Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 91 1 Must Marry Her

"Auntie, don't be angry. Women get wrinkled when they are angry. Every time I am with Yu Ke, I am as angry as you are."

Zihan took the opportunity to complain about Yu Ke in front of Mrs. Su.

"Luo Zihan, what are you talking about? Are you suing here?"

Yu Ke asked back.

"No, I'm telling the truth."

Zihan shook his head.

"Hey, is this your friend? Su Yuke?"

It was only now that Mrs. Su saw Zihan and Liuli. If Zihan hadn't spoken, Mrs. Su and Master Su wouldn't have noticed them at all.

Master Su also looked in the direction of Zihan and Liuli, and his eyes stayed on the two of them.

"this is!"

Yu Ke only pulled Liuli in front of Mrs. Su and Master Su, Zihan was ignored directly, and he really wanted to blow Yu Ke's head off.

"Hello, auntie, hello uncle."

Liuli shouted hastily.

"This girl is really pretty."

Mrs. Su just stared at Liuli's face.

"Thank you auntie."

Liuli was quite embarrassed to be praised.

"Isn't it? Can my Su Yuke's friends be unattractive? They say that good-looking people hang out with good-looking people."

Liuli thought that she was going to praise her, but in the end she praised herself in disguise.

"Your mother said that the girl is pretty, so what does it have to do with you?"

Master Su said.

"That's right."

Mrs. Su also said.

"Of course it has something to do with me! If it weren't for me, you would have met such a good-looking person?"

"Son, what's your name?"

Mrs. Su passed Yu Ke directly and asked Liuli.

"My name is Chu Liuli, and this is Luo Zihan."

Liuli was afraid that Zihan would feel uncomfortable if she was left out, so she introduced Zihan to Master Su and Mrs. Su.

"Liuli, Zihan, they both look so good-looking."

Mrs. Su smiled and took Zihan and Liuli's hands.

"Thank you, Auntie! Auntie, you are also good-looking, young and beautiful!"

Zihan was happy to be praised.

"Your mouth is so sweet. How could Auntie be so pretty when she was your age?"

Mrs. Su said with a smile, Yu Ke really wanted to roll her eyes, but she knew Mrs. Su, she just liked to hear these nice things.

"Don't be modest, Auntie, you must have been much more beautiful when you were young, but why didn't you pass on some of your beauty to Yu Ke?"

Zihan also deliberately said it very seriously, Yu Ke was about to vomit blood from anger.

Master Su was still smiling after hearing Zihan's words.

"Dad, why are you laughing! Is what she said wrong? Are you still laughing? I am a natural beauty, okay? Luo Zihan, can you speak?"

After Yu Ke finished talking about Master Su, he started talking about Zihan.

"You are a natural beauty, and I didn't say no, I just said that my aunt was much prettier than you when she was young, and you are not like her at all."

"My child just likes to hear others say she is good and praise her. If she tells the truth, she doesn't like to hear it."

Mrs. Su said to Zihan and Liuli.

"Dad, can you stop laughing? I'm still your daughter? She said that I didn't inherit from my mother, so wouldn't I inherit from you? She's talking about you!"

"Uncle, that's not what I meant!"

Zihan quickly explained that she really doubted Yu Ke's ability to understand.

But what Yu Ke said was quite reasonable. If he didn't inherit from Mrs. Su, wouldn't he inherit from Master Su?
"I know, you mean her, not me."

Master Su smiled.

"Okay, you still want to see the groom, I won't let you see him!"

Yu Ke angrily ran to the dressing table and sat down.

"Why are you still angry? Just kidding!"

Zihan hurriedly ran over to coax Yu Ke to get married today, so she can't make her angry.

She just talks fast and says whatever comes to her mind, that's because Yu Ke just ignored her.

I only introduced Liuli to Mrs. Su and Master Su, so I couldn't help but yell at her.

"I'm angry, Luo Zihan, I can't let you be my bridesmaid!"

"I know, what you said is angry, I don't believe it, you definitely want me to be a bridesmaid in your heart, anyway, whether you let me be or not, I just want to be, you are my best friend, I won't be your bridesmaid Who will be the bridesmaid?"

"I'm your girlfriend? Are you serious?!"

Yu Ke asked back.

"Of course I'm serious! You and Liuli are my girlfriends!"

"It's your best friend, and you still hate me like this?"

"Isn't this beating, kissing, scolding, or love?"

"I don't believe it, you go away!"

"Oh, don't be angry, you will get wrinkles if you are angry, can't I be wrong?"

Zihan begged for mercy.

Liuli has seen the two of them like this for countless times, is it really beating, kissing, scolding or love?

Anyway, the way Mrs. Su and Yu Ke get along is the same, and Liuli thinks it's pretty good, and this kind of life won't feel boring.

She used to want to spend every day with her grandma in a normal way, and she never quarreled with her grandma.

