In silence, after thinking about it in his mind, Mars first walked back to the lying Nalan and sat down to look at her, then lightly held her hand and put it on his lips and kissed her!

Then, Mars lowered his head and whispered in Nalan's ear:
"Fox demon, although I love you, I am willing to tolerate all your stubbornness and willfulness. But if you don't wake up, I can only make you hurt. I will never allow you to lie down forever, never!"

There was infinite pampering in Mars' words, but they were also full of threats.But his threat was not for Nalan, but for himself.

If there is another way to wake her up, and she can't wake up by herself, he can only make her suffer the hard work of having a craniotomy.

Mars's deep eyes looked at Nalan who seemed lifeless, and he kept a long kiss on her forehead.

After he let go of her hand and got up, Mars said to Andrew:

"Keep her safe!"

After Mars gave instructions, he said to Arthur:
"Let's go to the study, I have something to say."

Nalan was seriously injured and unconscious, which made him irritable and heartbroken. When it was serious, he even had only Nalan in his eyes and nothing else.But Mars, who has never been a weak person, can only return to his nature of vigorous action in an instant.

After all, besides Mars who loves Nalan, he is also the leader of the entire Damon family!
After Arthur followed Mars to the study, Mars took out a document from his office bookcase to Arthur.

"What is this?" Arthur took it but didn't open it!

"This is information about the terrorist organization that attacked us in Country A in the Middle East. I have known their hideouts for a long time. The reason why I have not moved them until now is because I am worried that Oliver is still on their territory. But the latest information confirms that, Oliver is no longer among them. So, I have given an order to destroy them within 24 hours."

Regardless of the cause and effect, for Mars, those people hurt Nalan, and he would never allow them to continue to exist on Earth.

Anyway, it's nothing more than a terrorist organization full of extremist ideas, so he should be killed for human beings!
Originally, Arthur went to country A in the Middle East to find his younger brother, Oliver, who was controlled by a terrorist organization.

But when Arthur found some clues, Oliver had disappeared again.

But in the process of searching for Oliver, he still inevitably provoked that terrorist organization, so he and Sols were targeted by that terrorist organization.

When Mars's people went to rescue them, they caused serious damage and blows to that terrorist organization.

Therefore, it also triggered the terrorist organization's crazy counterattack against them, which is the most direct cause of Nalan's serious injury.

Arthur knew that it was for his sake that Mars endured until now to order the destruction of that evil terrorist organization.

If his brother is still in that organization, Mars' order may directly kill his brother.

Now that he has found out that his brother is no longer among them, Arthur will naturally not question Mars' decision.

Regarding Mars' sincere care, Arthur only said:

"Thank you!"

"If you want to thank me, make sure Lan'er can wake up!"

"Okay, I'll make sure!"

Arthur has never been unconfident about his medical skills, since he was able to snatch Nalan back from the hands of the god of death, how could he be unconfident when she wakes up!

However, Arthur was less worried about Nalan, but immediately returned to worrying about his brother.

Since his younger brother is no longer in that organization, there are only two possibilities, one is that he has escaped, and the other is that he has disappeared into this world.

As for the latter guess, Arthur was not inclined.Because his brother had been away from home for ten years, every time he was about to find him, his brother would disappear completely at the last moment, and he would never let him find him.

So, this time, he thinks that his younger brother must be alive and well, but he just doesn't know where he went and no one can find him.

Arthur comes from a medical family, and his parents were once the leading figures in the medical field.

It's just that Arthur's family seems to have always been the royal doctor of the Damon family.

As for when their family began to serve the Damon family, as far as Arthur knew, it could be traced back to the time of his great-grandfather.

And in Arthur's impression, it was a deep-rooted inheritance that their family served the Damon family.

However, in his generation, the situation has somewhat changed.Although he still inherited the family's inheritance of serving the Damon family, Arthur is no longer limited to serving the medical business sector of the Damon family like his father's generation.

In addition to being Mars' personal doctor, Arthur now has his own medical research institute independently.The place where he usually spends most of his time is studying and breaking through medical problems in his own research institute.

In other words, Arthur is now no longer bound by the family heritage.He can continue to continue the inheritance of his family serving the Damon family, or he can completely break away from the subordinate retainers who no longer belong to the Damon family.

This privilege was given to Arthur by Mars' grandfather 20 years ago.Because, 20 years ago, Arthur's parents paid the price of their lives for the Damon family for some irreversible reasons.

