After following Liu Baiyu's words, Nalan really started to think about Lin Wanmian.

She was busy with some things during this time, and by using the excuse of going abroad with Lin Wanmian, she could concentrate on solving those problems instead!

What she has to be busy with is to find a way to break her "engagement" with Rong Shengzu in a legitimate way.

Of course, what she wants is not only the dissolution of the "engagement", she also wants to give Rong Shengzu a gift that will not embarrass the Lin family, but also allow Rong Shengzu to suffer the consequences!
In a few days, the "feast" she arranged for Rong Shengzu will be held.If all goes well, it will all be over!
However, Nalan only thought of the smooth result, but didn't think about the possibility of not going well.

She didn't know that all the arrangements she had prepared were all useless in the end, and she didn't even know that someone had prepared a "gift" for her and waited for her to unwrap it!
She was thinking about waiting for everything to end, and there was one more thing she needed to think about where to start?
Lin Piaoyu decided to find Lin Wanmian's biological father, which is another thing Nalan needs to think about.

However, Nalan knew that Lin Piaoyu's purpose of finding a biological father for Lin Wanmian was no longer just to find another reliable guarantee for Lin Wanmian.

Now Lin Piaoyu hopes that Lin Wanmian's life will be more complete. If Lin Wanmian can also have a good father, Lin Piaoyu will not care about uncovering the scars in her heart again!

For Nalan, she also hopes that Lin Wanmian will have a happier future.

However, sending Lin Wanmian to Murong Aoyang's side in person was like taking a risk, she didn't know what the result would be.

But the matter has come to this point, she has no other way out for the time being, she only hopes that Lin Wanmian can get out in the end!

Lin Wanmian, who started to "adventure" at this time, didn't think about whether she had a way out. What she was thinking now was that it didn't matter where she went, as long as she could continue to see the people she wanted to see!
However, now that he is sitting next to her, she feels scared, because she can feel that he is getting farther and farther away from her!
From the moment she got in the car to the present, no one spoke in the car, and the silence was depressing. Even if she wanted to say something to him first, she felt humbled!

However, when she chose to entangle him, she had already put aside her self-esteem, so what can't she bear to be so humble now!

Since he wants to ignore her on purpose, she can only approach him proactively. If he wants to retreat, she will enter!

Lin Wanmian thought that Murong Aoyang was ruthlessly snubbing her, but she didn't know that Murong Aoyang's gaze had never left her since she got in the car!

He was silent because he deliberately wanted to snub her. He was afraid to see her face that was pretending to be fine but lost her vitality.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but feel sorry for her, but now the last thing he could do to her was to feel sorry for her.He must be indifferent, indifferent to her, and indifferent to himself!
Only in this way, he will get used to controlling himself enough is enough, otherwise, he can't break with her!

But Murong Aoyang overestimated his determination, he thought that as long as he didn't get close to Lin Wanmian, he could be indifferent.

However, when Lin Wanmian suddenly reached out to touch his arm, he froze immediately.

Then, Lin Wanmian leaned into his arms silently, he subconsciously forced himself to push her away, but before his hand could push her away, Lin Wanmian seemed to know what he wanted to do, she spoke first:
"Don't reject me, I can't see you, at least let me hear your heartbeat!"

Murong Aoyang frowned deeply, and he clenched his fists. Finally, he coldly pushed her away from his chest, and said coldly:
"Lin Wanmian, remember, my decision to break up with you was not a joke. The reason why I took you away today is not because I still have pity for you, but because you asked me to pick you up in person. Today, there will be nothing between us, understand?"

Lin Wanmian's heart tightened. She hoped that after some time, his determination not to want her would change.But now it seems that not only has he not changed his determination, but he has become even more determined!
The car kept driving, Lin Wanmian didn't know where she was going, after Murong Aoyang refused her approach indifferently, she didn't have the cheek to approach him anymore, she silently moved herself to the place farthest from him .

And Murong Aoyang looked at her nearly curled body, he had to bear it all the time so as not to hug her.

In the small space, two hearts that love but cannot love are clearly within reach.But there is a piece of transparent glass invisible between them, people can see it, but can't touch it!

Several hours later, the car finally stopped, and Lin Wanmian was taken into a room.But the person who helped her in was neither Murong Aoyang nor Zhang Shou, but a middle-aged woman called "Aunt Liu".

After letting her sit down, Aunt Liu looked at Lin Wanmian with a gentle smile and said:
"Miss Lin, if you don't mind, let me give you a general description of the structure of the bedroom, so that you can familiarize yourself with it first, it's ok!"

"Thank you, I'll trouble you then. But I need to ask you to trouble, I need to simply experience it according to your description."

If this is her bedroom in the future, she must of course get acquainted with it as soon as possible.

Aunt Liu didn't think it was troublesome at all, she patiently and conscientiously described the whole bedroom in detail.

