Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 92 I want to love him more

"That's right! Come in!"

Zihan cheered up Bai Xu, and did not forget to push Bai Xu into the room.

Anyway, she was fine, standing by the colored glass, just waiting for the good show.

As soon as Bai Xu came, the expressions of Mrs. Su and Master Su became serious.

Seeing them, Bai Xu stood up straighter in fright.

"Hello, uncle and aunt!"

Bai Xu bowed deeply to Mrs. Su and Master Su.

Zihan Yu Ke Liuli was startled by this posture.

He was so nervous that he didn't know what to do.

Mrs. Su and Master Su ignored him, and Bai Xu looked at Yu Ke in embarrassment, not knowing what to do.

"Isn't that what you want to see? Now that you see it, it's all right?"

Yu Ke asked, she met Bai Xu just like this, can the bride meet in advance?
"It's nothing to do with you." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Su looked at Bai Xu with a puzzled expression.

"Son, how did you fall in love with us Yu Ke?"

Mrs. Su's tone was full of doubts, and Bai Xu seemed to say that he didn't like Yu Ke.


Bai Xu didn't know what to say.

"Mom? What do you mean? Make it sound like I'm not good enough for him?"

Yu Ke asked back, once Mrs. Su said that, Yu Ke understood what it meant.

Their mother and daughter are just like Yu Ke and Zi Han, every day they don't hate each other, they feel uncomfortable every day.

"Auntie doesn't mean that, don't think too much about it."

Bai Xu said to Yu Ke.

"Then what do you mean?"

Yu Ke started to question Bai Xu again.

"It doesn't make any sense."

Bai Xu's language system has collapsed, and she doesn't know which sentence to say.

"I mean what you understand, boy, what's your name?"

After Mrs. Su answered Yu Ke, she asked Bai Xu again.

Yu Ke couldn't figure out whether Zihan and Bai Xu were her biological children or Su Yuke.

"Auntie, my name is Bai Xu."

"Bai Xu, I quite like this surname, and it's fine for my children to have this surname in the future."

Yu Ke heard that Mrs. Su had mentioned the child, and it seemed that she was satisfied with Bai Xu's son-in-law.

Before seeing each other, she was still worried, worried that Bai Xu would not be able to pass the test of her parents.

Master Su is fine, but Mrs. Su is more picky.

How could she marry her daughter when no one was right?
"Son, what do you do at home? Are your parents here today?"

Sure enough, as expected, she started to "check the household registration" now.

When Mrs. Su asked about Bai Xu's parents, she remembered that she forgot to tell Mrs. Su not to mention Bai Xu's parents.

Otherwise, Bai Xu would be in a bad mood again. If she was an orphan, she might not be as optimistic and cheerful as Bai Xu is now.

When she saw Bai Xu, he seemed very sunny, she thought, he must have grown up in a loving and happy family.

So when she found out that Bai Xu was an orphan, she couldn't believe it.

I also sympathize with Bai Xu, and want to love him even more.

Although she hadn't experienced his experience, she also wanted to know about him.

"Mom, the wedding is about to begin!"

Yu Ke interrupted, and both Liuli and Zihan knew why Yu Ke interrupted.

"Oh, you child, let me ask what's wrong?"

When Mrs. Su saw that Yu didn't want Bai Xu to answer, the more she felt that she had something to hide from her.

Could it be that she married a poor boy?

But she is not so unfeeling, it is naturally best for her daughter to marry a well-matched person.

However, if Yu Ke really likes someone who has no family background and no background, as long as Yu Ke likes her, as long as the boy treats her well, it's not impossible.

The most important thing is her happiness. It doesn't matter if she has money or not. Anyway, her Su family has money, which is enough to spend.

But she was afraid that Yu Ke would be cheated because of her family's wealth.

Seeing Yu Ke's reaction, Master Su also felt that something was wrong, and he was also curious about what Bai Xu did.

"I opened my own pub, I was an orphan, I had no parents."

Although Bai Xu didn't like to mention that she was an orphan, she still said it.

Mrs. Su and Master Su thought it was because Yu Ke felt that opening a bar was not a proper job, but on second thought, it was because Bai Xu was an orphan.

"It's great to open a bar! I opened it myself, so young, since Yu Ke is going to marry you, then we will be your parents from now on."

Mrs. Su smiled kindly at Bai Xu, and even winked at Master Su.

"Son, from now on, you will treat the Su family as your own family and us all as your family."

Master Su said, without Mrs. Su's reminder, he would have said the same thing.

Yu Ke was quite satisfied with their answers, so Bai Xu wouldn't feel alone anymore.

Yu Ke really didn't know how Bai Xu came here alone for so many years, she just felt sorry for him.

I also feel sorry for Liuli, but Liuli also has grandma by her side, and now she has Gu Yan.

But Bai Xu has always been alone, she was thinking, why didn't she meet Bai Xu earlier, she would have married him sooner.

"We are all your family!"

Yu Ke said to Bai Xu, and pulled Zihan and Liuli over.

