Su Beibei looked at Wan'er, and said softly: "In such a short period of time, how could it be so easy to catch this criminal who deliberately escaped! Give the police some time!"

"We must catch him, otherwise Li Pingping and I will be in danger!"

Jiang Feng said, "I'm in danger too!" The three of them looked at Jiang Feng at the same time.What danger are you in………………?
Jiang Feng felt that everyone was looking at him strangely.I said in my heart: Did I say something wrong?

"What danger are you in?" Su Beibei asked.

"Bai Chengzhou doesn't seem to have any boundaries with you, does it?"

"What are you talking about! You'll know later. Anyway, you policemen can't take your guard lightly, and you can't slack off your work! Catch these two bad guys quickly."

"You still need to teach me this?" Su Beibei replied.

Wan'er couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "The two of you should stop fighting each other. I'm going back to the provincial capital to deal with the beauty salon. There are more things to do in the plastic surgery hospital!"

"No, I'm going too!" Jiang Feng said.

"What are you going to do? Is your company gone? Besides, your wife won't let you go!" Wan'er thought to herself that this guy is really good!

"Did you notify your wife? Why are you here? Did you come by yourself?" Su Beibei asked so many questions in succession.

Jiang Feng said coldly: "Do you want to care? Of course I have notified! This damned Yu'er is coming soon!"

Everyone is talking.I heard someone knocking on the door outside.Wan'er said, "Come in!"

It really is Yu'er!Carrying a basket of fruit.Come in and see that Subei and Beibei are also there.Look at Xiao Yu and Wan'er again.With no place to get angry, he said to Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu. Look at what you have done. Hurt my husband and Brother Su like this?" After speaking, she took a deep look at Wan'er.Unfathomable disgust flashed in his eyes.

He twisted his waist and sat beside Jiang Feng's hospital bed.He touched Jiang Feng's cheek with his hand.

Jiang Feng slapped Yu'er's hand with a "snap!"The back of his hand was reddened by Jiang Feng!Shouted: "Get out! Get away from me!"

Yu'er's tears of grievance rolled in her eyes.Said: "Jiang Feng, what is your attitude. Anyway. I am also your wife! Have you forgotten how we love each other in bed?"

"Shameless!" Jiang Feng spat out these two words coldly, "I didn't call you here to show your affection. I wanted to tell you some news."

"What news?" Yu'er felt panicked in her heart.

"Tell you that I sold the company!" Jiang Feng's face showed a smug look!
"What?" Everyone was surprised when they heard that.

Yu'er reacted in a second: "You said you sold the company."

Jiang Feng said decisively, "I sold the company! Do you have anything to say!?"

Yu'er pointed at Jiang Feng's face without showing any weakness and said, "Why did you sell the company by yourself. I am your wife! The company belongs to the two of us!"

Jiang Feng's words came out of the blue.Wan'er and Xiaoyu Su Beibei were stunned.

Only to hear Yu'er babbling again: "Bring me all the bank cards!"

Jiang Feng was still as calm as water, and returned coldly: "Did someone tell you? The company is my pre-marital property. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Jiang Feng! You are too bold, who gave you such courage. Don't you be afraid that I will take those photos and videos..."

Halfway through the conversation, it suddenly occurred to me that Wan'er was here.I also thought that since he sold the company and still has money, I want to save myself a way out.Thinking of this, his tone softened and he said, "Jiang Feng, it doesn't matter if the company is sold. But where is the money?"

"Money? Hahahaha, Jiang Feng suddenly burst out laughing. I will donate all the money to Dongshi Guzhen, and the government will rebuild a nursing home and welfare home for those who need care."

"I don't believe it, you've always been cunning!"

"If you don't believe me, go out and call and ask! I didn't expect Yu'er to pick up her mobile phone and dial the Guzhen People's Government!
Yu'er reported her family name.The staff of the Guzhen government said gratefully: "Mrs. Jiang is really grateful to you. You donated a huge amount of money at once! The people of Guzhen thank you. I thank you on behalf of all the welfare children...."

"Well, I'm going to nmd!" Yu'er hung up the phone angrily.He threw the freshly brought fruit beside him on the ground, kicked it and cursed: "Jiang Feng! You're cruel. I want to divorce you!"

"Divorce, hahaha. Don't even think about it for the rest of your life. I finally got married. Beautiful wife. How can I divorce you. Come on come on. Come on! Your husband and I were injured, but to fight gangsters! We I'm a hero now. Please don't walk here and serve me...!"

"Jiang Feng! Just wait and see!" After walking to the door, he pointed at Wan'er and cursed: "It must be you, a bitch, who did the trick. With Jiang Feng's IQ, how could he sell the company! Donate all the money to Public welfare? All of you give me a good look. This time I will completely play with you!"

Xiao Yu couldn't stand it and stood up and said, "Sister Yu'er. How can you say that about Wan'er?"

"And you! Xiaoyu, you traitor. Just wait and see, I'll clean you up then!" After speaking, he was angry like a lobster about to be boiled, holding up two pincers!When Yu'er went crazy enough, she ran out of the hospital.

Wan'er blamed Jiang Feng and said: "Jiang Feng, you are too impulsive. The company is my own effort, how can it be sold as soon as it is sold, and all the money is donated. You have to eat, wear and use it. No matter how you say it, you have to keep a little bit. How can you get penniless!"

