It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 3 Being a Mother's Warm "Night Cotton"

Regarding the dull and tense atmosphere at home, as time passed, Lin Wanmian felt that the oppressive feeling not only did not disappear slowly, but became more and more obvious.

Especially Lin Piaoyu gave her the feeling that no matter how busy she was in the past, Lin Piaoyu would not have time to talk to her properly.Moreover, she could almost easily detect that Lin Piaoyu was not well. She seemed to be very tired, so tired that her breath was heavy.

At this point, Lin Wanmian couldn't pretend anymore.She knew that Lin Piaoyu had been going out at seven o'clock on time recently, an hour and a half earlier than before.

Therefore, when she woke up in the morning, she had no chance to see Lin Piaoyu.At night, she stayed asleep and waited until Lin Piaoyu came back, and Lin Piaoyu always said good night to her without saying a word to her.

She wanted to ask a few more questions, but when she heard Lin Piaoyu's tired voice, she couldn't bear to ask any more.

But today she wanted to ask directly what happened.So, she got up at six o'clock, she didn't ring the bell for someone to help her, she groped out of the room by herself.

In this house, Lin Wanmian is familiar with every corner, and under normal circumstances, she can walk to the space she wants to go by herself.

For example, she can quickly find the location of Lin Piaoyu's room as soon as she leaves her room.

But when she knocked on the door and entered, she sensed that Lin Piaoyu was not in the room.But she had already woken up early enough, but still not earlier than Lin Piaoyu.

But she guessed that Lin Piaoyu should just go downstairs instead of going out at six o'clock.

Lin Wanmian wanted to have a serious communication with Lin Piaoyu, so she fumbled to go downstairs to the living room.

When she went down to the second floor, she vaguely heard voices coming from Lin Piaoyu's study, as if she was talking on the phone.

Approaching the study room, she did hear Lin Piaoyu's voice, and Lin Wanmian knew that Lin Piaoyu was working in the study room early in the morning.

She didn't know what happened, but just as she approached the door of the study, before she even knocked on the door, she heard Lin Piaoyu screaming angrily, and then there was a loud noise of smashing things in the study.

Lin Wanmian was taken aback, she had never seen Lin Piaoyu so angry.At least this is the first time she knows that the elegant and arrogant mother in her heart can also go crazy!

What happened to Mrs. Lin, and why was her mother driven into such a frenzy?
Really worried, Lin Wanmian knocked on the door, opened the door and walked in, but within two steps, she almost tripped over something she stepped on.

Lin Piaoyu didn't expect her daughter to get up so early, she got up and walked quickly to hold Lin Wanmian's hand and said:
"Mianmian, why did you get up so early, did your mother wake you up?"

Lin Piaoyu knew that because her daughter couldn't see, her other sensory nerves were more sensitive than ordinary people.

She just had trouble communicating with foreign clients at work, so she threw a lot of things on the ground as soon as she got angry.She wondered if the noise was too loud for her daughter to hear.

Lin Wanmian fumbled to hold Lin Piaoyu's cold hand, and she asked directly:
"Mom, can you tell me what happened to Lin?"

Lin Piaoyu's heart tightened, and she didn't know how to answer her daughter's question for a while.

She is very clear that Lin Wanmian is no longer a little girl now, and she can no longer just send her away with a few words of comfort as before.

But she can't really say anything, after all, what the Lin family is facing now is not an ordinary difficulty, but a disaster that will collapse in minutes.

In order to reassure Lin Wanmian, Lin Piaoyu secretly took a deep breath, and she said half-truthfully:
"The company is currently facing some troublesome difficulties. As for my mother, I really can't do what I want, and I'm a bit overwhelmed."

"Is it ... the difficulty of possible bankruptcy?"

Two days ago, Lin Wanmian overheard the servant muttering a few words in private. The general meaning seemed to be that their Lin family was facing bankruptcy.

But when she asked the servants what was going on, they were ambiguous and refused to say more.Therefore, she was even more certain in her heart that the difficulties encountered by the Lin family this time were not ordinary difficulties!Otherwise, how could even the word "bankruptcy" be used!

Hearing the word "bankruptcy", Lin Piaoyu's hands trembled unconsciously, and even his lips trembled unconsciously.She was frightened for a while, especially when she saw her daughter's pure and innocent face, she was even more frightened.

But this is not the time for her to fall down, even in order to protect the beloved baby in front of her, she cannot easily admit defeat.

Lin Piaoyu suppressed the tense emotions in her heart. She pretended to be relaxed and took Lin Wanmian out of the messy study, while comforting her:

"Mianmian, mom will accompany you back to the room first. You don't have to worry about the outside affairs. No matter how incompetent my mother is, she won't let the Lin family go bankrupt. Besides, although our Lin family is not the top group, we still have decades of foundation. Bankruptcy is bankruptcy."

Lin Piaoyu said this in her mouth, but she knew very well in her heart that in the past, what she said was completely valid.After all, Lin's roots are not weak at all, and under normal circumstances, Lin's roots will not be damaged.

But now, Lin's going bankrupt is only a momentary matter.Because, the root cause of Lin's collapse this time is that ten Lin's combined can't resist~ Murong Group!

It should be said that Lin's and Murong Group were mutually beneficial business partners more than 20 years ago.But because she made a mistake at a young and ignorant age, Murong Group cut off all contact with Lin.

