After Liu Zhirou and her family had a good time, she returned to her bedroom to rest.

She wanted to take a comfortable bath and catch up on sleep, but just as she came out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door, and it was Lu Ningya who came in.

"Zhirou, is it convenient to have a chat with mom?"

"Of course it's convenient!"

Liu Zhirou walked up to Lu Ningya with a smile and sat down with her arm, then said:

"What does mom want to talk to me about?"

Lu Ningya looked at Liu Zhirou's face, and then took Liu Zhirou's hand, maybe feeling that Liu Zhirou's hand was a bit rough, Lu Ningya spread Liu Zhirou's palm and looked at it with some distress and said:
"Look at you. If you don't do anything, you have to be a pastry chef. Your hands are getting thicker."

As Lu Ningya said, she got up and went to the dressing table to get hand cream and applied it to Liu Zhirou's hands. While rubbing and pressing for her, she said:

"I thought you would go home in a year or two at most, but who knew you would go away for six years, and you are really willing!"

Liu Zhirou looked at Lu Ningya who lowered her head to help her massage her hands with a smile on her face. She knew that Lu Ningya loved her, so she held Lu Ningya's hand behind her back and said happily:

"Mom, don't be angry, I'm back now!"

"If it wasn't because you have a job, where would you be willing to come back?"

Lu Ningya smiled and exposed Liu Zhirou's obedient behavior, but Liu Zhirou just took advantage of the situation and nestled into her arms, took a deep breath and said coquettishly:

"It's great, I can finally hug my mother as much as I want now."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Zhirou left Lu Ningya's embrace again and looked at Lu Ningya with a smile!
Lu Ningya looked at Liu Zhirou who was smiling brightly and sweetly, she also smiled lightly and said:

"Mom can let you hug me anytime, but Zhirou...!"

After a little hesitation, Lu Ningya continued:

"Mom wants to ask you, do you plan to get married yet?"

Although Liu Zhirou was not surprised by Lu Ningya's question, she didn't know how to answer it for a while.

She used to have such expectations for love, but since she left love and tried a new life, she once forgot about love, let alone getting married!
Now, her life is backed by a happy family and a career that enriches her spirit. She thinks this is fine, and there is no need to think about other things.

However, she didn't think it was necessary, but Lu Ningya didn't let her escape, she asked:
"Aren't you going to get married?"

"Mom, I'm fine now, and then... I don't want to think about it yet."

"Is it because you don't want to think about it, or is there someone else in your heart?"

Liu Zhirou's fingers trembled because of Lu Ningya's question, which also made Lu Ningya, who was already holding her hand, notice something strange about Liu Zhirou.

"Could it be that you still haven't let go of that reward?"

"Mom, I didn't, he's long gone...!"

Liu Zhirou lowered her head and denied it, but Lu Ningya looked at her and sighed softly:
"Zhirou, you don't need to be under pressure. My mother is not asking you this question to rush you to marry, let alone to stop you from liking someone. Mom just hopes that if you let go of your past love, you should accept a new love again. If you haven't let go of the person you miss, then go to him again, maybe that way, you will know better how to choose yourself!"

Liu Zhirou was not born by Lu Ningya, but she was raised by her, so how could she not understand what Liu Zhirou was thinking!
She also guessed that Liu Zhirou's rush to go abroad must have something to do with her beloved Zhang Fu.

After so many years, although Liu Zhirou has found her career position abroad, Lu Ningya knows that Liu Zhirou's heart is still avoiding her own heart.

If Zhang Chou really became a thing of the past, Liu Zhirou would not be unwilling to accept new feelings until now.

What's more, Liu Zhirou has already had someone who really likes her, and that person has been silently waiting for Liu Zhirou for five years.

The person who likes Liu Zhirou, Lu Ningya, also knows him, he is the son of the Xu family who is also from a wealthy family ~ Xu Junyi.

Speaking of it, it can be considered fate, Xu Junyi is the boy Liu Zhiruo liked in college.

But Xu Junyi fell in love with Liu Zhirou, and Liu Zhiruo even slapped Liu Zhirou for this. At that time, the relationship between their sisters was still at its worst.

Later, as Xu Junyi went abroad for further studies, things were left alone.After that, for a long time, Xu Junyi never appeared around Liu Zhirou.

It wasn't until after she went to England that she met Xu Junyi again, and they had a relatively close relationship because of this.

The Liu family didn't know that they became friends abroad, or Xu Junyi's mother contacted Lu Ningya to express her intention to get married, and Lu Ningya knew that Xu Junyi had been pursuing Liu Zhirou.

However, after so many years, it seems that only Xu Junyi is still waiting for Liu Zhirou, but Liu Zhirou has never opened her heart to accept Xu Junyi.

