It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 145 He Was So Afraid She Would Hate Him

Nalan survived, but her heart was damaged by the bullet.But what made her unconscious was because the impact of the explosion caused her to hit her head.

At present, after Arthur's artificial intervention in Nalan's heart, plus a few months of recuperation, it is now basically guaranteed that there will be no sequelae in the future.

It's just that her brain is sleeping, but fortunately, her brain stem is responsive, that is to say, she can wake up, but the time is uncertain.

Arthur looked at Nalan's current situation from the perspective of a doctor, because she had done what she was supposed to do, and when Nalan could wake up was entirely up to her.

But for Mars, the waiting had already reached the limit of his patience, and he suddenly roared violently:

"Damn it, is she good now? When will she wake up?"

"Mars, you need to calm down. Since Nalan can survive until now, she will be fine."

It's not that Arthur can't understand Mars, but being anxious can't solve the problem.

"If you want me to calm down, let her wake up. You are a genius doctor, aren't you omnipotent? How long has it been since she still can't wake up? Do you know how to heal people?"

It wasn't the first time that Mars got mad at Arthur.But Arthur seemed to be immune, based on understanding and guilt, he didn't care about Mars' questioning of his profession at all.

Arthur calmly accepted Mars' roar, but the butler Andrew reminded him respectfully:
"Master Mars, it's fine for you to vent your anger, but your roar might startle Miss Nalan."

"If my roar can wake her up, I don't mind trampling the house down!"

As Mars lost control of his mind, he yelled harder.

Andrew was not surprised that Mars would roar, but he was shocked when he heard Mars roar.

He had already fully seen how much Mars attached importance to Nalan, but he really didn't expect that Nalan's influence on Mars had reached such an extent!

This is the main castle of the Damon family, and the center of power for the entire family.But Mars compared the main castle with Nalan without any hesitation, which shows that Mars has more than just attached importance to Nalan.

Mars got angry, but he didn't feel much better because of it. Instead, he sat down slumped and wiped his face with his hands helplessly.

Arthur walked over and sat beside him. His upper body also leaned forward, and then he clasped his hands on his knees and looked at a certain place. He apologized guiltily:
"Sorry, Mars!"

Hearing his apology, Mars slowly sat up straight, and without looking at Arthur, he just said:

"I know you tried your best, but I didn't control myself!"

"I mean, Nalan's accident was all because of me, so... I'm sorry!"

While they were still in China, he suddenly received news of his missing brother for many years.But the news said that something extremely dangerous happened to his brother in the Middle East.He was in a hurry to find someone, so he ran to the Middle East to find clues without preparation.As a result, his friend Saul who went with him also suffered.

Mars also followed to rescue them, but he didn't expect Nalan to have an accident because of this.

Mars frowned slightly, his cheeks protruding from gritting his teeth.

After a while, Mars said:
"That's none of your business. She had an accident because of me. If I hadn't brought her there... No, I brought her there but I didn't keep her safe. Instead, I asked her to do it for me...!"

Mars said, a picture that filled him with fear immediately flashed into his mind.

That was the picture of Nalan blocking the bullet for him and she almost disappeared in the explosion...!
Arthur and Sols had an accident in the Middle East. When he rushed over with Nalan, Arthur and Sols had been rescued, but they were all injured to varying degrees.

Arthur was only shot in the calf, but nothing serious.Sols was relatively more serious. Fortunately, the villa they stayed in exploded, and Sols was transferred in advance, thus avoiding greater damage.

In fact, the day after Mars took Nalan to country A in the Middle East, after ensuring the safety of Arthur and Sols, Mars planned to leave immediately and return to England.

But on that night, the villa where they were staying was violently and blatantly shot.

Mars' subordinates suppressed the opponent's firepower for a while.But just when everyone thought they could relax, a person who fell down from the other party slowed down in an inconspicuous corner.He probably saw that Mars was being protected, so he guessed that Mars was the most important person.

So, he aimed his gun at Mars, and everyone didn't notice that man's actions, but Nalan, who was standing not far away, accidentally saw it...!
When a "bang" gunshot sounded in the air that had just subsided, and when everyone reacted, Nalan stood in front of Mars at some point.

With the gunfire, the enemy suddenly burst into a group of people, and then the fierce guns rang again.

The moment Nalan fell, Mars knew that she had blocked a fatal bullet for him.

