The soul is so simple, or in Zhai Nan's view, it is so simple, it's not that difficult, just peel off one of the fires!
Zhai Nan went directly to hold this ball in his hands!
"what have you done?!"

"Little Lord!"

The fire in Zhai Nan's hand was nothing but shocking!

Lao Wang had just regained control of his body, so he quickly admitted his mistake to Zhai Nan!

"It's okay, you go quickly, leave the phone number of the knight just now, and tell the outside what's going on here!" Zhai Nan had no intention of blaming Lao Wang and told him to do something.


Lao Wang stood up and left. His feet went weak and he almost gave Zhai Nan a bump!This is a sequelae!
To be honest, Lao Wang didn't have the slightest premonition at all just now, let alone resisted, and was "taken down" by the enemy just like that!

The strength gap is too big, let alone the right to choose, it is difficult to have any extension of your own, Lao Wang is really a little scared!
But thinking of such a strong "thing", the young master can handle it easily, the instant kill killed me!This is not outrageous, nor is it exaggerated, but extremely tyrannical, indescribably powerful!
No matter how shocked Lao Wang was, it was not as shocking as the possessed person in Zhai Nan's hands at this moment!
He, dignified, is the greatest and most powerful existence in the history of the entire soul group, no, it should be said that it is the greatest and most powerful existence in history. At this moment, he is held in his hand like a fitness ball!
And just like the completely silky feeling of possessing others, he was forced to be silky too!

"how did you do it?!"

The possessed person couldn't help but ask again at this time!
"First this, then that, have you learned enough?!" Zhai Nan seriously demonstrated the basic operation of first reaching out and then grabbing back to hold it in his hand. I dare not say that it is basically the same, I can only say that it is exactly the same!

This time, the possessor will not be able to fix it!
"Let me ask you, I hope you can answer quickly, my patience is limited!" Zhai Nan asked it while listening to the movement in the distance.

"I must know everything and say everything!"

It is really not in line with his background and character to show off his integrity after this time!

"That's alright, what's your name?"

"God of the Soul Clan, Conqueror of the World, Ruler of Fate, Guider of the Way, Lord of Darkness—"

"Okay, hurry up and say your real name!" Zhai Nan felt that if he didn't stop it quickly, this guy could talk about it until tomorrow morning, which is better than letting him pretend, "If you talk nonsense, I'll roast you!"

Sure enough, Zhai Nan's warning was still very effective, honestly said his name, "Vitas!"

"Oh no, you guys are real dogs! This name was copied by someone else!" Zhai Nan couldn't help but curse out!
"What's the matter? You know our names?"

"Stop talking, hurry up, what's the background?!"

"Yes, I am Tianxing from the m178 universe. I was originally a carefree and useless person. Who knows that some god-like characters appeared in the sky one day. They made us ordinary people practice kung fu and become much stronger than before. But after that, the good times Not long ago, it turned out that these immortals treated us like pigs, fattened us up and then slaughtered—"

"If you don't add another punctuation mark, I'll just roast you!" Zhai Nanxin said, you're practicing Guankou, let it go!
"Yes, yes!" Vitas said quickly!
"Those who came from the sky later I found out that they were from the Devil's Cult. They treated us as pigs, more precisely as containers, to fill them with the souls they made!"

"Huh? Keep making it up, no, keep talking!"

"My lord, I really didn't make it up, it's true!"

"I'm the worst, please tell me quickly!"

"Yes, yes, the next step is to transform and deal with the inhumanity of the human beings in the stars of our m178 universe. I really thought that I was finished, but I didn't expect that when the soul in full bloom was devouring me There was a little accident, his original consciousness woke up, he was not found, and he didn't devour me!"

"Then he dominated the entire Tianxing with his natural ability, but he often talked to me because of loneliness, but one day they came again. Unfortunately, that person was found to have awakened his original consciousness and was quickly wiped out!"


"It's the consciousness before being transformed. At that time, I realized that it wasn't the first time those outsiders did this, but I didn't know how many times!"

"So after they changed the original soul, they blocked you in this world, what is the purpose of this set of dolls?!"

"Soul energy, in this way, the strongest marionette will become their most powerful killing tool!"

"This is simply animal behavior!" Zhai Nan said directly!
"Yes, but, no one can do anything about it, the weak are preyed on by the strong, and the weak are the original sin!"

"How did you survive?!" Zhai Nan asked curiously.

"But they didn't find me, and put in another soul, but where is this soul my opponent? After being swallowed by me, they didn't find it, so I survived, and was brought by an elder to become her His killing tool was supposed to be a cauldron, but I didn't expect this elder to be seriously injured, and when he chose me for soul emplacement, I saw the opportunity and devoured him, and I survived again!"

"Then it was time to accumulate, and I did the same, and finally became a strong man, but everything was too cruel, so I found an opportunity to leave, and then came to rule in a world, but the good times didn't last long. My children learned that I After the practice, I ruined everything, I have no choice but to go back to my old career, but I can’t go back to everything, and that feeling is really——comfortable!”

"Okay, I know this, then how do you know me?!"

"Well, a few days ago, you were the Hengshan faction, do you remember?!"

"Oh, I remembered! Are you the family member of the female corpse in the Hengshan School stone chamber?!"

"I'm his father!"

"Oh no, it's true. I did remember it. I thought it was a bit familiar. Okay, then, do you have any last words?!
The first half sentence of Vitas still sounds like this, but the last sentence scares him to the ground! !

"Don't don't stop, I still use it, I can give you as a cattle, I will never be a cow 13 again, you will let me go!"

Zhai Nan was originally rushing to the operation of ashes to dust, but Zhai Nan hesitated after this intercession, let it be soft-hearted, the main reason is that the "sage moment" is still in effect at this moment!

Seeing Zhai Nan's hesitation, of course Vitas worked harder, so he hastened to increase his efforts!
"Don't worry, if you stay with me, I guarantee that I will conquer the world and no one will cause you any trouble!"

"Fuck?! Why am I scraping my eye sockets by pressing my temple chakra?!"

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