Because Jiang Feng drove all the way and set off from Dongshi ahead of schedule, he arrived faster than the people from the Public Security Bureau, and arrived on a section of the mountain road ahead of schedule, where Wan'er's mobile phone signal is here!
But Jiang Feng didn't find Wan'er's car, let alone Wan'er's person!
Why are people and cars missing?

Jiang Feng's anxious voice was about to burst into flames.Called Wan'er and said, "I am now following the location of your phone. I came to your neighborhood, but why didn't I see you?"

It turned out that after Wan'er called Jiang Feng just now, Su Beibei was forced to make such a call by the gangsters!Wan'er found a place to park the car.

Li Pingping was asked to stay in the car, but he insisted on following, because he was afraid that staying in the car would be more dangerous.

Wan'er changed the appearance of the two of them.Stopped a truck on the side of the road for a ride.When I saw the bus parked on the side of the road, I thanked the master for getting off the truck, and avoided the sight of the people on the bus in the woods by the side of the road!

When Jiang Feng came to look for Wan'er, Wan'er and the others shuttled through the bushes, and finally saw Jiang Feng's car coming, Jiang Feng called Wan'er.

Wan'er instructed in a low voice: "Jiang Feng, don't stop that bus as you pass by, there are several gangsters on the bus. You pretend to pass by, don't look at that bus!"

Jiang Feng hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator and overtook the bus parked on the side of the road.

Park your car in a sheltered corner!Not far in the direction of Xiang Wan'er, a gangster on the bus in front saw Jiang Feng in the rearview mirror.

So he said to the rest of the gangsters: "Why did the people in the car that just passed stop?"

"The car that passed by just stopped? It can't be the police!"

"Not a policeman! Not wearing a police uniform!" The gangster by the car door walked to the front and looked back from the rearview mirror.Just in time to see Jiang Feng entering the woods on the side of the road.

A gangster jokingly said: "Maybe go to the woods to solve the internal emergency, hahahaha." After speaking, he laughed.

"Stop laughing, the longer the time is delayed, the more troublesome it will be. Maybe that woman called the police just now."

"What are you afraid of! Have you forgotten, let's go quickly, there are many mountains and trees here, and it's not easy to be caught! You searched things faster, let's go."

 They speeded up the speed of grabbing things and money. The door of the car was already opened by the driver who was guarding the door.

He stood outside the door and urged, "Quick, quick, quick!" When several people finished grabbing their things and were about to get off the car, Su Beibei said, "Master, I'm going down too!" "

"You are not allowed to come down! The gangster guarding the door pointed at Su Beibei and said.

"What are you afraid of? I don't have a mobile phone to make a call. I need to pee. I don't have a mobile phone and I can't call the police. What are you afraid of?"

In fact, Su Beibei didn't do anything just now.I was afraid of accidentally hurting the passengers in the car.Now watch the gangsters run away!In a hurry, I thought I'd better go down first.

"Come on big brother, I'm going to pee my pants!"

The gangster in the car said: "Let him go!"

The gangsters who searched have already snatched the last passenger.Everyone got out of the car!
Su Beibei also got out of the car, and shouted to the master in the car: "Master, close the door!" As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked the gangster who was closest to him!Three times and two times subdued a gangster.When Su Beibei took out his handcuffs and put them on the hands of the gangster he was holding.The other three gangsters stabbed them with knives at the same time.

Su Beibei quickly put on the handcuffs, and the subdued gangster kicked again from behind.Kicked the gangster who stabbed himself in the back with a dagger!

But another gangster stabbed Su Beibei's arm with a dagger from the side.Blood spurted out.

Su Beibei fought with three other people.

The gangster already in handcuffs on the ground.Reluctantly got up and ran to the distance!
The remaining three people didn't want to fight, and ran quickly to the woods in two ways.

Su Beibei had no choice but to choose to chase the man who was already in handcuffs.By this time the blood on the arm had stained the shirt sleeves red.

 Su Beibei endured the severe pain to chase the criminals!

Jiang Feng was looking for Wan'er in the woods.But saw two criminals running away.I didn't even think about chasing after it.

