I am invincible after living in a house for five years

Chapter 36, There is a price but no market

"There are so many materials, why don't we share some of them, after all, we are a big country, so we don't have to be so stingy." The person in charge of the propaganda department said.

This time it was no longer the silence of death, but the silence of fire. Everyone, including the head of the education department who had just echoed, stopped talking and stared at him.

"What's the matter? Isn't it always the way to publicize to the outside world?" The person in charge of the publicity department felt that something was wrong.

"Old Jiang, you've reached your age, and it's really not easy to get to where you are today." He said in a calm tone, without any tone or attitude.

In his mind, the leader had already classified Chiang Kai-shek as Jiu Mo Zhi - Jiu Zhi Mo - or Zhi Mo Jiu. It didn't matter, but he definitely didn't have any brains in his head!Because if the person who said this doesn’t have a problem, then he must be completely brainless! ! !

Is this a matter of having a lot of supplies now?The important discovery this time is comparable to those advertised. More than 20 billion people are not enough. What kind of family do you think Xia Guo has?What?Any information on this island cannot be made public, just say so much to the outside world, do you still want to divide it?Aren't you having shit in your head?Anyway, the chief didn't want to see him again.

"I propose to remove Lao Jiang from his position as the person in charge of propaganda work, and at the same time ask the relevant departments to do a good job in the resignation audit work!" No one objected to this proposal.

Moreover, the word 'good' was made out of a sound that was neither long nor short, and the meaning of it was implicitly expressed by the person in charge of the relevant department that he understood it.

Someone clapped their hands, and the door opened quickly. Under the signal of the leader, several plainclothes soldiers outside pulled Manager Jiang out professionally, without even making any sound, which was quite miraculous.

"Then let Jianguo continue to report."

Wang Jianguo pretended that none of this happened, and promised to continue reporting.

"The report just now is only part of it. There are still some excavated materials below. I will explain to you later."

"Our experts found a dark lake under the corpse when they were moving the corpse. It was a dark lake formed by the infiltration of too much liquid in the natural karst cave. Deep and irregular in width, the widest part is more than 200 meters, and the narrowest part is about 300 meters."

"Dark lake? Is there something worthy of your attention?" one of them asked.

"It is currently the most valuable in World of Warcraft, the blood of Warcraft!"

"Are you sure?!!!" I couldn't sit still on the spot, so I stood up and asked!
You must know that the most difficult thing to collect in the world of monsters and beasts is the blood of monsters, not only because animal blood has the highest medicinal value, but also because the amount that can be collected is really a drop in the bucket compared to the demand.

Once the Warcraft knows that it has no way out, it will blatantly choose to self-destruct, leaving only some residue to collect.Even if it is directly killed, it must be hit to the fatal point, but the blood is drained very quickly. These two reasons have led to the fact that the blood of Warcraft has always been the most precious thing in the World of Warcraft. In Tianxing, it is more valuable than gold, and There is a price but no market.

So if this is true, so much blood, astronomical or second, can strengthen the overall level of the awakened people of Xia Kingdom, which is a huge thing!
"I'm very sure, because some experts have identified it, and it's all high-level Warcraft blood that is rich in energy. We have tried our best to temporarily extract two full wagons and conducted a top-secret escort in preparation for further identification. !”

"Two cars?! What kind of cars? They can't be those cars on TV, right?"

"There are indeed two trucks like that. Because mining is a bit difficult, we can only withdraw two trucks!"

"Hurry up! Whoever hits me, I don't believe it's true!"

"Oh, it really hurts! Oh, it's real, it's real, it's not my hallucination!!!"

"This is really, really Huang Tian's blessing!!!"

This exclamation expressed the aspirations of everyone present, expressing all the sadness of the past! ! !

The atmosphere at the venue reached its climax, and some old people even shed tears. This kind of atmosphere made people unable to calm down for a long time.

"Now I want to report the most important thing, which is related to Shenlong and the orc tribe." Seeing that everyone's mood has stabilized a little, Wang Jianguo decided to continue reporting.

"Don't talk about it first, let me say something. I believe that the materials on this island will not be targeted for no reason, so let's not be idle, and draft a statement of refusal, rejecting all malicious speculation and cooperation! To all countries that have issued a joint statement Warning, explain the consequences, choose some small countries to cut off diplomatic relations directly. At the same time, give some loans to countries on grassland continents, and everything about Neverland is top secret! Select excellent fighters for intensive training, so that ordinary fighters are all ready for battle. The sect with disciples on the moon called and asked them to send top experts to the moon base, bring back all the young elites and ordinary people on duty, and at the same time ask them to cancel all tasks and wait for orders at any time. Make sure that our aircraft is on the sky and the moon There are at least two ships on duty in orbit at any time, and they will withdraw from the moon base at any time. The relevant personnel can leave directly and go to carry out the mission immediately! But please pay attention to confidentiality, this is a critical moment for the rise of the Xia Kingdom, please don’t let down the trust of the people of the Xia Kingdom !"

"At the same time, the Discipline Department directly launched Operation Thunder to eliminate all kinds of cancer. This matter was worked overtime. The legal system also carried out self-examination and self-correction overnight. Don't hesitate. Hesitating now is irresponsible to everyone in Xia Kingdom! !!”


"Please don't worry, Chief!"

"I'm leaving now!"

This time, more than half of the people left, leaving only Wang Jianguo and a representative of the military, and a few old comrades who did not move.

"Jianguo, you can continue talking. I'll ask someone to explain the content in detail to the person who just left."

"It's the chief, so I'll continue."

"Let me talk about the important thing first. We did find an abandoned temple. The various statues inside are exactly the same as the dragon. So I think the orc tribe will not target the dragon for no reason. It should indeed be related to the dragon. It should be true. Like they said, maybe the origin of civilization is here, at least this is a place where there was civilization."

"The orc sacrifice will be here tomorrow, should we let them go directly to the South China Sea, or how to arrange it?"

"Let them come directly. It's a blessing or a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. No one can be [-]% sure what the future will look like. We can only do our best."

"Well, I will go together tomorrow to see what will happen."

"It's fine for you to go, but don't leave my sight, let alone the moment of protection provided by the military, because you also know that some countries are really not safe. If it wasn't for the dragon to expose it, to be honest, I really I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Hey! There's nothing we can do about it. The enemy is too cunning. Moreover, our education and propaganda have really failed in recent years. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many animals that have forgotten their ancestors!" Speaking of this, I patted the table and was really angry!
"It's not that failed. At least, the Shenlong incident makes people feel like someone is adding fuel to the fire!" Wang Jianguo said calmly.

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