As soon as Li Yixiao's words came out, Su Luofei was so moved that she wanted to cry.

"Don't cry! I know I'm fine~" Li Yixiao deleted the provocative scene very much.

"One more thing." Su Luofei sniffed and said.

"Say, what are you talking about?" Li Yixiao touched Su Luofei with the cup.

"The dissertation is passed. I plan to go to work, find a house and move out of school. What are your plans?"

"That's it! I have to stay at school for another two weeks!" Li Yixiao still has a lot of unfinished business: "You are still in the previous company, and I am also in the previous company."

Li Yixiao thought for a while: "Why don't you find a one-bedroom apartment that you live in! It will be more convenient for me to find a place close to the company, and I will go out to play together during the public holidays!"

The companies of the two of them are not close. They lived together because they went to work during the holidays and had no long-term plans.Now that I'm about to graduate, I'll waste a long time on the road if I continue like that, it's unnecessary.

"Okay~" Su Luofei also considered this, so she wanted to ask Li Yixiao's opinion.

"Ou Chen told me that many companies have staff dormitories, you can ask."

"Really? I don't know either, but in the staff dormitory~ when you get along with a group of colleagues you don't know so well, there is a high chance that you will have conflicts."

"Well, so I will look for a house first, and then ask if there is no suitable one."

Li Yixiao nodded, agreeing with her approach: "Okay, it's time to go back after another drink."

Although the dormitory auntie does not set up access control for their senior students.But if you go back too late, you will inevitably look at them and think they are not good people.

"Luo Fei, there is actually another reason why I let you rent a house alone. If my work here doesn't go well, I will go back to my hometown. It's best if this kind of thing doesn't happen. If there is an accident, you still have to find a house alone." Instead, it's better to live separately, and she won't feel guilty then.

It was very late, and the path was quiet, except for some wind noise from time to time.Su Luofei took Li Yixiao's arm and walked forward slowly until the door of the dormitory was opened.

"Okay! I'm going to wash up." Su Luofei took the things out first.Li Yixiao looked at her back and smiled.

The next day, Su Luofei called to inquire about the dormitory of the company's employees, and then started looking for an intermediary to look at the house.

The boss said that the company does have them, but they are only for transitional use for those who have just graduated from internship, and they will not let them live for a long time.To avoid the trouble of moving in the future, it is better to find the right one in advance.

"Are you back?" Li Yixiao saw Su Luofei lying on the bed when she entered the door.

"Well, just came in."

"How is it? Did you find something similar~" Li Yixiao sat down on the dressing table and began to remove her makeup.

Su Luofei waved his long arm: "It's too difficult. It's either expensive or far away."

"Don't be discouraged, it's only the first day."

"But I told the company that it will be reported next Monday."

"If it doesn't work, let's go to the staff dormitory to make do for a month!" Li Yixiao quickly ran out to wash her face before coming back.

Su Luofei sighed, then she would have to be distracted from looking for a house while going to work, she didn't want that.

"Your phone is on." Li Yixiao unplugged Su Luofei's charging phone and handed it to her.

Su Luofei turned over with difficulty and took it, and glanced at it.

"Why don't you talk, your elder brother Chen?" Li Yixiao had a smirk on his face.

Su Luofei was not in such a good mood: "No, my mother."

"Oh, Auntie misses you!" After all, it's a family matter, Li Yixiao didn't know it very clearly, but Su Luofei hadn't gone back to see it for a long time, and she didn't even make a phone call.

Su Luofei turned off the phone and didn't answer the conversation.But I went to prepare some things to take home.

I looked at the house for another morning, and when I got home at noon, her mother cooked a table of dishes very rarely.

"You know how to come back!" Her mother Luo Ning said angrily while sitting on the stool.

"You didn't ask me to come back?" Su Luofei put down her things and went to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Luo Ning opened his mouth to say something but didn't say anything.

"Why, seeing that I can eat enough?" Su Luofei handed the chopsticks to her mother.

"If I don't call you, you plan to never enter the house!" Luo Ning picked up the piece of fish that Su Luofei liked with his chopsticks.

Su Luofei nonchalantly changed the clip: "I don't have any plans for now."

"I'm going out to work, next week."

"Haven't you been working?" Luo Ning reacted for a while before saying, "Graduated?"


"This school is really good at making money. After paying the tuition fee for a year, it will be let out halfway." Luo Ning kept talking, which made Su Luofei very upset.

She took 3000 yuan from her bag and put it on the table: "It's for you."

Luo Ning smiled disdainfully: "What kind of job! You will have money so soon."

"Those who write articles don't earn much." Su Luofei spoke lightly, and Luo Ning was not interested in asking further.

The two of them ate almost as if Luo Ning ate alone at home.

"What about the house? Where do you live?" Luo Ning spoke first.

"I didn't find it!" Su Luofei took some soup and said, "It's too far away from home, so I can't live there."

"Oh, what do you think I want to say? I don't think it's troublesome to come back!"