"Yes! We've said it before, it's all your family!"

Zihan also followed suit.

Bai Xu only felt that the sockets of his eyes were moist. He should be happy to get married today.

Before he met Gu Yan, he didn't know where to go or what to do by himself.

He has no direction at all, and lives in a muddle every day. It is Gu Ye who makes him regain hope in life.

He is very fortunate that he has a brother like Gu Die, and he is also very fortunate that he has met Yu Ke.

Met Zihan, Established, and Liuli.

"Miss, the wedding is about to begin."

A girl came in and said, and the makeup artist followed.

"Miss, I'll touch up your makeup again."

"it is good."

Yu Ke sat down obediently.

Today she is going to be a delicate bride.

"Come on, Liuli, I'll touch up your makeup too."

Zihan pulls Liuli to sit down.

"I don't need it, what should I make up for?"

Liuli came to be a bridesmaid today and agreed to let Zihan put on makeup for her. She usually doesn't wear makeup, but she wants to be a bridesmaid for Yu Ke, so she can't embarrass her.

"Didn't you say you can't embarrass Yu Ke?"

Zihan asked back.

"But I don't have enough makeup!"

"Yu Ke's makeup isn't cheap, it will look even better if you touch it up!"

Liuli doesn't know much about makeup, and always feels like Zihan is fooling her.

But in order to make Yu Ke look good, it is better to listen to Zihan.

"Okay, okay."

Liuli just let Youzi fix her makeup.

"It's almost there!"

"Liu Li, I didn't even realize that you put on makeup today."

Yu Ke wondered, she had never seen Liuli put on makeup.

"Seeing how big your face is, I put on makeup just to be your bridesmaid."

Zihan replied.

"Really? Is my face really that big?"

Yu Ke asked happily.

"That's right! Can't tell, I also put on makeup?"

Zihan asked back.

"Oh, you're wearing makeup too? It doesn't matter if you don't, the important thing is that Liuli actually put on makeup to attend my wedding?!"

Yu Ke was so happy that she was about to fly, Mrs. Su and Master Su didn't know what she was happy about.

Neither Bai Xu nor Yu Ke knew, and even Liu Li didn't know what to be happy about.

"Su Yuke, for the sake of your marriage today, I won't argue with you."

Zihan said dissatisfied.

"Oh, my face is really big today, it's so good to get married!"

Mrs. Su and Master Su looked at metaphors as if they were mentally retarded.

"Old man, we haven't changed our clothes yet, shouldn't we play soon?"

Mrs. Su realized that they had just got out of the car, and they didn't even have time to change their clothes.

"That's right, I have to go and change my clothes first!"

Master Su also said anxiously.

"Dress better! Don't embarrass me!"

Yu Ke did not forget to explain.

"We don't think you are ashamed, so what else do you think!"

Mrs. Su replied.

Seeing Mrs. Su and Master Su going to change clothes, plus Yu Ke and the others were putting on their makeup, and the wedding was about to start, Bai Xu became even more nervous.

"You are going to play in a while, why did you come to the bride's room?"

After searching for a long time, he couldn't find Bai Xu, so he only found out that Bai Xu was staying here after asking the servants of the Su family.

"So fast, I'm not ready yet."

Bai Xu whispered to Cheng Cheng.

Jiancheng and Gu Yi are Bai Xu's best men today, and only Bai Xu can bring Gu Yi to be the best man.

For other people, he, Gu Yi, would never be like this.

"Come out, get the ring for you, I need it later."

Bai Xu was wondering, why did the ring go to Jiancheng? Didn't he give it to Gu Yi? Where did Gu Yi go now?

"come out faster."

Just as Bai Xu was thinking about it, Gu Die went outside the door.

"what happened?"

Bai Xu asked.

"It's your turn to play, isn't it? Are you going to play with the bride? It is said that Mrs. Su and Master Su will lead the show."

Established replied.

"Oh, is that so?"

What Bai Xu was thinking before is completely forgotten now, and she doesn't know what to do.

"Of course, didn't you use your brain today?"

Tucao Road was established.

Although Gu Yi didn't like Jianli very much, because he and Liuli were too close, but he was very much in favor of Jianli when he said Bai Xu didn't have a brain today.

"My brain is completely blinded now, and it's no different from not wearing it."

Bai Xu is quite self-aware about this.

"Established! You are here!"

Zihan finished putting on Liuli's makeup and shouted when they saw Chengcheng.

Cheng Cheng didn't want to talk to her anymore, did she just see him?When she came to call Bai Xu just now, he was beside him.

"What's the matter, unhappy early in the morning?"

Seeing that Cheng Cheng didn't answer, Zihan ran to him and asked.

"Happy, why aren't you happy to see you?"

"But why don't you smile?"

"Do I have to smile to prove that I am happy?"

"Yeah, you're happy when you smile."

"Then I don't want to laugh."

"Then you are unhappy!"

"You two, let's go out and talk! We don't want to hear it."

Yu Ke shouted.

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