It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 2 The Lin Family's Unusual Atmosphere

In the sky that has also been baptized by wind and rain, the scorching sun in summer tends to be clearer.

The heavy rain last night made the rising Xia Yang even more soft.Especially when the morning light shines on the raindrops on the flowers and plants that have not yet dried out, it is even more crystal clear, making people happy and passionate about the morning sun!
It is not only the flowers and leaves in the garden that are loved by the morning light, but also the transparent glass house.It shone like a flawless diamond in the sunlight.

A piece of beautiful piano music spread melodiously from the glass room to the garden like a single loop.The music seemed to sing praises to the vibrant flowers and plants intentionally, making the flowers and plants dance with the slight breeze.

Following the sound of the music, I found someone was playing the piano in the glass room.

The one who played the piano was a woman. Her soft and slightly curly long hair was draped over her back. Judging from her graceful figure, it was a very young life.

With the end of the last note, her slender fingers dancing on the piano also slowly left the piano keys.

Seemingly still savoring the charm of the music, she sat quietly without moving her body immediately.

After a while, she finally moved.But she didn't get up or turn around as quickly as ordinary people, she just turned around slowly.

She has delicate facial features with a bit of mixed European and American blood, and her big doll-like eyes are the most vivid and charming.

However, such charming eyes make people look a little less perfect.Because her eyes seemed to be out of focus, and she was staring dully at one point, which made people feel that she had lost some sense of agility.

Probably because the sound of the piano stopped, the door of the glass house was pushed open from the outside.A capable-looking woman with short hair walked up to the girl and said:
"Mianmian, it's time to have breakfast. The old lady has had people come to remind her several times."

The girl called "Mianmian" smiled slightly and asked:

"Nalan, what time is it?"

"It's almost nine o'clock."

"Ah! It's so late, no wonder grandma is anxious."

Lin Wanmian stood up and stretched out her left hand to feel for it. It turned out that she was blind in both eyes.

Nalan, who was almost inseparable from her, immediately held her hand and led her out.

Maybe it's a familiar space, but Lin Wanmian walks at a leisurely pace like a normal sighted person, not like a blind person at all.

She left in a hurry, because she was worried that her grandma would wait for her in a hurry.

Usually she would come to the glass house at seven o'clock and spend an hour touching the piano to play her favorite music.

Probably because she liked today's piano piece so much that she played it over and over again tirelessly, adding an hour to the time.

It's not that she's overly obsessed with the piano, it's just that there's so little in her world to be obsessed with.Because her world is dark.Everyone can easily own thousands of colorful worlds, but she can't!
She is a blind man who cannot see the colorful blind man outside.

But she was not born with a disability, she could have been a healthy person.Only when she was less than three years old, she lost her light in an accident.

Although she was still young when she lost her light, she vaguely knew that the world she saw was different.At least not just darkness like now.

But what she has to accept is that compared to the bright and short two or three years in her life, she is more used to the dark life of nearly 20 years later.

Fortunately, although her body is disabled, her material life is very rich.Therefore, she can have almost everything in her life except that she can't see it.

She has received the most professional education for the blind since she was a child, and she has even received education for normal people.Therefore, she also knows what ordinary people know, and she even learns better than healthy people!

This is all because she is the daughter of the Lin Group, and her mother, Lin Piaoyu, is the current president of the Lin Group.And she is the only heir of the Lin family!

It's just that almost no one in the outside world knows that her mother has another daughter, and she is also a blind daughter.

The outside world thought that her mother had always been single and unmarried, but it was true.Her mother was never married, she was her mother's illegitimate daughter, and she didn't know who her father was.

She once asked her mother about her father, and the answers she got when she was a child were rather dreamy. Her mother said that she fell from the sky and fell into her mother's stomach, so they became mother and daughter.

Later, when she grew up and became sensible, she also clearly knew that the answer she gave when she was a child was simply nonsense.

So, she asked her mother again if she had a father?
Mom also knows that she is no longer a child, and there is no point in dealing with her by coaxing children.

Therefore, my mother told her very seriously, because my mother didn't want to get married, but wanted to have children.So, my mother gave birth to her through artificial insemination at the cost of money in the United States.In other words, she doesn't actually have a father, and if she does, it's only a biological father, and a father who can't be contacted.

She accepted this answer at first, but then she had a faint feeling that her mother hadn't told her the truth.

If her arrival was really the result of her mother artificially giving birth to her in a professional institution, with her mother's character, she should be very frank.But why does she always feel that her mother is deliberately concealing her existence from outsiders?

Although my mother also said that she didn't want to disclose her existence to protect her, is it really just that?
She also thought it was because she was blind, and her mother felt ashamed so she didn't want to disclose that she had a daughter.

However, she clearly felt her mother's love for her.How can a mother who loves her daughter feel ashamed because her daughter is blind?

