The reason why Liu Zhiruo changed her hostile attitude towards Liu Zhirou was because Lu Ningya fainted and was hospitalized earlier, she saw Liu Zhirou taking care of Lu Ningya carefully, she had to admit that Liu Zhirou's concern for Lu Ningya was not false .

However, because of this, she hated Liu Zhirou even more, especially when she felt that Lu Ningya's attitude towards Liu Zhirou had changed a lot.

In the past, she felt that Lu Ningya was only willing to raise Liu Zhirou out of responsibility. Lu Ningya did not regard Liu Zhirou as her own daughter, she was Lu Ningya's favorite daughter.

But now Lu Ningya's attitude towards Liu Zhirou has not only become gentler, even the way she looks at Liu Zhirou has a bit more maternal love.

Liu Zhiruo has always believed that everyone in the family cares more about Liu Zhirou, and Lu Ningya's maternal love is the only thing she feels confident that she can monopolize it.If even Lu Ningya was snatched away by Liu Zhirou, she would definitely hate Liu Zhirou even more angrily!

Maybe it was because her anger towards Liu Zhirou was stronger than ever, so Lu Ningya had a deep chat with her after she was discharged from the hospital.

Therefore, she knew that Liu Zhirou's biological mother died to save her mother.

From another perspective, if Liu Zhirou's mother didn't save her mother.Then, now she will lose her own mother, and Liu Zhirou's mother will also become her stepmother.

Of course, besides knowing the truth, Liu Zhiruo also knew everything that happened to her parents when they were young.

It turned out that in the love-hate entanglement between her parents, her mother was the original destroyer.Without her mother's destruction, Liu Zhirou would be the daughter of the Liu family, and she might not even have the chance to be born!

Liu Zhiruo may be used to being arrogant, but she is not really so indiscriminate in her heart.The main reason she hated Liu Zhirou since childhood was because she always believed that Liu Zhirou was the most direct cause of her parents' relationship breakdown.

What's more, Liu Zhirou was clearly an illegitimate daughter, but Liu Zhirou always received more attention and praise than her. When she could not accept Liu Zhirou, this was the most unacceptable point for her.

Now, she knows that things are not what she thought, so she no longer has any hatred for Liu Zhirou.On the contrary, when she saw her being sick and crying because of a broken relationship, Liu Zhiruo actually inexplicably felt angry as a sister, and she actually had the urge to vent her anger for Liu Zhirou.

Just like now, Liu Zhirou suddenly said in a hurry that she wanted to study abroad, and her family's objections did not stop her decision.

Although Liu Zhirou didn't explain why she made such a sudden decision, everyone in the family seemed to guess what she was running away from.

Liu Zhiruo naturally saw something tricky, so she came to find out what happened to Liu Zhirou before she left.

It's just that she wanted to express her concern for Liu Zhirou, which made her feel very uncomfortable, so she was a little embarrassed.

Liu Zhirou looked at her faltering expression, she smiled softly and said cheerfully:
"Sister, thank you!"

"...?" Liu Zhiruo was stunned, she didn't understand why Liu Zhirou thanked her.

Liu Zhirou seemed to know her doubts, and said:

"Thank you for caring about me, it makes me happy."

"I don't care about you...!"

Liu Zhiruo mumbled to deny it, but before Liu Zhirou set off for the airport, she still couldn't help but said to Liu Zhirou in a duplicity:
"Liu Zhirou, it's best not to come back so soon after you go out, I'm very happy without you at home!"

"Then sister is going to be disappointed. I will be back in a year or two at most. No matter whether my sister is unhappy to see me or not, I will be very happy to see her."

"Cut... Who cares if you are happy!"

Liu Zhiruo didn't have good things to say, but she was actually very comfortable in her heart, so what she said was naturally ironic.

The rest of the family knew Liu Zhiruo's duplicity, but they were more concerned about Liu Zhirou's imminent departure.

Liu Zhirou didn't want to say goodbye to her family at the airport, so she insisted not to let anyone take her to the airport, she was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave.

However, she needs to reorient herself!She does not deny that she suddenly decided to go abroad with an escape in mind.

After all, she didn't have the courage to face Zhang Fu, she was afraid that he would question why she disrupted his life again?

Therefore, she chose to escape, she hoped that during the time away from him, she could grow up, even if he came to ask her something again, she could face him very frankly...!
It's just that Liu Zhirou didn't expect that nearly six years would fly by from the time the plane took off to the time when she was away!
Stepping back to the place where she left, Liu Zhirou is still the same Liu Zhirou.But now, in addition to being the daughter of the Liu family, she is also an internationally renowned pastry master.

During the six years abroad, she devoted herself to the study of desserts from scratch. As soon as she learned, she let herself walk out of a life path that can achieve self-fulfillment.

Full of confidence, Liu Zhirou, who was still dressed sweetly and stylishly, went out of the security check and saw the equally dazzling Liu Baiyu waving to her.

Liu Zhirou smiled and ran to Liu Baiyu's arms, Liu Baiyu hugged her before pushing her away and said:
"Let me see if my sister has become more beautiful?"

