In the bedroom, the clothes that Ou Chen bought for her before are neatly lying in the closet, and all other daily necessities that will be used here are neatly placed in various places, and they are brand new.

The way the room looks like, either Ou Chen deliberately cleaned it up for her in advance, or he has been looking for someone to clean it up, waiting for someone to live in.

Su Luofei sat on the corner of the bed, thinking back to himself this day, how did he move from school to the company, and then from the company again!In the first 20 years since her father passed away, nothing has happened to her, and she has been supporting herself until now. Could it be that God found out and gave her a grace?
Su Luofei thought so in her heart, but she couldn't agree with her in her head. After all, there are many lives that are harder than hers, so why should good things happen to her.

Just when the two villains were fighting in Su Luofei's mind and couldn't believe what he saw, the manager called.

"Luofey! You must be very tired just after moving today! Anyway, the company has nothing serious these two days, so you can report after two more days off."


"I just moved and must buy some daily necessities! I understand, okay, I have nothing else to do at this late hour, let's go to bed early!" The manager's yawn came from the phone receiver.

"Then, you should rest early~"

After hanging up the phone, Su Luofei glanced at the time, it was almost 11 o'clock, the manager was really dedicated.Su Luofei felt a little strange in his heart, but he didn't think too much about it.

It's so comfortable to lie on the bed. Now that we have prepared for the holidays, let's have a good rest and go shopping tomorrow!
The dream that night was that Su Luofei found a rich man to be his mistress, who had beautiful clothes, beautiful shoes, expensive cosmetics and lived in a very big house.

However, just after she put the things in place, she was discovered by the rich man's wife. She found their home and plucked Su Luofei's hair. The rich man stood by as if watching a show, ignoring her at all safety.

She was all alone, alone, no one in the world needed her, she was... abandoned.

"No." Su Luofei shouted to wake up from the dream.At three o'clock in the morning, she was not covered with a quilt, and she was in the corner of the bed in the posture after the manager made a phone call.

She walked to the bathroom that came with the bedroom, washed her face and forced herself to wake up. After replaying her dream, she replayed the reality in her mind.

In the dark, in the middle of the night.People are easy to be emotional, at least Su Luofei felt as if she was schizophrenic.She turned on the lights in the room and sat on the tatami beside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Regretted, regretted putting the marriage certificate in Ou Chen's place, so that now she has no way to be sure whether what she thinks in her mind is true or not.

Oh, by the way, the phone~ Su Luofei sat up and found it and found that it was out of battery and then recharged it. He opened it and opened the chat history to read it repeatedly. After a long time, he was sure that it was true.

In the morning, Su Luofei stretched her waist, opened the curtains and enjoyed the sunshine outside.It's actually 10 o'clock, and I woke up in the middle of the night last night, and I can't remember when I went to sleep.It is estimated that it is very late.

I searched for the supermarket on the map in advance, then simply washed and tidied myself up, followed the navigation to go out and buy a lot of things, and then came back with them.

After tidying things up, Su Luofei took a video and sent it to Ou Chen to report it.

"Aren't you good at cooking?" Because of the meal, Ou Chen returned quickly.

"Learn! Now that you're out, you can't just eat takeout!" She couldn't afford it, Su Luofei did a rough calculation, and she could save a lot by doing it herself.

"It's not good for me to live in vain. You say the number, and I'll pay you rent."

After sending this sentence, Ou Chen didn't reply so quickly. Su Luofei stayed by the phone and waited for a long time but didn't get it.Just put away the fried rice I packed and started to eat.

"How about this! You pay the water and electricity bills every month, including the property fee. It saves me from having to pay even if I can't live." Wang Yu saw Ou Chen holding a mobile phone and asked him what he was doing, Ou Chen Chen ignored it, and Wang Yu understood.

"At the same time, keep the house clean, not only the place where you live, but the whole house. This will save me money for cleaning." Ou Chen added another note: "I will check when I have time."

This is only a few dollars!It was too obvious that she was taking advantage, Su Luofei was still a little dissatisfied.


The other party is typing... It keeps showing, but there is no message sent. Ou Chen knows that the little girl feels that he is taking advantage of him and is not willing.

"The property fee in this community is very expensive, don't underestimate it."

Seeing this news, Su Luofei felt a little more balanced.

Ou Chen looked at the dialog box and hesitated, then typed out another one: "I will deduct some from your salary as appropriate."

Um, reward?What reward?Su Luofei thought about it for a long time before she remembered the card that Ou Chen handed her at the beginning, it was almost gathering dust!

"Okay." Su Luofei responded with a message.Otherwise, if Ou Chen had to be forced to say a certain number, she might not be able to afford it, and the two of them would be embarrassed and the loss outweighed the gain.

Seeing her agreeing, Ou Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went to the director to discuss the role understanding.

After the matter is resolved, Su Luofei will be able to enjoy this meal. Last night the manager seemed to be talking about these two days, but he is not completely sure. Do you want to ask?

