Lin Wanmian was so stimulated by the sudden truth that his head became confused, and he was so angry that he wanted to vent something.But what she wants to do the most right now is to leave this place, this place she shouldn't be in...!
However, in the end, she couldn't take a step out of this house because...she got into trouble!
She was too angry and confused, when she left the room regardless, Murong Qingyue seemed to say something to her, but she couldn't listen at all, she still just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

However, she really didn't know that her waywardness in the chaos would implicate Murong Qingyue, and it was so unfortunate that she happened to be at the top of the stairs. She accidentally pushed Murong Qingyue down the stairs who kindly wanted to help her, causing her to be injured and unconscious !

What's more deadly is that Aunt Liu said... Murong Qingyue has a big belly...!
After Murong Qingyue was hurriedly taken away by her security guards, Lin Wanmian was in a state of confusion, and after finally regaining consciousness, she couldn't think of anything.The only thing she thought of was, how should she face Murong Aoyang's anger?

Before she could figure out how to deal with this helpless fear, she was waiting in the living room when she heard the screeching brakes of a sports car coming from the yard.

For some reason, she was sure that it was the proof of Murong Aoyang's arrival.

Sure enough, following the loud bang of the door of the living room, the sound of footsteps full of anger arrived in front of her within a few seconds, and when she was pulled up by him angrily, she heard He roared angrily:
"Lin Wanmian, what the hell are you going crazy about, do you know what you have done?"

This was the first time in his life that Murong Aoyang couldn't rationally restrain his own anger.But this is probably the most difficult balance situation he has encountered in his life.

When he knew that Murong Qingyue was here because of Lin Wanmian's accident, he was shocked and angry.

Although the three babies in Murong Qingyue's womb were safe, Murong Qingyue fell into a coma and did not know when she would wake up.

He never imagined that the residence he had arranged for Lin Wanmian in City A would one day become the scene of an accident where his sister had an accident.

If something happened to his sister, how should he explain to his family, and what should he do with Lin Wanmian?
Facing Murong Aoyang's anger, Lin Wanmian shrank subconsciously when he yelled at her, but she didn't do anything to resist, even though her arm was throbbing after being grabbed by him.

Murong Qingyue did not cause such a big accident because of her on purpose, and she did not know that Murong Qingyue was pregnant with a child.But no matter what, she caused Murong Qingyue to fall down the stairs, and she felt very guilty. She sincerely prayed that Murong Qingyue and her child would be safe.

But she also has a huge grievance. He lied to her first, and he made her so ridiculous. She also wanted to vent her anger.

She originally wanted to know if Murong Qingyue was well now, but his anger directly detonated all her grievances, so that she couldn't release her concern, she looked up at him He raised his voice and asked:

"What about you, what did you do to me? Your precious sister is not dead at all, why do you let me think she is dead? You know that I am facing you, and what I feel most guilty about is that I owe you my life , but it wasn’t like that at all.”

"So it wasn't, but you almost turned it into a fact. Your mother almost killed her back then, and now you have caused her to suffer such a big accident. Why do you mother and daughter hurt her? If I knew that there would be today , I will never...!"

"Absolutely not what? You will never "play" with me for so long, or you will never save my life to this day?"

"Damn you, shut up, say one more word, I...!"

Murong Aoyang yelled angrily, but for some reason, in such a furious situation, he didn't use more ruthless words to her, he was not willing to let go when he couldn't balance the situation time to hurt her.

His sister is very important to him, but she is even more important to him!

The suppressed tangled anger in his furious eyes couldn't hold back any longer. Before he completely hurt her, he forced himself to slow down and push her back to the sofa.

But Lin Wanmian still couldn't withstand his "slow force", she was still dizzy the moment she fell to sit, her right hand bumped into a small coffee table beside the sofa, and the basket of apples on the coffee table also "boomed". , BOOM, BOOM" rolled to the ground.

Because she likes the smell of apples, this position is her usual fixed seat in the living room, so Aunt Liu will always put a basket of sweet apples on the small tea table in this position.

After Murong Aoyang pushed her down, he turned around and didn't look at her embarrassment, he was afraid that he would vent more anger on her.

God knows how conflicted he is at this moment, he doesn't want to hurt her anymore, but he can't let go of her anger that almost made him lose his sister again.

The more conflicted Murong Aoyang is, the more difficult it is for him to make a choice.In the end, all his anger can only be turned on himself, and he hates himself for not being able to have both!