Finally arrived at the balcony of the bedroom, Lin Wanmian followed Aunt Liu's instructions and took her guide stick to the balcony bit by bit.

When approaching the balcony, she could feel a gust of comfortable wind blowing in.The wind also carried a sometimes strong, sometimes light fishy smell.

After leaving the balcony, she took a deep breath, and then listened carefully to the sound of the wind. She turned to Aunt Liu and said with a sweet smile:

"Aunt Liu, there is an ocean near here, right?"

"That's right, half an hour's walk from here will lead you to the beach. The scenery is beautiful. Ms. Lin can go and see...go...uh...!"

Aunt Liu didn't know how to describe it for a while, for this beautiful girl in front of her, she couldn't see even the most beautiful scenery.This girl has such beautiful eyes, but it's a pity that she can't see her eyes!

Lin Wanmian heard Aunt Liu's embarrassment, she smiled relievedly and said:

"Aunt Liu, you don't need to be cautious. I can't see the scenery, but I can feel it. I can smell the sea from the wind and hear the sound of the waves. This is the scenery I can feel."

"This...hehe, it seems that Ms. Lin has a talent that others don't have. Like me, I can't hear the sound of waves."

Aunt Liu just moved into this villa a few days ago, and her job is to take care of Lin Wanmian's daily life.

Before meeting Lin Wanmian, Aunt Liu was still thinking that she didn't know if she was qualified for this high-paying job.

Now that she met Lin Wanmian herself, she didn't worry anymore. Lin Wanmian didn't look like a difficult and unreasonable person.

After accompanying Lin Wanmian to get familiar with the bedroom environment, Aunt Liu went downstairs first, leaving Lin Wanmian alone, but she didn't know what to do next.

Murong Aoyang was also in this villa, but he just handed her over to Aunt Liu, he seemed unwilling to stay with her all the time.

Just now she tried her best to face the new environment with a positive attitude, so she acted more angry in front of Aunt Liu.

However, when she was alone, she couldn't be happy.She was actually a little scared, it was so difficult for her to even move a step.

She wanted to see Murong Aoyang, wanted to hear him talk, but she didn't even know where he was.If he doesn't come to her, she can't do anything except wait.

The grievance and incomplete helplessness in her heart made Lin Wanmian's eyes warm, but she quickly raised her head and blinked, trying to force back the tears.

Then, she raised her hands and patted her cheeks on both sides heavily to cheer herself up:

"Lin Wanmian, you have no way out now. You won't be able to get to the Yellow River anyway. You mustn't be cowardly, let alone give up! You can, you can...!"

Lin Wanmian's unyielding and unrelenting actions fell into the eyes of Murong Aoyang who was already standing at the door of the room.

In fact, it should be said that he started to look at her when Aunt Liu instructed her to explore the bedroom environment.

At first, he thought that facing Aunt Liu would be boring for her, after all, he had neglected her all the way.When he got here, he directly handed her over to Aunt Liu.He thought that she should be even more sad. Who knew that after she got out of the car, her condition improved a lot, and she took the initiative to quickly adapt to the new environment.


Probably Murong Aoyang's inadvertent sigh caught Lin Wanmian's attention, she happily faced the direction where Murong Aoyang was, then stood up and walked forward.

Because the bedroom was specially arranged for her, in addition to a bed there was a set of soft sofas, so she walked smoothly, and with a precise sense of direction, she quickly came to Murong Aoyang.

When her hand touched Murong Aoyang, her mood suddenly brightened, she raised her head and said happily to him:
"Aoyang, I like this place."

If they have a future, Murong Aoyang will be very happy that she is so familiar with him.She didn't even ask if it was him, she could call him without hesitation!

However, facing Lin Wanmian's feigned cheerfulness, Murong Aoyang could only push her away, and said coldly:
"It's best if you like nature, after all, you will live here day and night in the next year."

Hearing Murong Aoyang's indifference, no matter how much Lin Wanmian pretended to be indifferent, she still couldn't help but darken.

She may be able to pretend that she is still happy in front of others.But in front of him, she didn't want to pretend at all, he pushed her away, she could only move forward, she grabbed his sleeve like an abandoned puppy.

This time, instead of raising her head, she lowered her head and prayed:

"Aoyang, I beg you, don't treat me like this, I feel bad!"

"This will make you feel uncomfortable, and then you may feel even more uncomfortable in the next year. Are you sure you need to persevere?"

"Do you have to be so ruthless to me?"

"Otherwise, do you think that you, who were abandoned by me, are still entitled to my affection? You probably don't know, I already feel that everything that happened between us makes me regret it. However, you are right, I gave You have a chance, so even if I regret it, I still have to bear the price I should pay."

"The price to pay...what do you mean?"

Lin Wanmian was inexplicably frightened, she could foresee that he would say something that could make her die of pain!

"Being entangled by you, I can't get rid of your price!"

Sure enough, whether this answer is Murong Aoyang's sincerity or falsehood, it is fatal to Lin Wanmian.

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