The death of their parents left Arthur and his brother Oliver orphaned, and old Hades became their guardian.

When old Hades took the two brothers in, he told them that when they grew up, they could decide where to stay.But the old Hades also said that he hoped that the two brothers would have kind thoughts and behave well.They also don't need to be bound by the so-called inheritance, they can be family members of the Dimon family, or they can be friends.

As a result, the two brothers became medical geniuses under the careful training of old Hades.

In terms of medical skills, Arthur is more cautious than his younger brother, has more solid professional knowledge, and has received more praise and recognition.

Compared with him, although Oliver's medical skills are equally superb, his ideas are too bold and presumptuous, sometimes so presumptuous that people feel that he doesn't take life seriously at all, as if he doesn't care whether the patient is dead or alive, he only cares about the patient Can his illness become a level where he can break through his own medical skills.

For this reason, Arthur often quarreled with Oliver. He didn't want Oliver, as a doctor, to pay no attention to the life and death of patients and only focus on whether his specialty can be broken through.

However, since Oliver's parents passed away, he has become rebellious at a young age, and no one has succeeded in restraining him.

When he was under [-], Oliver was expelled from the medical school and permanently deprived of his qualifications to practice medicine because of another violation of medical regulations.

That is, after Oliver was expelled from school, before Arthur had a chance to ask him what was going on, he suddenly disappeared.

But Oliver disappeared by himself. He disappeared without even saying hello to his brother. He couldn't find where he was!

In the past ten years, Arthur has never given up looking for him, but the strange thing is that every time he feels that he is about to see Oliver who has run away from home, Oliver's whereabouts will finally make him unable to find him arrive.

But Arthur was also relieved that at least Oliver was still alive.As long as it's alive, it's fine!

Arthur fell into some past events for a while. Mars and Arthur were both subordinates and playmates who grew up together, so he knew almost everything about Arthur!

Because he guessed what Arthur was thinking, Mars said again:

"Arthur, Oliver hasn't cut off contact with you. In the past ten years, you have been looking for him, and he has been hiding. But every time, he tells you in his own way that he is still alive!"

Arthur smiled gently, and said:
"You mean he's just playing hide and seek with me?"

"No, I mean, he's going out of his way to find the truth."

"...?" The smile on Arthur's face disappeared!

"Oliver seems to have been traveling in extremist organizations all over the world these years. He used secret operations to sneak into those organizations. What is his purpose of not being afraid of danger, I think, you know better than me!"

"He... is still looking for the murderer who killed our parents!"

Their parents were involved in some fights because of the Damon family.Their deaths can be said to have paid their lives for the Damon family!

In fact, before Arthur's parents were murdered, it was the same day that Mars' uncle Helios was shot and died.

Arthur's parents were racing against time to rescue their master, Helios.

There was no accident, Helios could be rescued completely.

However, at the last moment, a group of people rushed into the temporary operation site set up by Arthur's parents, and Helios missed the best chance of survival and died on the operating table.

Sadly, the people who rushed in took Arthur's parents away by force.

When the Damon family received the news of the death of the heir Helios, the entire Damon family was shocked.

Old Hades didn't even know how he endured that fact, but his wife was not as strong as him.

After the old lady who was already in poor health learned of the death of her eldest son Helios, her body moved quickly, and she also passed away in the same month that her eldest son died.

At the same time, there was news that Arthur's parents, who were loyal to the Daimon family, had been cruelly tortured to death.

Later, the Damon family quickly found out everything.It turned out that the person who shot and killed the heir of the Daemon family was the black hand of the enemy of their family.The other party bought a certain terrorist organization with a lot of money and brutally attacked Helios while Helios was staying there on business.

When Helios was shot, Arthur's parents were at the scene. Unfortunately, in the chaos, not only did they have no chance to save their master, but they were also caught in it.

Later, although the old Haytis ordered all those involved in the killing of Helios and Arthur's parents to carry out the most ruthless revenge.

But even that can't get back the life that is so precious to them.

However, Arthur and his brother Oliver did not know how their parents died until ten years ago.

And what makes them unacceptable is that the mastermind who killed their parents is still the living leader of the organization in a certain terrorist base.

This is probably why Oliver has been traveling between different terrorist organizations over the years.

Because he wants to find the murderer who killed his parents!

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