It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 129 Murong Qingyue Is Still Alive

For the girl in front of her, although Murong Qingyue felt that it was not so easy to understand.But Murong Qingyue also seemed to guess what she wanted to ask, she smiled lightly and said:
"Although I don't know why you are asking these questions, is the Murong family I am talking about the same as the Murong family you know? This is very important to you, or is there any necessary relationship?"

"Yes, it has a lot to do with it. If you are Murong Aoyang's younger sister, then it has to do with it." Liu Zhirou lost her composure in a hurry.

"What does this mean?" Murong Qingyue raised her eyebrows.

"Can you tell me first, you and Murong Aoyang, you are... brothers and sisters?"

"Yes, I am Murong Qingyue."

Murong Qingyue didn't know why, she didn't have the slightest sense of defense when facing a stranger she didn't know, she let the flow take its course and truthfully revealed her identity.

However, looking at Liu Zhirou who she didn't know, Murong Qingyue felt very comfortable.Probably because of the comfort that Liu Zhirou radiated, she didn't feel that there was anything to guard against.

However, when she said the truth, Liu Zhirou's eyes widened in disbelief, she couldn't even speak, she could only stare at Murong Qingyue.

"Why, did I surprise you that I am Murong Qingyue?"

Although Murong Qingyue didn't know why Liu Zhirou stopped her from asking her about her identity, she suddenly wondered why Liu Zhirou was curious about her relationship with Murong Aoyang.

Liu Zhirou quietly calmed down, she looked at Murong Qingyue carefully, and then realized why she looked familiar, her charm looked very similar to Murong Aoyang, especially her eyes.It is exactly the same as Murong Aoyang.

Murong Qingyue exudes lovable kindness, so Liu Zhirou asked without thinking too much:

"Miss Murong, so you are really the daughter of the Murong family, are you still alive?"

"Although I don't know how much you know about me and why you are curious, but as you can see, I am still alive."

The fact that she left the Murong family for 18 years due to an accident is generally unknown to outsiders. Until now, the outside world does not know that the Murong family lost their daughter, let alone that she has returned to her family!

But why does this girl seem to know something?

Liu Zhirou, who got the final confirmation, was so surprised that she unconsciously opened her mouth again. She had to raise her hand to cover her mouth so as not to lose her appearance.

After slowing down, Liu Zhirou seemed to be sighing with unknown emotions and said:
"Oh my god! You're still alive, so... that night, she shouldn't have been locked up by the president. It's so unfair to her."

The daughter of Murong's family is still alive, but Lin Wanmian always thought that her mother killed Murong Aoyang's younger sister, so she always said that she owed Murong Aoyang's life.

Even if Murong Aoyangming said that he was playing tricks to take revenge on her, she still silently endured it, and she only wanted to do everything she had to repay Murong Aoyang.Because she owed him a life, if she didn't pay it back, she would never be able to face him calmly!

Murong Qingyue couldn't understand what Liu Zhirou was talking to herself, but she realized that the meaning of Liu Zhirou's words had a lot to do with her, so she had to ask clearly:

"Excuse me, what do you mean by that? Who do you say shouldn't be locked up?" Who shouldn't be locked up?
"Wanmian, Lin Wanmian, she was locked up in a place by the president, that is, your brother Murong Aoyang. Because of your relationship, President Murong wanted to make Wanmian feel bad. But Wanmian is innocent, she shouldn't Treated like that!"

Liu Zhirou couldn't wait to blurt out, she was shocked and angry, she really felt sorry for Lin Wanmian.Murong Qingyue is obviously living a good life, she seems to be very happy, how can Lin Wanmian think that she owes Murong Aoyang her life!

The information Liu Zhirou said undoubtedly subverted something in Murong Qingyue's cognition, she questioned in disbelief:
"It's impossible... You said Lin Wanmian... But, how could Brother Aoyang...?"

Murong Qingyue was also shocked. When she heard the name Lin Wanmian, she had an impression that it was Lin Piaoyu's daughter.

Could it be that brother Aoyang really took revenge on Lin Piaoyu to the end for her, even her daughter?

"Miss Murong, if you can, please help Wanmian to set her free. Wanmian thought you were no longer alive, and she felt that she owed your life, and she had to pay the price to repay it, so even if President Murong treated her like that, She is also willing to suffer, but it's unfair, she didn't do anything, even if the president wants revenge, he shouldn't take revenge on Wan Mian. What's more, you look good and happy now, but Wan Mian She just... In short, Wan Mian has suffered an injury that she shouldn't have to bear."

Liu Zhirou simply stated the facts she knew.But for Murong Qingyue, the facts she said made her unbelievable, she couldn't help defending her brother:
"However, I don't believe that brother Aoyang will hurt innocent people. It is impossible for him to do such a thing."

Murong Qingyue knew that the Lin family in City B was destroyed by Murong Aoyang.But as far as she knew, although the Lin family lost most of their property, brother Aoyang only exposed Lin Piaoyu's personal crimes and sent her to prison for punishment. Brother Aoyang of the other Lin family didn't hurt innocent people, so why are they saying brother Aoyang now? Did he take revenge on Lin Piaoyu's daughter as well?
Liu Zhirou understood Murong Qingyue's doubts. Originally, she promised Lin Wanmian not to look for her, but she was still worried about Lin Wanmian, so she asked Zhang Fu for the address!

