"I'm not full yet, you put me down!"

Yu Ke felt that Bai Xu was worthy of being brothers with Gu Di, so why did he hug him without saying a word?

Gu Yi also took Liu Lihei away without saying a word.

"Don't let it go."

Bai Xu said with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Bai Xu, there are so many people!"

"If you don't yell, they won't look at us."

Yu Ke thought about it for a while, people passing by looked at her strangely, could it be because she was yelling.

Those who didn't know thought that Bai Xu was bullying her, but it was true, he was bullying her!

"If you let me down, I won't shout!"

"Why? Anyway, it's you, not me, who find it embarrassing."

Yu Ke really didn't know what to say, but what Bai Xu said made sense.

"I'm heavy, aren't you tired?!"

Yu Ke also made up an excuse, she is not fat at all, so how can she be heavy.

"I'm not tired, and I feel very light, not heavy at all."

Bai Xu laughed.

"Oh, I can't talk to you, just see if I will let you touch me!"

"You are my wife, why can't I touch you?"

Bai Xu looked at Yu Ke tenderly, Yu Ke felt his face was hot, and couldn't answer Bai Xu's question anymore.

How did Su Yuke become so thin-skinned when she met him? !
"If you're not tired, just hold me and carry me back if you have the ability."


Seeing that Bai Xu was almost at the side of the car, but instead of going there, Yu Ke was really anxious.

Could it be that he really wants to take her back? I really don't understand how his head grows.

He is not ashamed, but she is too!

"Get in the car! Are you stupid if you don't sit in the car?"

"It's you who said that you can take you back if you have the ability. You are so light, isn't it easy to take you back?"

Bai Xu said pretending to be wronged.

"Take the car! You're out of your mind!"

Yu Ke bit Bai Xu's arm and said, but this couldn't make him put her down.

"Are you listening at night? If you are obedient, we will drive back. If you are not, I will carry you back like this."


Yu Ke was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"Not many people know me anyway, but you are Miss Su, many people know me."

Bai Xu said in Yu Ke's ear, and then looked at the people who came and went staring at them.

It must be that some people have recognized them and have been watching the two of them.

Yu Ke glanced at the people around him, and some took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

If she is really recognized, she can afford to lose face, but she can't lose face to the Su family.

Why did she have nothing to do with Bai Xu once she met Bai Xu?Is this still the same Miss Su?

"I'm obedient, can I be obedient?"

Yu Ke had no choice but to say.

"now it's right."

After Yu Ke answered, Bai Xu turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

"Where are you going?"

Yu Ke asked, if you don't go to the Su's house, shouldn't you just go to the bar to sleep?

They are married, and they can't even have a house.

Let her live in the bar every day. Although it is said that there is a separate room and it is quite comfortable to live in, it is not a home.

The home she wants is a home that belongs exclusively to her and Bai Xu.

When they have kids, it's impossible to let them live in a bar.

It doesn't matter if Bai Xu can't afford a house, she can.

"Go home."

Bai Xu replied.

"Is your home in a bar? Where you slept last time?"

"My home is a bar, but our home is not."

Before Yu Ke existed, his home was a bar, and he had always lived in a bar.

Now that he has Yu Ke, he also wants to give her a real home.

As for the house, he has also decorated it in advance, and he is busy with the wedding and the house.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be like Yu Ke who forgot to tell Mrs. Su and Master Su that they were going to get married.

"Then where is our home?"

Yu Ke asked curiously.

"You will know when you go."

"Bai Xu, you don't know how to buy a house, do you?"

Although Yu Ke knows that getting married means buying a house, but if you tell her now that Bai Xu bought a house for getting married, she still finds it a bit inconceivable.

After all, she hadn't even heard any news, why the house was bought, and from what Bai Xu said, the house had already been bought.

"Why not?"

Bai Xu asked back, is it possible that Yu Cheng really thought he would take her to the bar to live?
In a place like a bar, he can live alone, but Yu Ke, he will never let her live in a bar with him.

He has been running bars all these years, which is enough for his own food and drink, and he has almost saved some money.

He still has a plan for his future life.

He has no parents, and he can only rely on himself for everything. If he doesn't have a penny, if one day the bar can't go on, he can at least do other things.

He has to think about everything for himself, just like he also thinks that he will get married one day, and when he gets married, he will definitely move out of the bar.

He had planned this day long ago, and waited until Yu Ke married him.

From then on, he was no longer alone.

"Did you really buy it? When? Why didn't I know?"

Yu Ke asked excitedly.

"Just bought it."

Seeing Yu Ke's excited look, Bai Xu laughed.

