The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 378 President Mo Participates in the Annual Meeting

Mo Jinbei stood outside the door without saying a word, just looking at Luo Li silently.

Luo Li sharpened her nose, and took a step forward to report to Mo Jinbei.

Mo Jinbei took a step back, avoiding Luo Li's embrace, and entered the room before her.

The decoration inside is fairly simple and clean, but in the eyes of Mo Jinbei, a young master who is used to being pampered, it is still somewhat unsatisfactory.

Luo Li slept soundly even after sleeping in such a place all night.

Mo Jinbei's heart seemed to be stabbed by something, and now he regrets why he didn't chase him out last night.

"Mo Jinbei..." Luo Li called out.

Mo Jinbei's originally frowning brows suddenly relaxed, and the emotions in his eyes were suppressed in an instant, "I am full of cold air, I am afraid that it will catch you, and it will be bad if I catch a cold again."

Then, he took off his coat, casually put it on the chair, and then tucked Luo Li back into the bed without any explanation.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to sneak into her waist, and patted her back lightly and lightly with his big hand, "I know you haven't slept enough, so sleep a little longer!"

The deep and magnetic voice echoed in Luo Li's ears. Yesterday, he was full of anger, but now it all disappeared.

Of course, what dissipated also included drowsiness.

"Still running around?" Mo Jinbei gently rubbed his chin against Luo Li's furry head.

Luo Li, who is as cute as a kitten, shook her head, "I won't run around again."

Mo Jinbei seemed very satisfied with this answer, and kissed her on the top of the head.

After that, Luo Li couldn't remember clearly.

All she knew was that Mo Jinbei's embrace was so warm that she fell asleep even though she was not sleepy.

The two of them didn't return home until Luo Li woke up again. The first thing Mo Jinbei did when they got home was to wash up.

Mo Jinbei took a bath very quickly, but today, he insisted on spending a full 10 minutes in it.

Luo Li suddenly had a mischievous feeling in her heart.

To let a person who attaches great importance to the quality of life hug her and sleep in it for an hour, Luo Li is probably No. 1!
"It's time to eat, Mo Jinbei!" As soon as Luo Li's voice fell, Mo Jinbei opened the door.

This posture seemed to be waiting for Luo Li to call her.

"Mo Jinbei, hurry up and eat, today is short, I just made egg noodles." Luo Li urged.

Mo Jinbei looked for her all night yesterday, and no water got in. This morning, he slept with her all morning. Now eating a bowl of hot noodles should be the most comfortable for him.

"Okay." Mo Jinbei threw the towel on Luo Li's body, and said in an uncompromising tone, "Go take a bath too."

"I... this..." Before Luo Li could express herself clearly, Mo Jinbei's pretended fierce eyes persuaded her to retreat to the bathroom.

When Luo Li came out again, there were already two small dishes on the table, shredded cabbage, cumin lamb, and a glass of brown sugar ginger water.

"Mo Jinbei, you are too good. You have cooked so many dishes in just a few minutes." Luo Li sincerely admired Mo Jinbei's cooking skills.

But Mo Jinbei frowned tightly and looked at her without saying a word.

Luo Li didn't dare to speak, so she picked up the glass of brown sugar ginger water and drank it clean.

Seeing this, Mo Jinbei's frowning eyebrows stretched a little.

Just when Luo Li was about to pick up the chopsticks, Mo Jinbei was the first to lift her out of the seat and carry her directly to the bathroom, "Don't blow your hair? What if you catch a cold!"

"It's very warm in the house, and it will dry in a while." Luo Li was telling the truth, the heating in this house was turned on to 26 degrees, and it took only ten minutes to dry the hair naturally.

But Mo Jinbei was strict, so he slapped somewhere in Luoli, "From now on, you have to dry your hair every time you wash it."

These words are like an order.

However, Luo Li executed it with delight.

After such a toss, it was already two o'clock for the two of them to have lunch.

Mo Jinbei is no more idle than himself. As the president of the group, he always has to think about the group company.

"I'll go to the group." Mo Jinbei's tone seemed to be discussing with Luo Li.

"Go." Luo Li didn't feel anything in her heart.

"I didn't say hello to you in advance yesterday. It was my reason. I wanted to use it to create a surprise, but it backfired." After a minute, Mo Jinbei spit out this sentence.

"It was me who made a big deal out of a molehill." Luo Li also realized her own reasons.

Luo Li is very clear about Mo Jinbei's temperament. He is good at laying out the layout without any trace, so as to strike hard until he succeeds.

She has been with him for so long, she has already known his routine.

She should have realized when Mo Jinbei did the opposite earlier, but at that time she was wandering in the sweetness of love and completely lost her judgment. Thinking about it carefully, Mo Jinbei gave her a lot The implication is that she didn't react.

Mo Jinbei patted Luo Li's head, "You are more important than anything else."

"Okay, okay, go to work quickly, today has been delayed for so long." Luo Li pushed Mo Jinbei out the door.