"Then I won't bother you." Su Luofei stood up, wiped her mouth, turned and walked out, stopped after taking two steps, turned half of her face, and said to Luo Ning who was still sitting~

"There is a box in the box, I wish you a happy birthday in advance." After finishing speaking, he walked out without looking back.I called the agent and went back to look at the house.

From the south to the north, it took her a lot to take a taxi. Looking at the balance, Su Luofei sighed deeply.You still have to be a laborer honestly!
After taking a shower at night, she lay down on the bed exhausted. Ou Chen sent a message asking if she had started looking for a house, and Su Luofei truthfully sent the message.

"You can live with me, it's empty anyway."

Ou Chen's news made Su Luofei's hands tremble, he is not at home often but he always has time to go back!Such a big public figure, with countless people staring at him, if he is photographed, it will not be as simple as Su Luofei being bullied by the Internet.

"Don't bother me, I'll look for it again."

"Well, if you can't find it, tell me, I'll ask the driver to pick you up." Ou Chen sent the message, and the assistant next to him was already calling him to get ready.He put down his phone and rushed over.

Things are always unsatisfactory. Su Luofei has searched all over the houses near the company, but none of them are completely suitable. Some two-bedroom houses are good, but it would be too wasteful for her to live by herself.

It's almost Monday.Forget it, go to the company to live for a month, if you can't find a suitable one, rent a two-bedroom apartment and find a roommate.Su Luofei made up her mind and began to move things.

Li Yixiao spared a single day to help her move.

"I've said it all, I don't have many things, so don't help me." Su Luofei really didn't have much things, and it would be a waste to hire a moving company, so she just took a taxi.

"Oh, I want to accompany you! I hope you don't encounter any monsters and ghosts." Li Yixiao folded his hands together and prayed to God.

"It's okay, the company doesn't allow long-term stay, even if they don't get along, they won't tear each other up." Su Luofei reassured her.

"Well, that's okay." Li Yixiao accompanied him to help pack up the things and the two had dinner together before Li Yixiao went back.

"I won't see you off!" She told Li Yixiao that she would reimburse the fare as it was unnecessary for her to take a taxi back home.

"No need." She was not short of that little money, and just now Su Luofei rushed to buy the bill: "Don't send it to me! I'm in a hurry with you."

"Okay." Su Luofei watched as Li Yixiao got into the car and left, while the two of them were still waving to each other from afar.

The new environment, fortunately~ she was alone.But there are two little girls next door, Su Luofei hesitated for a long time whether to go over to say hello, but in the end she didn't have the courage, let's talk about it when we meet later!
Probably after tidying up the things to be used, Su Luofei went to wash and go to bed.The variety show that Ou Chen filmed a while ago has already been aired, Su Luofei tuned it out and watched it with relish.

"You went to live in the company?"

Ou Chen's message came, just when Su Luofei was thinking of what to say, Ou Chen called directly.

"Hello?" Su Luofei said softly.

"Go to the company dormitory?" Ou Chen's voice was also very peaceful.

"En." Obviously she didn't promise Ou Chen anything, but Su Luofei just felt a little guilty.

"How long can I live?"

"A month or two!" Ou Chen is quite familiar with this kind of company accommodation system, so he knows that he can't stay for too long.

"What about after living in?" Ou Chen still has something to do and wants to solve it quickly.

"I'm looking for a house, it's just a transition."

Ou Chen didn't speak for a while, Su Luofei thought he was dead!Also view by phone screen.

"I'll ask the driver to pick you up~" Ou Chen hesitated for a long time before saying this, he wanted to do it.

"No need." Su Luofei really didn't want to trouble him.

"Be obedient, I'll ask the driver to contact you."

"This is not good." Su Luofei got up from the bed anxiously.

"It's nothing bad, sweet~"

With such a doting tone, Su Luofei immediately didn't know how to refute and refuse, and she didn't know what she was doing or what she should do until she hung up the phone.

Another ringing of the phone interrupted her thoughts. It was the driver that Ou Chen had mentioned. He asked Su Luofei for the address to pick her up.She said no, and he said that he was following instructions and could not be the master.

In the end, Su Luofei got into the driver's car, and he shuttled around the city.

"Here we go, girl~"

Su Luofei was distracted all the time, and didn't realize that the car had stopped, and the driver had already brought her luggage down.

Huh?I didn't notice just now, is this Ou Chen's house?It's a very high-end neighborhood, but it's obviously not where she's been: "Are you sure you didn't go to the wrong place?"

"No." The driver led her up with her luggage.

"Mister has already sent someone to clean it. You can check if you are not satisfied." This is a house that is bigger than Ou Chen's house. At a glance, there are at least three rooms.

"No, thank you." It turns out that Ou Chen didn't let himself live with him!But this house is obviously more luxurious than that one, and it would be too wasteful for her to live in it by herself.

"I put the things in your room for you, can you clean them up yourself?" He is a big man, but he dare not touch the things of his husband and women.

"I'll do it myself, thank you."

"It should be done, then I'll go first." The driver put the room card and a series of things that might be needed on the coffee table, and after explaining clearly to Su Luofei, he said this sentence.

"I'm going to trouble you." Su Luofei respectfully sent him away, looking at such a big house, she felt uneasy.

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