"Just bought it? It hasn't been renovated yet, it made me happy for nothing."

"It's been renovated, otherwise I'll bring you here and get off."


"Yes, wife, do you want me to lift you out of the car?"

Bai Xu joked.

"I'll go by myself."

Yu Ke got out of the car as she spoke. She really felt that if she didn't get out of the car, Bai Xu would carry her out of the car. It's not that she doesn't have long legs, she can walk by herself.

When Yu Ke got out of the car, he saw the house that came into view. Is this similar to Su's house?

Is Bai Xu so rich?She was dumbfounded.

And how many days did it take to decorate such a big house.

It has only been more than half a month since they said they were going to get married, how could the decoration be completed so quickly?
"When did you buy the house? Why didn't I know?"

"You don't need to know, you just go in and live there."

"But it's only been a few days, how can such a big house be renovated so quickly?" Yu Ke asked suspiciously, "Besides, where did you get so much money?"

Yu Ke knew that Bai Xu had no father or mother, and only had a bar to do business, so she couldn't afford such a big house.

Even if he and Gu Yi are good brothers, it is impossible for Gu Yi to give him a house as a wedding gift.

It's not impossible to help him pay a part, but she still finds such a big house as a wedding room, which is a bit inconceivable to her.

"I earned all the money, don't worry, don't think so much."

Bai Xu bought the house ahead of time, and even though it was a rush to finish the house renovation in such a short period of time, he also invited many people to come.

The purpose is to give Yu Ke a home on this day, and also give him a home.

"Where did you really get so much money? You wouldn't sell the bar, would you?"

"what are you thinking about?"

Bai Xu patted Yu Ke on the head and pushed her into the door.

Yu Ke was shocked, the house was much bigger inside than it looked from the outside.

"From now on, it will be our home."

Bai Xu said seriously.

"it is good."

Seeing his seriousness, Yu directly agreed that she wanted to have a family with him.

"My wife I love you."

Bai Xu said and kissed Yu Ke's forehead lightly.

"I love you too."

Yu Ke hugged him.

"Then let's go and see the bedroom, do you like it?"

When Bai Xu was talking, Yu Ke always felt that there was more than one meaning in what he said.

I haven't finished watching the living room yet, so why go to the bedroom?
"Where's the bedroom? Upstairs? We haven't finished the downstairs yet."

Yu Ke asked deliberately.

"I'm tired and want to sleep."

Bai Xu laughed.

Yu Ke looked at him like he was going to sleep, he was obviously very energetic, okay? !
"Then you go to sleep, I'll take a look."

"Honey, sleep, okay?"

Bai Xu said coquettishly, Yu Ke really couldn't stand it, so it turns out that he can still act coquettishly.

But it's pretty cute to see him acting like a baby.

Yu Ke really wanted to see him act coquettishly again, even though she showed disgust on her face.

"Can you say that again?"

Yu Kewen wanted Bai Xu to understand what she said, just wanted him to act coquettishly again.

"I said sleep."

Bai Xu didn't understand what Yu Ke wanted to do, so he didn't care, picked her up and went upstairs.

Anyway, now that she was his, it didn't matter what she said, he just wanted to sleep and be with her.

"Don't be so strong, please? Just act coquettishly to me again, and we'll go to bed."

Yu Ke discussed, it was obviously not her decision now, she could only use a discussing tone.

"I'll sprinkle it on you later when I'm going to sleep, don't want to read it."

Bai Xu joked that Yu Ke blushed suddenly.

"You, you are not serious!"

"Why am I not serious, I just want to sleep with you, why not serious."

Yu Ke didn't believe his words, how could he just want to simply sleep.

They were supposed to be wearing wedding dresses when they got married today, so they took Yu Ke over.

But Yu Ke didn't eat all day and was already hungry, so Zihan pulled Yu Ke out to eat.

As soon as Bai Xu put Yu Ke on the bed, Yu Ke wanted to run away, but Bai Xu stopped him.

Before Yu Ke could react, his lips moved closer.

Then she felt his aggressive kiss.

Bai Xu took off her clothes slowly, and touched her with his hands.

Yu Ke also reached out to take off his clothes, and while kissing, he led her towards the bathroom.

She could only feel him, and he could only feel her.

He finally had the home he wanted, including her.

Bai Xu has thought about the life after He Yuke has children, he will open a few more stores to earn money, and come back to drink when he has time, and Yuke will take care of the children at home.

Work or something is not important, he is satisfied if he can give Yu Ke and his children a good life.

He focuses on family and does not pay attention to career.

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