It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 109 The Days of "Going Abroad"

The result of Lin Wanmian's refusal to be rational is that she still has to work harder, and she wants to gamble again!
This time, she didn't bet on anything, she just bet on his heart!

When it came time for Lin Wanmian to leave home to "go abroad", Mrs. Lin planned to insist on sending her to the airport, but Lin Wanmian persuaded her that there was no need to go back and forth!
Mrs. Lin thought that Lin Wanmian had someone reliable to accompany her. If there was a good result, she would stay longer. If there was no hope like before, Lin Wanmian would come back in a month or two at most.

Thinking about it this way was not unacceptable, so Madam Lin didn't insist on sending it to the airport any longer. After ringing the bell at the door of their house and ordering each other, Lin Wanmian and Nalan got into Liu Baiyu's car and left!

When the car door was closed and drove away, all the smiles that Lin Wanmian had put on disappeared, and her eyes were filled with water.

However, as always, she will not let herself cry in front of outsiders, and she will immediately wipe away the moment when the tears fall.

But Nalan, who was with her, had already seen her wiping her tears, and even Liu Baiyu, who was in charge of driving, saw it from the rearview mirror.

Nalan put his hand on the back of Lin Wanmian's and held it lightly, then looked at her and said:
"Mianmian, since you've decided, let go of all your worries. Don't worry about grandma, I will make arrangements."

Lin Wanmian nodded, "Yes" and didn't say any more. At this time, she was not in the mood to speak.Because she has always been guilty of deceiving Mrs. Lin, she still doesn't know how many lies she will tell to deceive Mrs. Lin in the next year!
Liu Baiyu's car soon reached the place where it met Murong Aoyang.After the car stopped, Liu Baiyu saw someone getting out of the car parked on the side of the road, but it was not Murong Aoyang who got out of the car, but Zhang Choi in the driver's seat.

Liu Baiyu looked back at Lin Wanmian, he had a lot to say, but he didn't know how to say it.

In the end, he chose to say to Lin Wanmian with a little regret but could only bless:

"Wan Mian, although I know that your decision is not advisable, but as Nalan said, since this is your choice, I wish you well!"

Frankly speaking, Liu Baiyu actually felt that he was a little ridiculous. Although he didn't go around proclaiming that he liked Lin Wanmian, at least he knew that he had admiration for Lin Wanmian.

But what he's doing now doesn't look like a man liking a woman at all!Otherwise, which man would personally send the woman he likes to another man like him?

But having said that, from the beginning to the end, he was just secretly in love with Lin Wanmian.Choosing to help Lin Wanmian in this way to pursue the man she loves is also his own choice, and he doesn't seem to have anything to complain about.

Lin Wanmian knew that they had arrived at the destination where they met Murong Aoyang.She didn't have much words to express her gratitude to Liu Baiyu for his help, she just said lightly to Liu Baiyu:
"Brother Bai Yu, thank you!"

Liu Baiyu knows that Lin Wanmian's "thank you" has covered everything, and the relationship between them is still very wonderful.Although they have known each other not long ago, their sincerity towards each other has never been uncomfortable.So, sometimes a few words are enough!
With a faint smile, Liu Baiyu got out of the car and helped Lin Wanmian open the car door, took her by the hand and led her out of the car, and Nalan also got out of the car from the other side.

Liu Baiyu first glanced at the car waiting in front of him, then said with a slight smile and sigh:

"Wan Mian, Murong Aoyang is right in front. Since you call me Brother Bai Yu, then you are my younger sister. So, no matter what happens after a year, you have to accept it, okay?"

If there is no fate to become a couple, Liu Baiyu will also readily accept Lin Wanmian as his sister!

For Liu Baiyu's instructions, Lin Wanmian felt his concern and at the same time did not know how to answer Liu Baiyu.

It seems that in her "one-year agreement" with Murong Aoyang, everyone believed that she would not get the result she wanted.They are all reminding her that she must accept failure after hard work, and then return to being the original Lin Wanmian.

Even Murong Aoyang told her clearly that after one year, they will no longer have any relationship.

Only she held the hope that she wouldn't fail, but she didn't refute those who thought she would.Not only did she not refute.On the contrary, she gave them a positive promise, if she didn't get Murong Aoyang's love in the end, she would let go!

Because, only if she convinces everyone that she is rational, they will give her a chance to work hard to the end.

But in fact, she clearly knew that after a year, if Murong Aoyang still didn't want her in the end, she might be forced to let go, but she couldn't really let go!