Since she met Murong Qingyue by accident, she simply suggested:
"Miss Murong, if you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Wanmian is now in your brother's private residence in City A, or we can go together. I was originally..."

Liu Zhirou just wanted to say that she was going to find Lin Wanmian too, but her cell phone rang, because it was from home, she had to answer the phone first.

However, as soon as Liu Zhirou finished answering the phone, she couldn't find Lin Wanmian because her family notified her that Mrs. Liu suddenly fainted!

But in a hurry, Murong Qingyue promised Liu Zhirou that if Lin Wanmian was really imprisoned by her brother, she would go to Murong Aoyang to intercede and let Lin Wanmian go free.

Liu Zhirou had such a little fate with Murong Qingyue by accident, and many things are changing invisibly because of this.

During this period, Lin Wanmian, who was curled up in the corner of the balcony, didn't know how long she had been blowing the wind silently, and she even forgot where she was.

Suddenly, she faintly heard some noises, and then Aunt Liu's footsteps came to her, Aunt Liu knelt down slightly to support her arm and said:

"Miss Lin, go back to your room, look at your hands are cold."

Lin Wanmian remained silent, she let Aunt Liu help her up.Because she sat curled up on the ground for too long, she was still a little weak when she stood up, but Aunt Liu helped her steady, so she didn't make any mistakes.

Back in the room, Aunt Liu took Lin Wanmian to sit on the only soft sofa in the room.Then she heard Aunt Liu go to close the glass door of the balcony to prevent the cold wind from blowing in.

Then, she heard Aunt Liu's footsteps leaving her bedroom.

She wondered why Aunt Liu left without saying a word, which was not like Aunt Liu's usual attitude.

Because she doesn't talk much, Aunt Liu will always explain everything clearly in front of her.It was the first time that Aunt Liu left without saying a word.

Suddenly, a faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus wafted in the silent air, mixed with a hint of comforting frankincense.

It turned out that there seemed to be rare visitors in her bedroom other than Aunt Liu, but that person didn't speak for a long time.

Although she couldn't see it, Lin Wanmian could feel that person silently looking at her, but she didn't want to make herself look like an object that could be explored arbitrarily. She broke the silence and said:
"I'm a blind man who read it at a glance, why waste your time studying it for so long!"

The visitor who came to her room was none other than Murong Qingyue, she was entrusted by Liu Zhirou to come here to find out, and seeing Lin Wanmian here, she really didn't know what to say.

Especially when she saw that Lin Wanmian was lifeless and her face was full of sadness, she felt extremely sympathetic to Lin Wanmian, and she couldn't understand why Murong Aoyang treated the innocent Lin Wanmian like this.

Lin Wanmian's eyes seemed to be completely blind, so this also made Murong Qingyue slightly taken aback. She was a little surprised that she didn't make any sound, but Lin Wanmian knew her existence.

But Murong Qingyue also felt that Lin Wanmian's tone was not welcoming to her, but she didn't mind, after all, she came to the door by herself.

Taking two steps forward, Murong Qingyue said to Lin Wanmian with a soft smile on her face:
"Sorry, I'm taking the liberty to come, I hope you don't mind."

"I'm just a prisoner kept in this cage. What right do I have to say I don't mind? Besides, even if I mind, will you leave immediately and don't read my jokes?"

Lin Wanmian's words are thorny, but from Murong Qingyue's ears, she may want to hurt others, but she is probably hurting herself more.

With a slight sigh of sympathy, Murong Qingyue thought to herself, although she didn't know what Aoyang brother was involved with the poor girl in front of her, but she wanted to help her.So she said sincerely:
"Miss Lin, I didn't come here to watch your jokes. I was just entrusted to see if I could help you, and I sincerely want to help you too!"

"Oh, entrusted by others? Sincerely want to help me?"

Lin Wanmian seemed to have heard an unnecessary joke, and didn't even look at whose territory she was on?Not to mention that her dearest grandmother and mother don't even know where she is now, even if they knew, they wouldn't be able to ask anyone to help her.

Murong Qingyue looked at Lin Wanmian's delicate but somewhat self-defeating face, she said sincerely again:

"If you want to leave here, I will let brother Aoyang set you free, I...!"

"Brother Aoyang? Who are you...?" Lin Wanmian's sensitive nerves flickered.

"I'm Murong Qingyue!"

"What? You... are still alive!?"

Lin Wanmian was so shocked that she immediately stood up, the Murong Qingyue she knew shouldn't have... He lied to her!Murong Aoyang deceived her.He didn't tell her that his sister was still alive!She thought that she still carried his sister's life on her body, so she had to hand over her life to him, waiting for his trampling and slaughtering at any time!

But... Murong Qingyue is still alive!In this case, in his eyes, how humble must she be to satisfy his pleasure of revenge?

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