The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 377 Mo Jinbei Looked For You One Night

"En." Mo Jinbei lowered his eyes.

Luo Li sneered, feeling that the man in front of him was a little more unfamiliar.

"So, you designed all of this, including the clay sculpture museum? Mo Jinbei, what do you think of me as a propaganda tool?"

"I always thought that you couldn't bear the high pressure of work, so you chose to recuperate at home, but I didn't expect that you chose to use this method to promote new products."

If she hadn't looked at it with Mo Jinbei at the end, maybe she hadn't realized that the focus of these photos was all on the clay sculpture hall and the necklace.

"I designed this necklace, and I also want it to be recognized by more people, but I didn't expect you to use this method." Luo Li angrily removed the necklace around her neck, picked up the The phone went out.

She was so angry!
Does Mo Jinbei still have her in his heart?

If Mo Jinbei cared about him, how could he use this method to promote without asking her opinion!
No wonder she always felt that it was not real these days, so it turned out that this was the appearance that Mo Jinbei deliberately forged.

Luo Li thought that if he went out in this state, Mo Jinbei would be worried about rushing over.

But she was wrong.

Ten minutes later, Mo Jinbei was still not seen.

The small flame in Luo Li's heart suddenly shot upwards like gasoline poured on it.

She went out, took a taxi and left.

Lisa's house.

"It's a good idea to use this unexpected method to promote new products when the public is letting down their vigilance. Mo Jinbei is a good person in power. But he is not a qualified boyfriend."

When Luo Li said this, her eyes were full of injuries.

Even if she cooperates with Mo Jinbei to act!

"A Li..." Lisa felt very uncomfortable seeing Luo Li like this.

Who would have thought that Luo Li, who was still wandering in the honey pot just now, ran to her house to vomit her bitterness, and the words "Mo Jinbei is a villain" were almost written on her bitter face.

"SaSa, tell me, will Mo Jinbei abandon me one day for the sake of the company?" After speaking, Luo Li laughed at herself and continued, "My question is superfluous, Mo Jinbei has already abandoned me once .”

"A Li, could it be that you were overthinking it? I guess Mr. Mo thought you wouldn't mind, so he dared to do it directly. Now that he is still here, I regret it." Lisa said words of comfort. .

"Do you think so?" Luo Li asked back.

She has been out of the house for a long time, if Mo Jinbei wanted to, he would have come here long ago.

When the atmosphere was tense, Lu Haoyan said suddenly, "Little White Rabbit, Mo Jinbei will be very happy now, your group will sell out this necklace first."

"It's lucky that Mo Jinbei came up with such a good idea, issued [-] copies, and even played hunger marketing."

After saying this, Lu Haoyan saw Lisa's eyes that were about to stare him to death.

However, Lu Haoyan yelled back, and while staring back at Lisa, he said, "Lu Haoyan, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't talk!"

"No, did you eat firecrackers today? Why are you so angry? Didn't I just say that Mo's jewelry is selling well? What's the matter? Could it be that I still have to curse that my brother's products can't be sold? "

What Lu Haoyan said was not pleasant either.

As soon as Lisa heard it, her temper rose like a burning wheat straw, "Lu Haoyan, what are you talking about, you dare to talk to me like that, you've got a lot of guts, don't you!"

When the two quarreled, the focus was naturally not on Luo Li.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two of them quarreling, Luo Li simply left.

Maybe it's because winter is here, and there are few people on the street before ten o'clock.

Luo Li didn't want to go home, so she didn't bring anything with her except her mobile phone. After walking around for a long time, her mobile phone was about to turn off.

I hurriedly found a small hotel on the street, and checked in before my phone was about to be turned off.

It wasn't until half an hour after the two of them hugged each other like glue, that Lisa realized that Luo Li had left.

"It's all your fault. If you insist on pestering and arguing with me, I can tell you that if you can't find Ali, you won't be able to sleep tonight." Lisa raised her fist to threaten Lu Haoyan.

However, Lu Haoyan pursed his lips and smiled, and put his arms around Lisa's shoulders, "I said, little ancestor, don't worry about it. Can Mo Jinbei not be in a hurry when the little white rabbit is gone? Maybe the two of them are already at home lovingly and lovingly. It's crooked!"

Lisa rolled her eyes again before pressing the call button.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Lisa typed several times in a row with this kind of reply, and she couldn't help feeling worried.

"If Ah Li was picked up by Mo Jinbei, how could he not be able to get through the phone!" Lisa was very anxious, trying to run out to find Luo Li.

Lu Haoyan stopped her while calling Mo Jinbei.

When the call came, Mo Jinbei was in a remote video conference, discussing the company's latest data report.

"what happened?"

"Mo Jinbei, you lunatic, workaholic, no wonder the little white rabbit came to my house to throw a tantrum, so you fell into..."

Before Lu Haoyan finished speaking, Mo Jinbei said, "Let Luo Li stay at your house first, I have something to do here, so I'll hang up first."

