Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 100 Let it go or not?

But why didn't he admit that he had her in his heart, why didn't he divorce Liuli.

She didn't understand these things, and she didn't understand whether he loved her or not.

"Xiaowei, you've grown up too. I can't worry about many things for you. You can decide your own affairs. Mom only wants you to be happy."

Mrs. Feng is not happy, she only hopes that Feng Wei will not be like her.

"I know."

Feng Wei answered casually, she just does whatever she wants, and no one can change what she is sure of.

Mrs. Feng is worried that Feng Wei's temperament is easy to get hurt. If Gu Yi really loves her, will he marry someone else?
But with Fengwei's resignation, she knew she couldn't persuade her, she would have to bear the consequences for her decision sooner or later.

No matter what the result is, she, the mother, will always be by her side and accompany her.

"I've changed it. Let's go to Gu's house."

Ju Zi changed her clothes and came out and said, in Feng's house, she really felt like her own.

As soon as Mrs. Feng saw Ju Zi, she turned her head and left, with a disgusted look on her face.

Ju Zi was about to say hello to Mrs. Feng, but seeing her like this, she didn't bother to talk to her anymore.

"Auntie, you look good no matter what you wear."

Feng Wei said, Mrs. Feng disliked her even more after hearing this, she really liked this woman so much.

She's talking nonsense with her eyes open, she looks good no matter what she wears, she hasn't praised her as a mother much yet, the more she thinks about it, the more she gets annoyed.

"very eloquent."

Ju Zi smiled cheerfully, she was very satisfied with Feng Wei's words.

She just likes sweet-mouthed ones, and Feng Wei is just right for her.

"Mom, we'll be back in a minute."

Feng Wei shouted to Mrs. Feng's back.


In fact, Mrs. Feng wants to say something, you can come back, but don't bring this woman back.

Every time Feng Wei goes out, there is a special car to pick her up, and every time Ju Zi gets on the car like the mistress of Feng's family, swaggeringly.

"Auntie, you must speak well later."

Feng Wei confessed that she was really afraid that Ju Zi would be like last time again.

Last time, she didn't expect that she would be so insolent. It was obviously her own fault, she abandoned the child, why did it look like Gu Yan's fault.

She had never raised him, so how could she ask him to accept her, and it was justified.

"I know."

Ju Zi said impatiently that she didn't know how many times Feng Wei would explain to her.

"Auntie, don't be angry, you will get wrinkles if you are too angry."

Feng Wei coaxed.

"I'm not old yet, how can I get wrinkles?"

The woman asked rhetorically, she hated people mentioning wrinkles to her the most.

She only knew that a woman would be liked by a man only if she was young and beautiful.

And she has been relying on men all the time, she doesn't rely on herself, she runs around on her own, how could she still be as beautiful as a flower now.

Fengwei really doesn't like Juzi, even hates it, but he has to admit that Juzi is well maintained.

Like Mrs. Feng, she also invested heavily in her own beauty.

"I didn't say you are old, you are so young, how could I say you are old, I mean don't be angry, don't I want to make you happy?"

"The only thing that makes me happy now is that kid Gu Die who agreed to let me be Mrs. Gu!"

Ju Zi had thought about it a long time ago, so that she would have inexhaustible glory and wealth.

As Mrs. Gu, not only will she no longer rely on men, but she can also get wind and rain.

The Gu family's background is so big, she didn't want to do something.

At that time, she would have no worries about food and drink for the rest of her life, and her life was hundreds of times better than her previous life.

"Just pretend to be pitiful and coax him, and he will agree."

While Feng Wei was talking, she saw a familiar figure on the side of the road.

She looked like Gu Yan, but why would he come to such a small place to drink alone?

Even if he is in a bad mood, he usually drinks at Bai Xu's bar, why did he come here, and it's getting late.

She looked like it, but she didn't think it was, because she hadn't seen Gu Di drinking in this kind of place.

But after thinking about it, he went to that small place to eat barbecue last time, and he might come to this kind of place as well.

The more she thought about it, the more she thought of Liuli. She really didn't know why Gu Yan would go to that kind of place with Liuli for barbecue.

And she also asked someone to go to the barbecue shop to help her. She felt that he had become different from before.


After thinking about it, Feng Wei still couldn't help getting out of the car to take a look, in case it was really Gu Yi, it's better to admit that he was wrong than to miss it.

If it was really Gu Yi who was drinking alone, then she would have another chance. She was inexplicably happy when she saw that there was no Liuli around Gu Yi.

"Brother Yan, it's really you, why are you here alone?"

Seeing the drunk Gu Yi, Feng Wei asked.

Gu Yi gave her a cold look and ignored her.

Feng Wei felt a sense of loss in her heart, sure enough, even when he was drunk, he didn't want to say a word to her.

But what can be done, she is like fascinated, she must want to marry him.

"Stop drinking."

Seeing him like this, Feng Wei felt very uncomfortable, she had never seen him drink like this.

