all, there are not many good people there. Zhai Nan really wanted to help them solve this super-large spaceship.

It's a pity that it's just a commendable spirit!
A super electromagnetic pulse wave was suddenly released from the spaceship, and all the missiles and aircraft were all disabled by the pulse. If it weren't for the manual ejection, it is estimated that none of the pilots present would survive!

This is the case with high-tech things. Although it is a fool-like operation, once it encounters an electromagnetic impact, it will basically turn into scrap metal, which is very fragile.

At this time, relatively speaking, bullets and shells are the most effective. They follow the laws of physics and directly attack the energy shield of the spaceship. Even if they do not cause any damage, they can still consume a wave of shields. People can only comfort themselves like this Own.

Under the impact of this electromagnetic wave, the TV signal lost all of a sudden. Fortunately, there were awakened people who had awakened the signal ability at the scene and took the initiative to act as a humanoid signal tower, so the signal was quickly restored. Otherwise, there is no waste ability, only What about trash people!
After the screen was switched on, humans saw countless hatch openings suddenly appeared on the alien spacecraft, and countless octopuses appeared from such openings, and began to land on their aircraft.

It seems that they didn't want to destroy Tianxing, but no one knows why. It may be that they cherish the base of fuel cells, and their energy is not enough, otherwise they would not have landed on this barren planet.

Of course, if it weren't for rushing to find the place where the super energy waves emanating from this galaxy, the octopuses would not consume energy so quickly!
The culprit, Zhai Nan, didn't know all of this. Of course, it didn't matter if he knew, he would even applaud where they landed!If you have the ability, it is better to lie down directly, and the world may become peaceful.

That's right, Zhai Nan is so narrow-minded!
The octopuses are still in high-tech battle suits. If the octopuses' heads are not too obvious, and there are too many eight limbs, the difference from humans is not too obvious.

But the strength is so much stronger, ordinary people can't escape the fate of being directly blown out of the head, only those who have awakened some abilities and can put a layer of elemental armor on themselves can withstand them quickly and powerfully hit.

But there were too many of them, and it was like a one-sided massacre at first!

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