Luo Li walked home happily, but when she first entered the door, she realized that she had been tricked by Mo Jinbei just now?

One second he was still talking about her as the most important thing, and the next second he was pushed out to work by himself. Didn't this just suit his heart!

Alas, men are really big pigs.

In order not to affect Luo Li's rest, Lisa came at night, and Lu Haoyan was with her.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's just different, little white rabbit, who had a sad face last night, now nourished by love, so happy, the corners of his eyes are almost wrinkled!" Lu Haoyan picked up a Tangerine, while peeling and talking.

After peeling it, it was delivered to Lisa's mouth without forgetting to flatter.

It's just that his wave is going to backfire.

Luo Li and Lisa's eyes shot at him one after the other, with a feeling of "life and death are not important, and if you don't accept it, you will do it".

"My dear SaSa, in order not to affect the relationship between our girlfriends, please automatically kick Lu Haoyan out of my team." Lisa said with deep disgust.

"No, look at me, I'm your dearest person, please don't turn your elbows so hard!" Lu Haoyan put a big face in front of Lisa, looking aggrieved, "Besides, I'm telling the truth, little white rabbit..."

Ugly and old are most tabooed by women, but Lu Haoyan opened his mouth and insisted on carrying the topic of "old" to the end.

"Lu Haoyan!" Lisa's voice was about to knock down the roof of the house, "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you come and vote! If that's the case, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Then, the two fell into a new round of fighting.

Luo Li looked at the two people in front of her, the corners of her lips raised high.

It would be great if she could be in this state with Mo Jinbei.

Mo Jinbei stayed at home to recuperate for several days, and the reporters also attacked him for several days, but today when Mo Jinbei went to the group, the reporter directly shifted the attack point to Luo Li.

Luo Li, the director of #萨尊设计部, is unkind, and has ordered employees to work overtime several times until early in the morning and late at night. #
#罗玉 Sleeping on the street last night, suspected to be abandoned by Mo Jinbei#
The comments below can also be called the annual drama, which is constantly exciting.

"All of you here have a bold idea, could it be that Boss Mo simply admires Luo Li's design talent and has no intention of falling in love with her? She will fall in love with him, but who knows that she made the wrong wishful thinking, so she wants to repeat the trick a second time, after all, men are human, and after being rescued every time, they will also increase their affection for a person, but she didn't expect that she The car overturned again! This time, Mo Jinbei was tired of her routine, so he threw her out."

"I actually think that Boss Mo and Luo Li had a little emotional quarrel, that's why... Please everyone, the president is also a human being, okay? There are also human emotions, okay? Can you treat people as human beings when you think about things? Point of departure!"

"Luo Li doesn't look like that kind of scheming woman at first glance. As for this photo, it might be a quarrel!"

Comment after comment was brilliant, and even Lisa got in on it.

"What Lou Yi said is really exciting, and it's heart-wrenching to watch. By the way, do you just rely on one mouth to speak? Does a man only have pure appreciation for a woman, or are they two people who have been together before? I am really convinced now The vast number of netizens, although freedom of speech, but it is not to make up nonsense!"

"Hmph, everyone's eyes are sharp. Luo Li is both capable and beautiful. In my eyes, Mo Jinbei is not good enough for her!"

Lisa's hands are as fast as dancing on the keyboard, if it weren't for Lu Haoyan's urging to eat, she felt that she would definitely be able to occupy this field.

However, this matter really did not have any major impact on the parties involved.

Even though the end of the new year is approaching, Luo Li still needs to draw pictures, improve and improve, and is a full-fledged advanced worker.

At the end of the year, the company will hold an annual meeting, and it is said that Mo Jinbei will also attend this year.

What is the concept of the boss of the group coming in person? In the past, they played by themselves, watched a few shows, drew a few rounds of prizes, and then they dispersed.

"Director Luo, I heard that President Mo has something to do tomorrow night?"

"I don't know." Luo Li replied simply, "You should ask Cheng Yu about his itinerary."

"Isn't it more straightforward to ask you? Who doesn't know that the president and the director have been in and out together during this time? Even a fool knows the relationship between the two!" The personnel minister complained, of course, in his heart.

"Then I won't bother Director Luo." The HR Minister left angrily.

Lately, I really don't have enough brains. It wasn't until then that Luo Li realized what the Minister of Personnel was secretly expressing.

"If nothing else happens, Mo will always attend the banquet tomorrow night."

After all, this is her suggestion.

The president of the group must always be down-to-earth, and can't stay at the point of saying a few words.

When the Minister of Personnel heard this, he said "Hey", "Thank you Director Luo."

Now, he knew which solution was suitable.

Luo Li celebrated the Spring Festival when she was abroad, and the city was full of lanterns and festoons, so of course she wanted to go out and see.

David City, a local landmark shopping mall, where Luo Li and Lisa made an appointment.

Luo Li came earlier, and Lisa was delayed by something, so she wanted to go to the mall and wait.

But before Luo Li reached the mall, she saw two familiar figures walking slowly towards the mall.

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