But that didn't affect Lin's continued development, but what's worse, she lost her mind and provoked the Murong Group.

The cause was that her daughter lost her sight due to an accident when she was three years old. She couldn't accept it for a while, so she blamed the Murong family for her anger.

Because the Murong family punished her when she made a mistake for the first time by asking her to leave China and settle abroad until the Murong family allowed her to return to China.

It was not until her father was critically ill that the Lin family asked the Murong family to show mercy and let her return to China to inherit the Lin family, and then she was allowed to return to China.

But while she was abroad, she was accidentally bullied by a strange man whom she didn't even know.And daughter Mianmian was conceived that time.

At first, she was so sad and angry about her shame that she didn't know her body had changed until she was three months pregnant.

The moment she found out she was pregnant, she had only one thought, that she wanted to take the child away, so she hit her belly cruelly.

Then, as she wished, she was admitted to the hospital with bleeding from her lower body. She thought the child would be gone just like that.

But when the doctor played the child's heartbeat to her, and let her look at the baby in the belly, not only did her cruel heart soften all of a sudden, but she was still a little Glad the baby is fine.

Perhaps because of living alone abroad, she has long felt a sense of loneliness.

So, all of a sudden, a new life in her blood was inside her, and she was both angry and wonderful!
She was angry that she didn't even know who was being bullied, the life in her wonderful belly was so strong!She wanted to abandon her so cruelly, but the child still never left her.

When she was abroad, she always felt that she was abandoned.She is far away from her parents, and there is almost no harbor around her to rely on.

She left the life in her belly under that loneliness and emptiness.But until her daughter was born, she didn't look forward to her daughter's arrival very much, nor did she think about how she would love her child.

However, when she hugged her newborn daughter in her arms and saw her daughter's strong vitality, the love of being a new mother spontaneously arose in her...!
After her daughter was born, her heart was very peaceful, and she was very glad that she did not kill her daughter's life.

It was the arrival of her daughter that comforted her heart of wandering alone.The reason why she named her daughter "Wan Mian" is because she felt that her daughter redeemed her like a warm quilt.

However, this peace disappeared when the daughter was less than three years old.Because of her negligence, her daughter rolled down the stairs and hit the nerves in the brain that control vision. The worst thing was that when her daughter fell down, she accidentally knocked over a bottle of chemical liquid that was extremely harmful to the eyes and irritated the eye mask.

Under the double accident, the daughter's eyes were finally sentenced to be blind for life, and the possibility of recovery was almost zero!
She couldn't accept that result, but in the end the reality forced her to accept it.

But while she accepted it, she was so painful that she wanted to vent it fiercely.At that time, she blamed the Murong family for the source of all her suffering.

Because she felt that if the Murong family hadn't driven her out of the country, she would not have been violated, and she would not have conceived and had children if she hadn't been violated.She also would not give her all her mother's love, but could only watch her daughter's incomplete life's pain.

She had nowhere to vent these pains, so, impulsively, she sneaked back to the country and wanted to put the same pains in Murong's house.She tried her best to take away the five-year-old daughter of the Murong family.Her original plan was to make the Murong family's daughter disappear mysteriously, so that the Murong family would be plunged into fear and pain. She did not intend to kill Murong Qianjin's young life.

However, people are not as good as heaven, and the daughter of the Murong family had an unexpected accident in the conspiracy she made.As a result, the Murong family still doesn't know whether their daughter is alive or dead, but they are now re-investigating the accident that year.

And no one knew about the harm she caused to the Murong family. After she had been in fear for a while, the Murong family did not come to her.So she thought that as long as she didn't tell about that matter, the Murong family would never suspect her.

However, no one knows whether the daughter of the Murong family is dead or alive.But Murong's family has already found out that she is the murderer who hurt Murong's daughter back then.

Before Lin's family was ravaged by the Murong Group, she had already been quietly hijacked from her home by Murong Aoyang, the current president of the Murong family, to have a "conversation" in the wilderness.

Although Murong Aoyang didn't kill her late that night, what happened that night was more terrifying than killing her!
Because she has no way to deny the evidence presented by Murong Aoyang, she is not afraid that Murong Aoyang will kill her, but Murong Aoyang said that he plans to destroy even her most precious daughter together!
Be it Lin or herself, if Murong Aoyang wants to ruin her, he will do everything he can.But Wan Mian can't do it, she can't let Wan Mian suffer Murong Aoyang's revenge, no matter what, she must protect Wan Mian from Murong Aoyang's wrath!

Thinking of the possibility that Murong Aoyang would not let her daughter go, Lin Piaoyu's mind was in a state of confusion, and even her expression was not normal.She never congratulated that her daughter's blindness was a good thing.At least at this time, the daughter could not see her emaciated face, and she could still pretend that she was fine to appease her daughter's worries.

However, she forgot that Lin Wanmian was blind, but her heart was very clear.

After being brought back to her bedroom by Lin Piaoyu, Lin Wanmian held Lin Piaoyu's hand tightly and said seriously:
"Mom, you don't have to hide it from me now. I know you want to protect me. I also know that I can't do anything, but I hope I can at least be with my mother. I don't want my mother to face difficulties alone. "

Lin Wanmian believes that the most powerful thing in this world must be love.Just like her mother tried her best to love her and let her bravely accept her crippled fate, she also wanted to use everything she had to love her and let her have more hope in life!
If she can't do anything, at least let her be mother's warm "night cotton"!

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