"The little white rabbit is not at my house."

It took Lu Haoyan less than a second to write the seven words, which was astonishingly fast.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, "Where did she go!"

"How do I know, just now she took advantage of the time when I was exchanging feelings with our family SaSa and ran out, and the phone couldn't be reached, we thought it was you who picked her up."

Lu Haoyan's blame has been completely shaken off.

"There was an accident in the foreign branch."

"No, is your company that important? Mo Jinbei, Luo Li is your daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law ran out in anger, you are not the first to coax her, but to take care of some broken company , the most important thing is that an angry girl is the craziest, if he finds another one behind your back, then..."

Just as Lu Haoyan was talking, he suddenly found that the phone was cut off.

"This kid actually hung up on me!" Lu Haoyan murmured to himself.

"You still have the mind to worry about this!" This time Lisa's fist actually touched Lu Haoyan's flesh, "Hurry up and get dressed for me! It's such a cold day, and Ah Li wears so little, If you have a cold and a fever..."

Lisa couldn't even think about it.

After Lisa's mention, Lu Haoyan also clearly distinguished the important and difficult points at this time.

He directly picked up a down jacket and wrapped it around his body, then hurried out with Lisa.

Mo Jinbei was even more anxious. After hanging up the phone, he went downstairs and started the car to start looking for someone.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, even Mo Jinbei could feel the chill outside when he was sitting in the car, what's more, Luo Li was unprepared when he rushed downstairs angrily, he was only wearing ordinary clothes, and he couldn't resist the cold at all. cold.

"Cheng Yu, immediately call the major hotels to check if there is Luo Li's name." Cheng Yu's yawn was still being heard on the phone, and Mo Jinbei had already issued orders.

"Director Luo..." Cheng Yu suddenly woke up from his dream, "What's wrong with Director Luo?"

"Hurry up and check it out!" An uncompromising growl came from his ears, and then Mo Jinbei hung up the phone.

Mo Jinbei drove around the city all night, but he still didn't see Luo Li.

He panicked suddenly, and then dialed the phone to Cheng Yu.

"Check the recent high-speed rail tickets to see if Luo Li has..."

Mo Jinbei couldn't say the word "leave" no matter what.

Now he deeply regrets why he chose to go back to hold an emergency meeting last night instead of chasing Luo Li directly. Luo Li must hate herself very much, if he loses her again...

Mo Jinbei's red eyes stared at the front desperately, and there were countless voices in his heart clamoring desperately, "No, it's impossible, this kind of situation will never happen."

I don't know if it was because I walked too long last night or because I was completely frozen by the cold wind outside, Luo Li fell asleep and didn't wake up until ten o'clock the next day.

Although the small hotel is messy, everything is complete, including mobile phone chargers.

Luo Li charged up her phone, and as soon as she turned it on, countless missed calls and text messages popped up.

589 missed calls from Lisa and 3 from Mo Jinbei.

"Sure enough, my best friend is the most reliable, she only called me three times, it seems that she doesn't care much about me!" Luo Li was full of disappointment.

Then, she opened WeChat, and an overwhelming amount of information came out directly.

"Where did you go, A Li? Mo Jinbei and I have been looking for you all night, call back immediately!"

"Ari, let me warn you, you are not allowed to play the trick of running away from home as soon as your head gets hot, I won't allow it!"

"A Li, Mo Jin Beifei has been looking for you on the street, no matter how much he persuades you, he won't go home. If you see this message, please reply to me immediately!"

This is the last text message, sent at 05:30 in the morning.

In other words, Mo Jinbei looked for her all night.

Something in Luo Li's heart twitched suddenly, Mo Jinbei, Mo Jinbei, lost to Mo Jinbei after all.

Just then, the phone rang.

The words "Mo Jinbei" danced on the screen, Luo Li hesitated for a moment, and pressed the answer button.

"Where have you been?" Mo Jinbei's voice was so flat that no one could tell that it was someone who had been anxiously looking for her all night.

Luo Li sniffled, and replied slowly, "I haven't gone anywhere, I'm too tired, and I'm sleeping."

"Okay, then you can rest for a while."

After speaking, the phone hangs up immediately.

Looking at the blacked-out screen, Luo Li saw ten thousand wild horses galloping inside.

Is this the attitude of someone who found him overnight?Stop it!

Greeting Mo Jinbei eight hundred times in her heart, Luo Li was just about to lie down and catch up on sleep when the doorbell rang.

"No need to clean up." Luo Li shouted towards the door.

But who knows, the ringing still keeps ringing.

The irritable Luo Li finally couldn't take it anymore and chose to open the door.

But at the moment the door opened, he was stunned for more than three seconds.

The blood in the eyes proves that this person has just survived a big night, and now there is a layer of bluish-gray stubble growing on his smooth chin, and his meticulous clothes are full of wrinkles

However, these are not the point.

Luo Li was curious, why did he come?How did he find it here!

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