For a person like Su Luofei who is mildly socially phobic, he always foresees many endings in advance, and of course he may not necessarily do it when the time comes.

"I'll go back tomorrow~" Su Luofei was typing and editing, how to speak and send it to the manager would be fine!Ou Chen's news came again.

"The filming is over so soon?" Su Luofei was surprised.

"No, go back to participate in an event, and I have to come back to continue filming in two days."

"So hard! I still owe you a meal, do you have time to eat?"

"If you invite me, I will have time to eat~"

What kind of answer is this, as if she was going to play tricks, Su Luofei said with a smile on her face, "Then, wait for you to come back."

"Okay." Ou Chen sent an expectant emoji over.

Emoticons?Su Luofei's originally smiling face gradually faded away. A person like Ou Chen who is aloof all day should not be able to collect by himself.

It can't be Wang Yu!It's not realistic for a big man, so it can only be a new "female friend" I met recently while filming.Unhappy~ Thinking of this, Su Luofei didn't even want to eat.

The event is in the afternoon, and Ou Chen will catch a half-day bus in the morning, and have dinner with the director and the others at noon, which is considered a celebration banquet.Then his time is only...

Su Luofei ordered the night on the paper, what restaurant do you want to arrange?Su Luofei didn't have any experience in this field at all, so she did. Sophie turned on the phone and asked a person she didn't note.

On the contrary, many restaurants were sent here at once, but they were too far away. After a busy day, Ou Chen asked him to drive him to such a distant place, and then drove back after eating.

When I think about it this way, I am nothing.No, all proposals were rejected.what should I do?It would be great if I could cook, but I am a kitchen killer.

Uh... cooking?have to be at home.Su Luofei looked around for a week, and asked Ou Chen for his activity location.Perfect!It doesn't take long to drive here, after all, you can rest when you get home.

Su Luofei stared at the reunion on the map for an hour and thirteen minutes, very satisfied.

"Is it okay to eat at home tomorrow night? I'll buy something, and you can rest just after eating." Su Luofei sent the message with an attitude of discussion.

"When I say at home, I mean the place where I live now. I will free up the master bedroom for your use." Su Luofei added.

"Okay, you don't need to vacate the master bedroom." Ou Chen said concisely.

Then she can start to decorate, treat idols to dinner, even at home, it can't be too shabby, right?Su Luofei quickly got busy.

Looking forward to tomorrow, Su Luofei tied up the balloon and ordered a bottle of wine.I don't know if Ou Chen is used to drinking this wine, she has already ordered the best one within her ability.

Tomorrow, order some barbecue and grill fish.Salad can be made by yourself, and some vegetarian dishes can be ordered. Ou Chen may need to keep fit when he is filming, so Su Luofei found a piece of paper and wrote down what he wanted to prepare, in case he would forget it tomorrow night.

Hmm~ Ou Chentian started rushing back before dawn, and when he was in a daze, he started to be put on makeup, because the announcements were too full, his makeup artist, practiced a good kung fu, just now the car braked suddenly and it didn't matter .

"Where are you?" Ou Chen opened his eyes and asked.

"There is still a distance, Brother Chen, you can rest for a while."

"No need~" Ou Chen thought about what the little girl said to him yesterday, and was looking forward to what she would do tonight!But~ she doesn't know how to cook, so she shouldn't be able to do anything.

The corners of Ou Chen's mouth had a slight curvature, which couldn't be seen from the outside, but she could feel it when she was putting on makeup. Her hands obviously paused, and she continued to draw without daring to make a sound.

They went to the company to change their clothes before heading to the event site.It was a small celebration banquet. If it wasn't for the afternoon event, Ou Chen would not have deliberately come to attend it.

God may always have weird arrangements, just like Ou Chen, who met Yang Qi who hadn't seen him for a long time at the entrance of the celebration banquet that he didn't care much about.

"Wait for me for a while~" Ou Chen said to Wang Yu, and walked over by himself.

Yang Qi bowed slightly: "Mr. Ou."

"What's the matter?" Ou Chen stood still and asked straight to the point.

"Come to do business. I heard that Mr. is here to attend the celebration banquet, so stop by to have a look." Yang Qi kept a gentle smile on his mouth, at least it seemed kind to others.

He took a step towards Ou Chen, bringing the distance between them closer: "I heard that you arranged that little girl into your house. She must be very cute, she must be worthy of pity!"

After Yang Qi finished speaking, he took another step back, said goodbye to him, and walked into another private room.

"What's the matter, did something happen?" Wang Yu noticed that Brother Chen was not very happy.

"It's nothing." Ou Chen tidied up his clothes, opened the door and walked into the private room of the celebration banquet.

Same process, nothing new.Ou Chen stood below, watching the host deliver a speech after another, he was waiting for the beginning and the end.

"Brother Chen?" He was so distracted that he didn't even hear the toast. It's really rude to leave others there.

Fortunately, Wang Yu reminded him and dragged him back from his own world.

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