What was even more frightening was that there was an explosion in the villa without warning, and Mars didn't have time to go to Nalan's side, so Nalan was also affected by the explosion.

But not long after, the people who came to rescue Mars arrived, and the situation was reversed.

Afterwards, the reason why the villa was blown up to almost ashes was not because of the enemy's destruction, but because Mars ordered the complete destruction of all evidence, and the villa was razed to the ground.

This is how Nalan's serious injury came about.Although Arthur saved Nalan's life for him, he has not felt at ease every day since she was in a coma.

Because he couldn't feel at ease, he yelled at the people around him almost every day, but the more he yelled, the more irritable he became.

Only when guarding Nalan alone, he would not want to get angry at any time.

Nalan survived the surgery, and Mars took her directly to Daemon's house, to be more precise, his master bedroom.

His actions undoubtedly told everyone in the Damon family that Nalan meant a lot to him.

The news soon became known to the whole family.Knowing Nalan's particularity towards Mars, the one who reacted most strongly was Mars' biological mother, Mrs. Anna.

Mrs. Anna and Mars' father Lawrence lived in the side branch castle not far from the main castle.

Since Mars was adopted under the name of his deceased uncle, Mars lived in the main castle with the eldest head of the Damon family, namely his grandfather, Haytis, as the heir.

Mrs. Anna came over on the day Mars brought Nalan back to express her strong opposition.

She thought that, for whatever reason, Mars could not put Nalan in his bedroom to share the same room with him.

Who doesn't know that once a woman sleeps in the master bedroom of the heir of the Damon family, that woman can only be the future mistress of the Damon family.

But Mrs. Anna's objection had almost no effect on Mars, even before Mars' grandfather had time to say anything to Mars, Mars preemptively said:
"Grandpa, you can object, but the result of your objection is that I will take my people and leave this bedroom forever."

Mars said these words calmly, but the corners of Old Hades' lips twitched, and he didn't dare to say anything.

However, after Old Haides knew that Nalan had blocked a bullet for his precious grandson, he didn't even say anything.

As the head of the family, Heidi Si was silent. Mrs. Anna yelled for a few days and found that no one agreed with her, so she pretended to be angry and made trouble for herself.

Nalan lay down in this symbolic bedroom for several months, and Mars also slept in this bedroom for several months in a row.

Because of his status, he flies around the world almost every year, so he will not stay in the UK for more than three consecutive months.

This time for Nalan, he left everything behind, just to guard her, the moment she wakes up!

But, how long has she been sleeping, how long does he have to make him wait, isn't the time he gave enough?

Arthur looked at the remorse and pain on Mars's face, put his hand on Mars' shoulder and said:

"Mars, although I'm not sure when Nalan will wake up, I can guarantee that she will wake up. Let's wait. If it really doesn't work, I will take necessary measures to help her wake up."

When Mars heard this, he turned his head suddenly to Arthur, squinted his eyes and asked:
"Necessary measures? You... Is there any other way to wake her up? But why don't you do anything, you don't know me...?"

"Mars, calm down! The necessary measures I mentioned were not available from the beginning. It is a new plan that I have studied carefully during this period of time. But I don't think it is time to use a new plan."

"Why? If she can wake her up, why not use it?"

Mars couldn't restrain his excitement, he really didn't want to wait any longer.Even if he could make her wake up one day earlier, he would pay any price.

"The new plan I'm talking about is to perform an operation on her brain to artificially stimulate her reaction nerves, so that her success rate of waking up can reach 80.00%. But because her brainstem nerve response is not a problem, so, for To avoid making her suffer more, my judgment is that we can wait a little longer, maybe Nalan will wake up when he says so. Unless her condition is really getting to the point where there is no need to wait any longer, then we can do the operation again of!"

Arthur's explanation was reasonable, and Mars kept his face cold. If Nalan had to undergo such a large and unnecessary operation because of his impatience, he would be even more heartbroken!

But if she waits, no one can guarantee when she will wake up!
He can wait for a day, or a month, but if it is a year or more, can he just wait?
He was the one who forcibly brought her into his world, but she only stepped in with one foot, and her other foot also stepped in towards the gate of hell!
He shouldn't be so eager to take her away, even if he doesn't take her to such a dangerous country, nothing will happen to her!
He was so afraid that when she woke up, she would hate him for messing up her clean life beyond recognition!

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