"We found relevant experts and set up a special team. From the moment Shenlong appeared, we began to conduct various data analysis, conduct scientific demonstrations and detailed comparisons, and found that all the behaviors and behaviors of Shenlong, including speech, were different. Full of human social characteristics, we have reason to believe that Shenlong should have human friends, otherwise she would not be so adaptable to human thinking logic, and it is even impossible to speak the language of Xia Kingdom so fluently, even if she is Shenlong, she may have her own talent."

"You mean there are humans behind Shenlong, no, Shenlong has human friends, or to be bolder, there may be someone behind Shenlong controlling everything?"

"I don't dare to talk about manipulation, because there has not been such a strong energy field fluctuation so far. It can only be said to be guidance and indoctrination. At least it has a very good relationship with Shenlong. We boldly speculate that Shenlong should have crossed here by accident and then met friends And this friend loves his country very, very much, so he has done a lot of subtle work, so that Shenlong at least has no hostility towards us, and even cooperates with us very much."

"So, patriotic education is really very useful," Wang Jianguo continued, "because you don't know what the causal logic will eventually evolve into. The butterfly effect applies to everything."

"That's right. It seems that the education department also needs to be replaced. Who do you think is suitable?"

"——" Wang Jianguo was choked by the sudden words. Besides, Wang Jianguo had never been involved in such stormy issues.

"Of course, we should choose people who are recognized by everyone and you also think that they can shoulder this mission." Wang Jianguo could only guess what he said under the direct gaze.

"If the chief needs it, I can't do it." Wang Jianguo saw that his eyes hadn't changed, and he knew that something must happen to him!

"Just waiting for your words!" I was overjoyed in my heart, but remained calm on the surface.

"Forget it. As the president of the Ability University and also the director of the Ability Management Bureau, your task is very heavy, and you still need to continue to undertake it. So, what do you think of Helan Mountain?"

Wang Jianguo said to the leader, I just trained one, and you just took it away, how about it?Of course it's not good, but how can you refuse?This is a promotion, and it is a signal that the ability manager is really about to step onto the stage of history.

So that night, He Lanshan, who was so busy and overwhelmed, received the notice in a daze, and was promoted to be the person in charge of Xia Guo's education, and at the same time, he was also the principal of the Ability University.

"Wang Jianguo, you are exhausting me!!!" He Lanshan hated it, and he was 1 unhappy in his heart, because he really didn't like to be involved in this kind of thing, so he might as well inspect the supplies at the temporary base on the beach The joy, that sense of accomplishment is better than anything else!
Fortunately, Wang Jianguo came back that night and talked to his old friend, saying that there should be various persuasion methods in terms of politics, economy, and humanities.

In the end, after half a truckload of monster blood, five truckloads of monster corpses, and agreeing to various seemingly unequal conditions next time, He Lanshan flew away overnight to report work with a red face.

"It seems that we have to cultivate another wave of tough leeks!" Wang Jianguo thought to himself. It used to be a very easy task to put out fires every day, but now he has to do everything by himself.

Fortunately, Wang Jianguo was witty. When he left, he proposed to the leaders to set up the Xia Guo National Defense Awakened University. The supplies were also in place as promised just now, and because Neverland was not very dangerous, let the soldiers and the Ability Management Bureau cooperate. In-depth homework.All the soldiers present saluted him, and Wang Jianguo was a little embarrassed.

The person in charge of the army promised to vacate a military headquarters overnight, quickly improve all the facilities, and try to set up the shelf within a week! ! !
Wang Jianguo didn't have any political revenge, he just wanted to live a more comfortable life, but he didn't expect that before he left, the big bosses would greet him with greetings. Fortunately, Wang Jianguo has a family, otherwise there must be more than one person who would match him!Even if he looks like that!

The army directly announced the establishment of the Ability Defender University within a week.

Only the Ability Management Bureau and related fighters can enter and exit!
The sects that supported the official received relevant notices. After gathering overnight, they boarded the official space vehicle and were about to take off to the moon base at any time. It was announced to the outside world that a regular rotation would be carried out.

As for personnel changes, there was no announcement. After all, they are all acting as substitutes now, and formal acceptance of fate requires a set of procedures.

Zhai Nan, who is playing games at home, is the most confused person. He lies down at home and counts the numbers in the sky!

"Ding! The host sets off and completes the otaku's wish mission! Mission description - which otaku doesn't want to be the mastermind behind the scenes!? Reward the host to add 10 points to all attribute points!"

"Ding! Set off and complete the otaku's wish mission! Mission description - to plan a strategy to win thousands of miles away! Which otaku doesn't want to clear some garbage out of the team easily?! Reward the host with 10 attribute points!"

"Ding! Trigger and complete the otaku's wish mission! Mission description—Which Zhai Nan doesn't want to become a mysterious boss. People can't guess, touch, or see?! Reward the host with 50 attribute points!!"

"Ding! Set off and complete the mission of the otaku's wish. The mission description - an otaku who is not patriotic, is an otaku who has not escaped the vulgar taste, is an otaku who has no noble moral sentiments, such a person is a waste otaku! Feelings are very simple, do what you can Just do what you want, don’t force anything! Reward the host with 50 attribute points!!!”

"Ding! Trigger and complete the otaku's wish mission! Mission description - Rise first and then rise, and finally the entire human race rises! Which otaku doesn't want to change the fate of the race with a single gesture! All attribute points are 10!!!"

"Ding! Trigger and finish—"

He completed eight or nine missions in one breath, which made Zhai Nan really a bit baffled!

Fortunately, the reminder sounded for a while and then it was over. Zhai Nan frowned and felt that the written test was not easy. What should I do? Switch skills and perform prophetic deduction to lose hair? !Or continue to lie down and play your favorite game as if nothing happened!

"Hi!" Zhai Nan sighed!It's so hard to choose!

Zhai Nan decided to lie down with difficulty and continue the difficult game.

"What's the matter?" Qingzi, who was already lying on the sofa next to Zhai Nan, saw that the young master seemed unhappy, and asked with concern.

Zhai Nan sat up quickly!

"Haruko, our flashlight may be broken again!"

Haruko remained silent, bowed her head and blushed!
Here, Zhai Nan is not ashamed or ashamed, but the stars outside of Xia Kingdom are in a mess.

The wording of the dead fish and the net broke made the world quiet for a while.

Many countries have begun to realize that Xia Guo may really rise this time, and they can't do anything now, because Xia Guo is not like the countries in the Arab world. He is not only strong, but also really powerful. Weapons of mass destruction are really not washing powder!

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