Xu Junyi's family background, appearance, character and personal ability are all impeccable, which is why Lu Ningya hopes that Liu Zhirou will give her a chance to accept new relationships.

After all, after a long time, no matter how long the love is, there will be a day when people shrink back.She didn't want Liu Zhirou to be vacillating all the time, and finally lead to two ends being lost, neither getting the person she loves nor losing the person who loves her!
Liu Zhirou knew in her heart that Lu Ningya was worried about her, but she was no longer the Liu Zhirou who had no opinion or courage in the past, she said confidently:
"Mom, I admit that I still have some troubles in my heart, but mother, don't worry, those troubles have not hindered my happiness index, especially when I am back with you, I am happier."

Looking at Liu Zhirou's shining eyes with a smile on her face, Lu Ningya could tell that her happiness came from the bottom of her heart. She was very pleased with this and said sincerely:
"Zhirou, thank you for growing up so well and confidently, I can finally be worthy of your biological mother...!"

"I also thank Mom, you finally let me see your true happiness!"

Lu Ningya was taken aback for a moment, but then she understood the words she didn't speak from Liu Zhirou's eyes.

Yes, she is truly happy the way she is now.The love she had been forcing for decades had brought her heavy pain, and she thought that her life would be heavy until she died.

But she never expected that the love she could not get in the first half of her life, but in the second half of her life, she would unknowingly have Liu Zhongliang's sincerity.

It was an accident of embarrassment and joy that she gave birth to a son for Liu Zhongliang at the age of fifty!

But that was the crystallization of her and Liu Zhongliang's sincere treatment of each other. In fact, there is no romantic feeling between them, and there is no sweetness and affectation in each other's words and deeds, and more often they depend on each other emotionally.

It's just that Lu Ningya is also very satisfied. After all, after decades of ups and downs, they are no longer boys and girls, and the romance of youth is naturally not suitable for their age.

However, whether it is Liu Zhongliang's love or dependence on her now, they are all happy now, and this is the result...!
After Liu Zhirou rested at home for two days, Xu Junyi asked her out for dinner, and she happened to be going to the hotel where Rebes was preparing a banquet to discuss making desserts, so she accepted Xu Junyi's invitation!
However, when she came to the hotel under the Murong Group, Liu Zhirou really had mixed feelings in her heart. After she discussed the preparations for the banquet with the relevant person in charge, she sat alone and waited for Xu Junyi.

However, during the time when no one disturbed her, her thoughts went back to the past like thousands of strands...

If the Murong Group was involved in the past, her memories were almost all of the person she desperately wanted to forget.

But many years have passed, the word Murong Group is the first thing she remembers about that person for her!

I don't know if so many years have passed, has he completely forgotten her existence?If she suddenly saw him again, could she face it calmly?
Liu Zhirou held the cold coffee cup with both hands and propped her head on the table in deep thought. She completely forgot where she was. If it wasn't for Xu Junyi's phone call, she probably wouldn't be able to recover for a while.

Xu Junyi thought she was still talking, so he had already gone to the restaurant to wait for her.So, she hung up the phone and patted her cheek to let herself forget what she shouldn't think about, and then she walked towards the elevator to the restaurant.

I don't know if she came here because she was afraid of anything, Liu Zhirou's originally calm pace came to a standstill when she reached the elevator entrance...

When she was forced to meet those eyes that she didn't want to face so much, she didn't know whether to turn around and leave, or go forward bravely?

In the end, she chose to go forward bravely, she has no reason to back down, and she shouldn't back down!
When the elevator arrived, she walked in silently, and then that tall figure also walked in. The moment the elevator closed, Liu Zhirou's heartbeat hit her chest more violently, she...!
"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhang Chou faced Liu Zhirou, his face was expressionless, but in reality, his heart was already surging.

Six years have passed, and she... finally came back!

Liu Zhirou looked up at her, if it wasn't for the two of them in the elevator, she would never think that what he said was meant for her.

But since he took the initiative to talk to her, she naturally wouldn't pretend that she didn't hear him, but she had to work hard to pretend to be calm in order to reply indifferently:

"long time no see!"

Zhang Chou kept looking into her eyes, her bland pupils exuded alienation towards him, which made him frown.

But before he had time to say anything, the elevator arrived at the restaurant floor, and they walked out of the elevator together into the restaurant and went to different seats. During this time, they didn't say anything.

However, what was troubling was that their seats were not far apart, and Zhang Chou was even facing the right position so that he could look directly at the direction of her and Xu Junyi's table.

Liu Zhirou also saw him sitting alone at the same table with a very intellectual European and American woman. Seeing how they greeted each other in a proper manner, they must have lunch together to discuss business!
But no matter what it was, it was really a test for her to meet him the first day she came out.

Helplessly, after many years of reunion, she still lost her own heart!

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