She actually didn't know if she could bear the pain of being given up by him.But now she still has hope to look forward to, so she is unwilling to think about the worst outcome, she can only gather all her courage to face the obstacles in front of her if she thinks about the best outcome!

Nalan and Liu Baiyu sent Lin Wanmian to Murong Aoyang's car together. They didn't have a chance to say a word to Murong Aoyang, so Zhang Chou drove the car away!

After watching the car carrying Lin Wanmian disappear from sight, Nalan suppressed a deep sigh.

Looking at Nalan's face without a smile, Liu Baiyu also sighed, and said:

"Nalan, you let Wan Mian leave like this with Murong Aoyang, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"What about you? Don't you like Mianmian? But why did you bother to help Mianmian lie and even send Mianmian to Murong Aoyang?"

Liu Baiyu seemed to relax, but also sighed helplessly and said:
"Who made me less attractive than Murong Aoyang? Even if I didn't help Wanmian today, Wanmian would think of other ways to do what she wanted to do. Now that I know that her heart already belongs to Murong Aoyang, instead of opposing her , I might as well be a confidant brother to support her, let her remember all my good, who knows, maybe when I can pursue her in the future, everything I do for her now can be my help."

Hearing his self-deprecating and frank words, Nalan rarely smiled faintly.She looked at Liu Baiyu, although she knew he was an honest man, but an honest man would not mind the girl she likes spending a year with another man.

After all, it would be like watching that girl belong to someone else, which would be somewhat uncomfortable, wouldn't it?

But Liu Baiyu looked very relaxed, and he didn't look sad at all.

"Liu Baiyu, if Mianmian is gone, she might give her all for Murong Aoyang, so you don't mind, and you will still like Mianmian as a woman in the future?"

"What position do I care about? Wan Mian has to give everything for Murong Aoyang because she loves Murong Aoyang. If a person truly loves someone, no matter what he pays, isn't that normal? As for me, am I still It doesn't make much sense to like Mianmian as a woman, because you and I know that Wanmian's heart has been cut off and given to Murong Aoyang. And I like Wanmian, even if I am lucky enough to let Wanmian come By my side, I'm afraid I can't make the empty Wanmian happy!"

Nalan was slightly taken aback, Liu Baiyu's words clearly reminded her of her worries about Lin Wanmian.


The word is so bloody!This is like saying that if Lin Wanmian lost Murong Aoyang, he might also lose his soul!
Does love really have that much power?Big enough to empty a man's soul?
Nalan has never touched love, she can't understand why a person can lose self-control and even lose the vitality of life because of loving someone?Apart from life and death in this world, is it that important who loses someone?

Thinking about the love with magic power, for some reason, a wicked and wild face suddenly flashed in Nalan's mind.

Mars inadvertently invaded Nalan's mind, which made her frown unconsciously.

She had already told herself that the man Mars must disappear from her memory.

After she was "hijacked" by him in his car and "communicated" with him that day, she became more determined to draw a line with him.

She knew that Mars must be not an ordinary person, but Mars might be even more extraordinary than she thought.

Just the villa where he lived, Nalan, who has studied professional security courses, knew that the security inside was very tight.

And Mars's car, which looks ordinary on the outside but is equipped with high-end special cars inside, proves that Mars is too mysterious.

If he was just rich, Nalan wouldn't be surprised.However, rich people are not like him, even the car is bulletproof.

The traveling car looks ordinary, obviously for the sake of keeping a low profile, but the configuration inside shows Mars' special identity.

Just knowing this, Nalan didn't want to have any more contact with Mars.It is conceivable that if she were to know his true identity, she would probably be even more... scared!
I hope he won't show up like this again, it's best that he also treats her as a stranger, and it's best for everyone not to show up in front of each other again.

It's just that the phrase "Welcome to the mysterious world" that Mars inexplicably said that day has always made her heartbroken.She always felt that it meant that his entanglement would be endless!
However, he doesn't look like someone who has nothing to do, and he won't stay in China for a long time, he will always leave.Maybe he's just bored and looking for something to pass the time.

She just happened to be the object of his pleasure.But who let her bump into someone else's gun, and thanks to him... Huh!

Forget it, what a blessing, he also took advantage of her, she doesn't owe him anything!

Nalan was lost in thought because he thought of Mars, and seemed worried.Liu Baiyu, who was driving back, thought she was just worried about Lin Wanmian, so he broke the silence and said:

"Murong Aoyang will take good care of Wan Mian, don't worry about her too much. As long as Wan Mian gives her an explanation, this year will be considered as her traveling."

Liu Baiyu pulled back Nalan's thoughts, that was exactly what she needed, otherwise she would continue to think about people she shouldn't.

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