What's more, in the Lin family, she is very clear about how much she is loved.Even though her mother and grandmother are the only blood related people around her, the care she has received since she was a child is endless.

Even the servants at home, as well as Nalan, who guards her day and night like a sister or a friend, take good care of her.She can't see it, but there are trustworthy people around her guarding her who is fragile and helpless. Her life has never been difficult at all, and she may be much luckier than many people.

After returning from the glass room to the main room and sitting in the dining room, Lin Wanmian was brought to sit next to Mrs. Lin.She precisely faced Mrs. Lin and smiled obediently and said:

"Grandma, I'm sorry, I forgot that you were still waiting for me for breakfast."

Where would Mrs. Lin be surprised? She put Luo Lin Wanmian's favorite foods in front of Lin Wanmian one by one, and said with a kind smile:

"It's okay, grandma is not very hungry. It's just that grandma is afraid that you will be hungry, so she asks you to come back for breakfast."

"I'm not hungry either, grandma doesn't have to worry."

"Okay, grandma is not worried. But even if you are not hungry, you still have to eat." Mrs. Lin said and took a porcelain spoon and put it in Lin Wanmian's hand: "Come on, Mianmian, the seafood porridge made by grandma herself today, is it still delicious?" Veggie rolls made with fresh vegetables are all your favourites."

Lin Wanmian carefully groped and touched the thing placed in front of her with her hands, and then took a mouthful of porridge with a porcelain spoon skillfully and accurately. She savored it carefully for a while, then said with a satisfied smile:

"Sure enough, my grandmother's handicraft is what I like the most. It's a pity that my stomach is too small, so I can't eat more every time. I'm really not reconciled."

Lin Wanmian took another big mouthful of porridge as she spoke, her face full of happiness.As if she really wanted to eat more.

In fact, she exaggerated slightly, because she knew that as long as she was happy and ate more, grandma and mother would be happy.

Mrs. Lin looked at the beautiful and well-behaved Lin Wanmian, she was both happy and sad.

She knew very well that her granddaughter deliberately showed a great appetite, firstly because she really liked eating seafood porridge, and secondly, to reassure her, an old man.

God is really unfair, God has the heart to take away her light from such a considerate child since she was a child.

This means that their Lin family is still considered wealthy, and if there are no accidents, it is not a big problem to let the granddaughter live comfortably for the rest of her life.

But, their Lin family... Alas!If the wealth is gone, will her poor granddaughter still have someone to serve and protect her every day like now?

"Grandma, grandma..."

Lin Wanmian's voice awakened Mrs. Lin's worries, and she was in a daze for a while before returning to her senses and responding:

"Oh, look, people are different when they are old. If you think about something, you just can't remember it. If you are not careful, you will be distracted."

"Grandma is so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even hear me talking to you?" Lin Wanmian twitched her brows slightly.

Mrs. Lin chuckled lightly, passed the insignificant words and asked:
"Grandma didn't hear what you said just now."

"It's nothing. I just asked my grandma if something happened recently. Why do you leave early and come back late, and you don't even have time to eat with us?"

Mrs. Lin's hands trembled slightly, and her heart tightened, but she pretended to be relaxed and said:
"What else can there be? Mrs. Lin said that she is not big or small. After all, your mother is a woman, so it is not so easy to take care of it. It is not just these two days that she is too busy to spend time with us. "

"Is that something tricky for the company lately?"

Of course, Lin Wanmian knew that her mother had endless things to do. Since she was a child, she was used to her mother not being able to spend as much time with her as grandma.She is not complaining about not getting more company from her mother. It is not just now that her mother often leaves early and returns late. She doesn't care.

But what she cared about was that recently she felt a subtle change in the atmosphere around her.Although everything at home seemed to be normal, she was still sensitive to the fact that it was different from the usual.

Aside from the fact that my mother leaves early and returns late, there is obviously a tense air surging in the house.It's just that everyone seems to be deliberately hiding something from her.But the more everyone excluded her, the more she felt that something had happened at home, and something bad had happened.

She knew that even if something happened at home, she probably wouldn't be able to help.But even if she can't help, she doesn't want to be treated like a porcelain doll and can only be cared for.

If something really happened at home, at least she should know what happened!

But what she wanted to know, Mrs. Lin still answered her evasively:

"In the company, there are often difficult things. But your mother can handle it well. After this period of time, it will be fine. Don't worry. As long as we, the old and the young, are safe and sound, your mother can manage Lin's with peace of mind. , so our Lin family won't have any major problems."

Hearing Mrs. Lin's words, Lin Wanmian knew that she couldn't get the result she wanted.

But if grandma and mother think it's a good thing that she doesn't know, then she can pretend that she doesn't know anything for the time being.

Maybe grandma didn't tell lies, maybe after a while, everything will return to normal.After all, there are always ups and downs in life, and she doesn't need to be overly sensitive to bring a more depressing atmosphere to the family!

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