Jiang Feng didn't know what kind of expression he had on his face, he had his own emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy!Laugh for a while and worry for a while!

After a few more minutes of silence, he said, "Wan'er! Wan'er, are you caring about me! I'm sorry, are you caring about me? My house is also sold, and now there is only one car left. You must Take me in, otherwise I will sleep on the street!" Wan'er was furious when she heard that the house was also sold.I was so angry that I couldn't say a word.

Xiao Yu said indignantly: "Brother Jiang Feng, did you get killed by sister Yu'er? Really, how could you be so impulsive!"

"Don't worry, this is just a stopgap measure. Don't you trust Brother Jiang's brain?"

Xiao Yu said angrily: "I believe you! Although you look handsome, your brain is full of water!" After speaking, her face turned red with anger.Turning to Su Beibei: "Brother Su, I think Brother Jiang is too unreliable. Fortunately, Sister Wan'er didn't marry him."

"What are you talking about, Xiaoyu. Stop talking nonsense there. I did this all for Wan'er!"

"You're a scumbag!" Xiao Yu cursed again, turning her face to the side! "What do you use to like Wan'er. Love must be built on bread! You know. Without bread, how can you talk about love?"

Although Wan'er was trembling with anger.But that's the end of the matter: after all, it's other people's business and it's not easy to intervene.He just persuaded Xiaoyu, "Don't be angry, Xiaoyu. If you sell it, you can sell it. It's not our company anyway. Besides, this is a family affair, and it has nothing to do with us. Are you right, Brother Su!"

Su Bei Bei Chong Wan'er blinked.She smiled happily and said, "Wan'er, you are right. This is a family matter that I can't control."

Jiang Feng closed his eyes angrily!not talking.Only Wan'er understood.This Jiang Feng is not from our time.Their style of doing things must be different from ours.Plus the robot in the brain is broken again.Forget it, don't want to.Thinking of the company selling Wan'er, I feel distressed and just want to shed tears.

What should we do now?This impulsive guy.Get penniless, like a beggar.She doesn't even have a place to live, no way, Wan'er's mind is fighting with each other.But also to cure him.After all, he and Yu'er are still married.No matter what he is like, treat him first and then let him die on his own.Think here.I felt a little calmer.

Then he got up and poured Su Beibei a cup of tea.Said: "Brother Su. Drink some water."

Su Beibei glanced at Jiang Feng triumphantly.He half sat up, took the tea Wan'er handed over, and drank it all in one gulp!

Jiang Feng heard that Wan'er was talking to Subei at the northern end of the water!Do not ask yourself.The jealousy in my heart came up all at once, and I said, "Wan'er! I want to drink water too."

"Xiao Yu, pour Jiang Feng a cup of tea."

"No, I want you to pour!" Jiang Feng said like a child.

"Boring!" Xiao Yu scolded.He got up and poured Jiang Feng a cup of tea.Put it on the bedside table and said, "Drink! Take it yourself."

Xiao Yu was still angry that Jiang Feng sold the company.Although she was not familiar with Jiang Feng, she heard it from hearsay and heard a lot about Jiang Feng from sister Wang.For this repeated, uncertain man.Xiao Yu really wanted to strangle him.

Wan'er ignored Jiang Feng.Looking at his tall and handsome appearance, he doesn't look like such a childish person.However, no matter how you do things, you don't think about the consequences at all.

Jiang Feng saw that Wan'er ignored him.I became even more angry.He said coldly: "Zheng Wan'er. I finally understand that you usually pretend to be kind and nice. It turns out that you are also a gold digger. Is money that important?"

Wan'er heard Jiang Feng scold her like this.Glaring at Jiang Feng: "I love money! Gold digger! What's up! You sold the company and donated money. You are great! Come on! Don't you know why I'm angry. I'm angry because why did you ask Get rid of Yu'er. She is your wife! Isn't it right for her to take care of you here! And let me tell you, we and Brother Su are going back to the hospital in the provincial capital. You can take care of yourself here."

"No! No! Jiang Feng is a little annoyed, why should he keep me here."

"Stay here and starve you to death! Hmph!" Xiao Yu scolded!

"A group of gold diggers! I don't care about you, I want to find my love by myself!"

"Hahahaha! Go find it!"

Then a policeman came in.He said to Wan'er and Su Beibei: "Officer Su, your transfer procedures have been completed. When are you going to leave?"

"Is it all done? I said handsome guy, where is mine?"

"Your? You just stay here for treatment, but we will also send someone to take care of you. Wait until you leave the hospital!"

"What is this? I am doing what is right! How can you leave me here alone!"

Because Jiang Feng's legs and arms were injured.Although able to move around, it does require someone to accompany it.

Wan'er's heart softened at the thought of this, and she really wanted to stay with her.But thinking of him marrying Yu'er and selling the company so stubbornly, I really want to cure him!

So he turned around and tidied up mercilessly.There were two policemen helping to support Su Beibei.About to leave the ward...

Jiang Feng cursed in despair: "Gold worshiper! A woman who loves money! An ugly woman?"

"Try to curse again!" Wan'er had already walked to the door, and when she heard Jiang Feng's scolding was so outrageous, she turned around and said.


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