Probably because the anger in his heart was too tangled, Murong Aoyang finally couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed a vase with flowers on the coffee table and smashed it vigorously.


The place where the vase was scrapped happened to be the expensive piano. When the vase shattered, the keys of the piano also made an unpleasant sound with no pitch.The combination of those voices is proof that Murong Aoyang is out of control.

At the same time, Murong Aoyang didn't notice that Lin Wanmian behind him had stood up with ashen face...!
The vase thrown by Murong Aoyang didn't make him lessen the anger in his chest, his heaving chest still proved that his anger couldn't be dissipated.

However, the object of his anger is no longer Lin Wanmian, but himself.He turned his back and didn't look at her, not because he hated seeing her face, but because he couldn't help the heartache seeing her pale and thin face!
It took him so much effort to insist on leaving her in this place, and he pretended he was doing fine because he refrained from looking at her like he really didn't love her anymore.

For months, he thought that as long as he persisted, after a while, everything would be over.

However, he never thought that his sister would be involved and disrupt his imagination.In the end, he could only appear in front of her again. When he saw her, he realized that he missed her every frown and smile so much, and even the way she cried in sorrow was something he couldn't forget!

Seeing her with his own eyes now, he found that, apart from the arrogance and stubbornness in her nature that still lingered on her face, she actually looked so haggard and helpless, and he couldn't bear to continue yelling at her.

However, his dissatisfaction with Lin Wanmian was not conveyed to Lin Wanmian, because now she never imagined that he would still pity her.After all, what she hurt was his younger sister who was more important than everyone else in this world!

The so-called grief is nothing more than heartbreak. Although Lin Wanmian couldn't see it, she could clearly hear how angry Murong Aoyang breathed out.

Lin Wanmian's face was dark and cold, she stabilized her aching heart, and then slightly opened her trembling lips and said:
"Since I hurt your favorite sister, how do you need me to compensate?"

Murong Aoyang endured and endured, but he didn't look back, he only said:

"Now, what compensation do you have, can you afford it?"

If his sister can't wake up smoothly, what's the point of her own life as atonement?What's more, how could he have the heart to kill her?

"Then pay your life back, you don't need to take it, I will give it to you myself!"

Lin Wanmian's voice was calm, as if he was chatting with someone in his normal state of mind.

Murong Aoyang suddenly felt heartbroken, he suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Wanmian's face, at first he didn't see anything unusual.

But suddenly there was a "tick-tick" sound on the ground, just like the sound of water dripping from the rainy roof.

Murong Aoyang followed the sound and looked at the ground, a small pool of bright red liquid gradually expanded beside Lin Wanmian.

When Murong Aoyang saw clearly that she was holding a small fruit knife in her hanging right hand, and saw that the liquid flowed from her left hand, his heart almost stopped beating.

Stepping forward with a stride, Murong Aoyang grabbed her wrist, a deep gash opened at her pulse, and blood kept gushing out.

"This time, I paid it off, I... will never owe...!"

The complete darkness blocked Lin Wanmian's last words, and the moment she fell into a coma, she seemed to hear a name that could never appear again!

"No, Mian'er...!"

A tearing pain plunged into Murong Aoyang's heart!
Lin Wanmian felt that she was sleeping, but it was strange that she had just fallen asleep, and then woke up suddenly.

However, what was even more strange was that as soon as she opened her eyes, she was stung by something so that she couldn't open them. She had to close her eyes again and tried to blink, and she raised her hands to cover her eyes and slowly got up. , and then let go of the palm covering the eyes little by little...!
what is that?sky?Is it the sun that is so blinding?
What is on the ground, is she stepping on grass?Are the clusters of blooming flowers not far away red...or white?Flying among the flowers is...a butterfly, it must be a butterfly, only a butterfly can kiss the fragrance of flowers so tenderly!
Blue sky and white clouds, singing birds and fragrant flowers, green grass... Is this what the world looks like?But, how could she see it, her world has no other colors except black!

Or did she go to another world, so the darkness in her life disappeared, and God returned her a bright world?
"Mian'er, come here...!"

Cotton?Are you calling her?But no one would call her so intimately, and the family only called her "Mian Mian" for her care.

"Mian'er, come here, I'm waiting for you."

Lin Wanmian looked along the voice calling her, but there was no one, except herself, there was no one else at all.

But, why did the owner of that voice make her want to get close so much?She wanted to be close to him, so much!

But where is he?Aoyang... Ah, yes, the person who filled her heart is this person~ Murong Aoyang.

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