"We only met three months ago, what can change in such a short time?"

"Don't you know that if you don't see each other in a day, it's like three autumns?"

Liu Baiyu patted Liu Zhirou's head, even though Liu Zhirou had matured a lot, he still treated her as a girl who didn't grow up.

During these years when Liu Zhirou was in England, he would actually meet her once or twice a year, because he would occasionally go to England on business trips, and every time he would find time to find Liu Zhirou.

Although Liu Zhirou didn't mind that Liu Baiyu always touched her head like a little girl, she smiled sweetly and took Liu Baiyu's arm and walked out of the airport together, protesting a little:

"Brother, I'm almost 30 years old. I'm a mature woman. Don't touch my head in public all the time. Look, everyone is watching us!"

Liu Baiyu looked around casually, and it seemed that many people were looking at them. He didn't care much and said confidently:

"That's because our brothers and sisters are so outstanding, so others will look at us."

In fact, Liu Baiyu did not exaggerate. Most of those who looked at them were really attracted by their handsome and beautiful appearance, but some whispered that they were a couple.

In this regard, the two brothers and sisters just laughed and said nothing.

When they walked out of the airport and were about to walk to their car, Liu Zhirou suddenly stopped and stared at a limousine in front of her left.

"what happened?"

Liu Baiyu followed Liu Zhirou's gaze, but he didn't see anything worth seeing.

Liu Zhirou didn't answer. She didn't look at Liu Baiyu until she watched the limousine drive away from her eyes and said:
"Brother, I seem to have seen it just now...!"

"See what? An acquaintance?" Liu Baiyu looked at her and asked.

"I thought it was an acquaintance, but I must have misread it."

Liu Zhirou smiled and didn't tell the truth. In fact, even though it was just a flash, she thought she saw the person she never stopped thinking about~ Lin Wanmian!

But the woman with the sunglasses and the neat and pretty short hair drove away by herself. Because of this, Liu Zhirou felt that she might have seen someone more like Lin Wanmian.After all, nothing else matters, at least it is impossible for Lin Wanmian to drive by himself!
After so many years, after Lin Wanmian and Nalan left together, she never saw Lin Wanmian again, and she didn't know where she was now, and how was she doing?

Liu Baiyu didn't notice Liu Zhirou's worry, after the two of them got into the car, the driver started the car and left the airport.

As soon as she got home and entered the door, Liu Zhirou was surrounded by the bustle of the house.

The current atmosphere of the Liu family can be said to be completely new. The most surprising thing is that less than two years after Liu Zhirou went abroad, Liu Jiaxi added a newcomer, that is, the younger brother of the three brothers and sisters of the Liu family ~ Liu Bolin!
Who would have thought that the Lius and his wife, who were over half a century old, fell in love, and in the end they actually gave birth to a younger brother for the three brothers and sisters of the Liu family.

Now, Liu Zhongliang has completely withdrawn from the company and handed over all the responsibility to Liu Baiyu. His pleasure now is to be around his wife and children every day. How happy his life is!

Of course, in these years, the Liu family had more than one or two happy events, and Liu Zhiruo also got married and gave birth to a child.

Interestingly, Liu Zhiruo married Zhong Lunke, the second son of the Zhong family!

The reason why I say it is interesting is because Liu Zhiruo fled the country to avoid a blind date with Zhong Lunke, but she never dreamed that the blind date she tried to avoid crossed half the world and they still met abroad!
Of course, they didn't know each other's identities until they returned to China. Although some things happened afterwards, they still fell in love with each other and entered the palace of marriage in the end.Moreover, they have two lovely children, and the Liu family and the Zhong family have also become in-laws as they wished!
Liu Zhirou looked at the whole room of family members who had gathered together to welcome her home, and she felt that there was nothing unsatisfactory in her life!

What's more, she now has a career she likes, and she has almost nothing else to ask for in her life.

She didn't plan to return to China so soon, but her loyal client, Rebeth, was going to tour China, and she was in charge of the dinner after Rebeth's performance, so she returned to China early.

Rebeth is a mysterious pianist who became popular three years ago.The reason why she is said to be mysterious is because she wears half a white mask in every performance, and so far no one knows what the real face under the white mask looks like.

Like most people, Liu Zhirou has never met Rebeth in person, she only knows that every time Rebeth holds a banquet, she is appointed to be in charge of the dessert.

As a result, Liu Zhirou became known to more and more European upper classes. Gradually, as a professional pastry chef, she was invited by various high-end banquets to be in charge of dessert arrangements!
When her career became more and more stable, sometimes she wondered whether it was her own strength that conquered others, or was it thanks to Torre Beth that she went smoothly?

Speaking of Rebeth, Liu Zhirou has always been curious, because no one knows about Rebeth's life experience. When everyone knew, she was already a mysterious pianist that everyone flocked to!

Someone tried to dig deep into Rebeth's origin, but in the end it became more and more mysterious. So far no one has the ability to uncover her veil!

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