"Leave me alone."

Gu Yi didn't know who was in front of him, his eyes were blurred, he only knew that someone was snatching his wine.

"Brother Yan, let's go back, shall we?"

"Who is brother Yan? I am not."

Gu Yan asked back, he was really drunk.

Ju Zi saw Feng Wei got out of the car halfway, and wondered why.

She also recognized that person as Gu Yi, and she felt ashamed to see Gu Yi drunk in such a small place.

But Feng Wei didn't get in the car for a long time, she was anxious to wait, so she got out of the car to have a look.

"Shall we go back?"

Feng Wei asked patiently, and she would be so patient only with Gu Yan.

"I won't go back, I still want to drink, you give me the wine."

Gu Yan wanted to take the wine, but Feng Wei held it tightly, she felt that if he drank again, his body would not be able to bear it.

When Ju Zi arrived at the tavern, she looked disgusted, and frowned when she smelled the alcohol on Gu Yan's body.

   She hates the smell of wine the most. Although the men she knows usually drink, she has to pretend not to care.

In fact, I was already swearing in my heart, why do I have to drink, what is so good about drinking, and it smells bad.

"Stop drinking, be obedient."

"I want a drink, give it to me."

"Hey, what to drink, go back, go back quickly."

Ju Zi said impatiently.

Feng Wei glared directly at Ju Zi, and she became impatient again.

Ju Zi was also stared at and didn't know what to do, she couldn't make Feng Wei angry, she still needed her help.

Even if she can't help, she can go to Fengwei for a few more days, Fengwei is generous to her, who knows how rich his family is.

If she hadn't become Mrs. Gu and asked Fengwei for some money to live on, Fengwei probably wouldn't take it seriously.

Like Gu Yan, she really doesn't feel sorry for her biological mother at all.

Gu Yan looked at Ju Zi with a dazed expression, unable to recognize who this person was.

"Good boy, let's go back, we can drink when we go back."

Ju Zi said to Gu Di, looking at Feng Wei's eyes, she finally spoke properly.

"Go back? Where are you going? What are you drinking?"

"Let's go home, we're home, I'll drink with you, okay?"

Feng Wei asked.

"You drink with me?"

Although Gu Yan was drunk and didn't know who was speaking, he didn't want to drink alone, which made him feel uncomfortable.

The more he drank, the more uncomfortable he felt. He really wanted to have someone to accompany him.

"I'll drink with you."

Feng Wei agreed.

"Okay, you are not allowed to go back on your want to drink with me..."

Gu Yi got up and said, but he couldn't stand still when he got up.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Feng Wei hurriedly supported him.

Ju Zi didn't care about them, and didn't help them, just cared about walking on her own.

Still holding her nose, staying away from Feng Wei and Gu Di.

Feng Wei really got bored with Ju Zi more and more, now she began to doubt whether Ju Zi was Gu Di's biological mother after all.

Could it be a fake? Not only does his son not feel distressed after drinking like this, but he also looks disgusted.

She even regretted negotiating terms with her and helping her become Mrs. Gu.

Gu Di's body was too heavy, he didn't walk much, he was supported by Feng Wei.

"Miss, let me come."

The driver saw it and got out of the car to help.

"Well, okay, slow down."

"Okay, miss."

They haven't got in the car yet, Ju Zi has to get in the car early.

Feng Wei told herself to hold back, otherwise the patience for so many days would be in vain.

Now she really wants Ju Zi to show her marriage certificate again to see if it is fake.

At this moment, she really hoped that it was fake.

"Honey, are you full yet?"

Seeing that Yu Ke was still eating at this time, Bai Xu couldn't help asking, and it was from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't even know why she was not full after eating so much.

"not yet."

Yu Ke replied while eating.

Once she eats hot pot, even if she is full, she can't stop.

"Aren't you full yet?"

Bai Xu really admires Yu Ke's appetite.

"No, you can eat more, eat so little, are you not full?"

Yu Ke did not forget to ask Bai Xu.

"I'm not full, but I don't want to eat this."

Bai Xu smiled and said, watching Yu Ke eat, it's quite cute.

"Then what do you want to eat?"

Yu Ke asked, doesn't he like hot pot too?

She couldn't figure it out just like Zihan. There are people who don't like hot pot, which is so delicious.

"Don't you know what I want to eat?"

"If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

"Then I said it, do you agree?"

"Why do I have to agree?"

"You just have to agree."

"Then tell me, let me see."

Yu Ke became more and more confused about what Bai Xu wanted to eat.

"I want to eat you..."

Bai Xu blushed after she finished speaking, and Yu Ke almost spit out the food after hearing that.

"Let me or not?"

Bai Xu asked.

"How do you want me to answer that?"

Yu Ke suddenly felt that the hot pot in front of him was no longer delicious.

"Then don't answer, I will decide for you."

"How do you decide?"

Bai Xu didn't answer her question, picked her up and left.

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