In fact, Lao Wang knows that unless he knocks out a magic medicine such as a golden elixir at this time, he will basically give it away!
Compared with the mid laner Yasuo, he is completely flat!
However, Lao Wang felt that he was already good enough, and the position he gave himself was to lie down without meeting. This is also the experience summed up after several battles. As for the strong ones, let the "tall" ones come!

Old Wang has already called for rescue, so Zhai Nan is here. At this time, Zhai Nan is already in sage mode!

So the mood is really good, some people will ask, how long will this be, don't ask!Asking means that time has stagnated, and that sensitive time is infinite!

Zhai Nan looked at this version of Soul Eater Splus pro max, and felt really calm in his heart. He even thought it was cute!
"Hehe, another one is here to die!"

"You can also take a break. Seeing that you are in a hurry, take a breather and don't delay your display of strength!" Carreras said.

"He should be crazy about death." Lao Wang only had this sentence in his heart, and his serious expression just now froze, and he almost burst out laughing.

Although Zhai Nan felt a little uncomfortable being underestimated, his words were mostly funny.

"Well, let me let you take a breather and let your leader come out, you are a bit too weak. I am afraid that others will say that I bully you." In order not to lose the wind in this invisible joke competition, Zhai Nan thought Liao Xiang mocked directly.

"Huh?!" Although Carreras is not the strongest among the Soul Clan, he absolutely does not allow anyone to pretend to be stronger than him!
"Looking for death!!!" In Carreras' tone, carrying the breath of death he was used to, he quickly pulled the distance between the two of them, and the five-fingered steel fork pressed directly on the top of Zhai Nan's head!
This move is not only straightforward to get to the point, but also contains infinite cruelty. Carreras is so skilled that he can take out the opponent's brain or control center at extremely fast speeds, without the opponent even reacting!


When Lao Wang saw the other party approaching Zhai Nan, he couldn't help shaking his head. When the other party attacked, he even felt a little sympathetic to the child. He could clearly see the scene of Carreras' operation. , the ears can hear clearly!
This sound was not the impact of the devil's claws on the top of Zhai Nan's head, but the sound of Zhai Nan gently holding the opponent's hand and piercing through it!
Then Zhai Nan didn't see any movement, and he saw that the opponent's whole body was as if he had been baptized by a Gatling machine gun, and he was trembling like a mental patient wearing underpants on the ice for nine cold days!
"Okay, let's talk now!" Zhai Nan said with a smile, "You can talk, I deliberately left your mouth." Zhai Nan added.

"Who are you?!"

At this time, the bones on Carreras' body, that is, his proud embodied spirit and body, have been broken by me. If Zhai Nan didn't want to ask questions, he might have become one of the most powerful people in the universe. The ion is gone!

"Who am I? You don't need to know yet. I'm just a nobody. You should answer my question first." Zhai Nan was not interested in talking to him.

"No comment!!" Carreras was very stubborn!
"Oh, let me see for myself." Zhai Nan said with a smile, he is not afraid of this kind of operation!
"What?!" Carreras thought he heard it wrong!

"It's nothing, there's nothing to do without you!"

Zhai Nan felt that this guy had already played a lot, so there was no need to keep it any longer.

With a snap of his fingers, Carreras felt as if he had been stripped from this world and lost control of everything!



Zhai Nan exchanged the truth pill from the system store, and swallowed it directly. Not to mention, Zhai Nan felt sorry for his ten-point otaku index for a second. This is a daily task reward!

"Tell me, what is your background?"

The question Zhai Nan asked was very simple, but at this time something happened again!

I saw that Carreras' head was like New Year's fireworks.The fried one is called a shredded one, and that one is called a bright one!
"Hello, my name is Bell Freemasonry!"

Another provincial version of Eater of Souls appeared, this one added a "+" sign to the original one!

"Your behavior has made me completely angry, so now you have two choices, one is to commit suicide, and the other is to try to resist, and then life is worse than death."

Zhai Nan rolled his eyes upwards, do all the soul races have secondary syndrome?No matter how you speak, it's like this!

This set of words sounded quite fresh at first, but now I really don’t feel anything, this time I don’t waste any truth pills, just blow them up, Zhai Nan believes that with this rhythm, there are definitely people behind, and it may take a while suddenly Got it!
Sure enough, Zhai Nan's guess was right, another one popped out from the "hole" in the sky, this time it was no longer a Soul Eater, but a humanoid creature with white skin and white hair!

"Okay, black impermanence just now, this time it's white impermanence!" Zhai Nan suddenly thought of what this thing is!
"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a soul clan, and you are really professional!" Zhai Nan complained.

"You guys, what did you do to the trash of the Soul Devourer Clan just now?!" Bai Wuchang spoke in a tone as if he had jumped out of an ice cellar, that was awe-inspiring!
Zhai Nan didn't talk nonsense, let's let these people shine, otherwise, the layers behind will be like an onion, how long will it take to peel them off!
So to Lao Wang's astonishment, a human-shaped fireworks bloomed in the sky before introducing themselves!
"666!" Lao Wang feels that human language is sometimes really lacking, and only these three words can best describe what Zhai Nan is doing now!

"I still underestimated you!"

At this time, the black curtain shattered bit by bit, or after concentrating on a point, a voice came out from this point!

Afterwards the whole city returned to normal!
"This voice is a bit familiar!" Zhai Nan said!
At this time, Old Wang who was not far away from him suddenly said quietly, "Yes! Your voice is also very familiar."

Zhai Nan turned his head slowly, looked at the other party, and thought of a word in his mind, possession!

"There is Changsheng on Changsheng Mountain, but there is no Changsheng on Changsheng Mountain. Wait, it seems to be infringing. May I ask which person is on the opposite side and what does it do?" Zhai Nan said directly.

"Hehe, it seems that the young man really forgets his affairs!" Old Wang said with a smile.

"Huh? Recognize me?!" Zhai Nan was a little puzzled.

"Yes, I met once not long ago." Old Wang continued.

"Then, you should know that you should die now!" After Zhai Nan finished speaking, the almighty attribute instantly switched to soul, and the world became simple!
At this time, the otaku looked at Lao Wang again, and it was two fires!

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