She didn't talk back to her grandma either, she just wanted to be an obedient child by her grandma's side.

Just like grandma actually likes her to take the first place, she doesn't like to study, but she still wants to study hard to make grandma happy, and for the scholarship.

Now she looks at Yu Ke and his family, she is really envious, and she doesn't even know who her parents are.

The doubts in her heart were not resolved, and she didn't have time to go to Chu's house to ask if she was Si Yun.

She didn't know how to face it.

If so, what should she do?
"I'll forgive you first, for the sake of my good mood today, I won't forgive you next time."

"it is good!"

"Gu Yi, I feel a little nervous."

It was the first time for Bai Xu to experience such an occasion, and she didn't know what to do, so she could only come to Gu Yan.

It's useless for him to look for Gu Yi, after all, Gu Yi has never experienced such a situation.

He wanted to propose marriage to Liuli before, and he was also very nervous, but later he didn't propose marriage.

"What are you nervous about?"

"I don't know, there are many people, I don't know what to do in a while."

"I do not know either."

Gu Yi replied coldly.

"That's right, you don't have this kind of experience, but you have experienced it, aren't you nervous?"

"I'm okay, how can I be as timid as you."

Gu Yan laughed.

"It doesn't matter to others, haven't I met Yu Ke's parents yet? What if they don't like me?"

When Bai Xu became nervous, she talked and asked more questions.

"They don't like you, and it's not Yu Ke who doesn't like you. You like Yu Ke, not them."

"But they are Yu Ke's parents, my future parents-in-law, the first impression is also very important, okay?"


Gu Yan nodded, he was thinking why Bai Xu talked so much today.

"How do you see me today?"

Bai Xu stood up straight and said so that Gu Yan could see what he was wearing and how his hairstyle was doing today.

"Very good, not bad."

Gu Yan replied perfunctorily.

"Can you stop being so perfunctory?"

Bai Xu could see at a glance how perfunctory Gu Di's answer was.

"I'm telling the truth, not perfunctory."

"Are you still my brother? Can you be more reliable!"

"How else can I be reliable?"

Gu Yan asked back.

"Okay, you're not my brother anymore!" Bai Xu just saw Cheng Cheng, and went to find him after speaking.

Gu Yi didn't care about him, he couldn't do anything when he was nervous, he didn't know what to do.

He couldn't help being nervous for him, after all, he, Gu Yan, was a straight man.

"Established, let's see how I am doing today?"

Bai Xu stood upright again and asked Shi Shi.

"quite handsome."

Established replied.

"Can I have a snack?"

"Am I wrong? Isn't that handsome?"

"I'll see my parents-in-law later, see if they like my outfit."

After thinking about it for a while, he finally figured out who the parents-in-law Bai Xu was talking about.

Looking at Bai Xu's white suit today, he is really handsome.

Feeling mature and sunny.

"Okay, that's not very good."

"How come your answer is the same as that guy Gu Di?"

Bai Xu was dissatisfied, it seemed that he had found another unreliable one.

"That means what we are saying is the truth. Do you want to listen to the good or the bad?"

"Of course it's good!"

"Then what we said is good, I really don't understand you."

"Then I will trust you once for now, but I am still a little nervous, what should I do?"

Bai Xu sat next to Cheng Cheng, nervously drinking the wine on the table.

"It's normal to be nervous, and you can't tell that you're nervous. Don't worry, it's nothing. It'll be over after a while."

"I think so too, but I just can't help being nervous, it's too embarrassing."

"What's so embarrassing about it, maybe I'll be more nervous than you on the day I get married."

The establishment comforted Bai Xu.

He has always disliked such crowded occasions, just like Liuli, so every time he only stays with Liuli.

Just the two of them, no one else cares.

"is it?"

Bai Xu smiled and finally relaxed a little.

"I think so. You are in a good state today, and you will perform well in a while."

"I will try my best."

Bai Xu replied.

"come on."

Established to cheer him up.

"Bai Xu, Yu Ke's parents want to see you first!"

Zihan searched for a long time before seeing Bai Xu's figure, and he didn't have time to talk to Jiancheng.

"Who wants to see me?"

Bai Xu couldn't help confirming that he heard about Yu Ke's parents. He panicked when he heard about his parents.

"Yu Ke's parents!"

"They're back? Where are they?"

Bai Xu asked.

Established beside him frowned, Zihan didn't even say hello to him, pretending he didn't exist?
"In Yu Ke's room, let me ask you to meet me."

Zihan said while pulling Bai Xu away.

Established's face became even colder.

"I'm not ready yet………"

Bai Xu retreated inwardly.

"What's there to prepare for? Aren't you doing well? They just want to see what you look like and who abducted their daughter."

Seeing that Bai Xu's nervous look was quite funny, Zihan frightened him.

"Then I'm not finished?"

"What's the end? Maybe people will have a crush on you as a son-in-law, and they won't marry you if they don't."

"That won't work, I must marry her."

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