The gangster looked back and saw another stranger chasing him, and ran forward in fright, scurrying in the bushes.Jiang Feng chased after him.While chasing her, she shouted, "Wan'er! Be careful where you are?"

Wan'er heard the shout!He ran out of the bushes and ran towards Jiang Feng's voice.When he ran over to see, the two gangsters had already stabbed Jiang Feng.The gangster was about to stab Jiang Feng with a dagger.

It's just that the gangster didn't seem to want to kill Jiang Feng's legs and arms.

"Hey!" Two thugs saw Wan'er forced to come over, and one thug said: "Little girl, don't care about life and death, mind your own business!"

Jiang Fengli didn't have any tools, just bare hands.On the legs, on the arms.They were all bleeding and rushed towards the criminals again.

The two gangsters said viciously: "Things that are not afraid of death!" After speaking, they raised their knives again!
Wan'er raised the robot in her hand, two white lights flashed.The two fell to the ground immediately.

"What should we do now!"

"Tie it up first!"

"There's no rope. Maybe Su Beibei is also in danger." After Wan'er finished speaking, she took off her coat, tore the two into strips and tied them up!
I haven't been running for long, and I'm not far from the bus.Wan'er saw that Jiang Feng's legs and arms were bleeding.Prepare to use the palm robot to help him fix it.

Tried several times, the robot didn't work.It keeps reminding that today's use has reached the upper limit, and today's use has reached the upper limit.

"Grandma's thing!" Wan'er scolded, "This robot still has usage restrictions!  …

"Of course, don't you know. It's a pity that my robot is broken and can't be used."

Wan'er had no choice but to tear off two more strips of cloth from her jacket to tie up the cuts on Jiang Feng's legs and arms.The two dragged the two gangsters onto the road.Then the siren sounded.

The police all rushed over.Everyone is at a loss.After getting the two gangsters into the police car, Wan'er said to the Dongshi Public Security Bureau, "Go and rescue Su Beibei!"

Jiang Feng was quickly pulled into the ambulance.

The two gangsters that Su Beibei was chasing after.He was overtaken by Su Beibei.These two are no match for Su Beibei!Handcuffed by Su Beibei.

In the woods by the roadside, Su Beibei pointed a gun at the head of one of them and escorted them out of the woods!They just came out.Just in time to run into the police who came head-on.

Everyone got the two gangsters into the police car!
In the ambulance, Nei Wan'er looked at Jiang Feng and then at Su Beibei.My heart is full of distress.

The police went to find Li Pingping.Drive Jiang Fengwan'er's car together to the Public Security Bureau of City B.

At the hospital, Sister Zhang called and asked, "Why isn't Wan'er going back to the provincial capital?"

Wan'er briefly explained what happened.Sister Zhang was very anxious when she heard this.

Also reported to Wan'er: "The Industrial and Commercial Bureau in the provincial capital has issued a notice of opening. The misunderstanding has been resolved!"

"But Su Beibei, Su Beibei and Jiang Feng were injured. Send Xiaoyu over to help take care of them!"

"Didn't Xiaoyu go to study?"

"Temporary rest!"

Wan'er agreed!Xiao Yu packed her luggage.He rushed to the B city hospital.

I saw Wan'er in the ward.

Wan'er asked Xiao Yu to sit down and rest first.Li Pingping said to Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, you are really responsible! You came so soon!"

"When I heard that Brother Jiang and Brother Su were injured, I was so anxious." Xiao Yu didn't sit down after finishing speaking, and found a knife to peel an apple.Cut the apples into small pieces.Put it in a disposable cup, and then took another apple.Peeled the skin and handed it to Jiang Feng, and said, "Brother Jiang, are you okay?"

"Me? It's okay! I can't die!"

"I think you're fine. You can eat the apples yourself."

"Why didn't you call Yu'er?" Su Su Beibei asked Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng glanced at Wan'er undisguisedly and said, "Why should I call her?"

Xiao Yu said strangely: "Brother Jiang, aren't you married to Yu'er?"

"I married her for a reason, but we are only a couple in name. There has never been a real couple!"

Su Beibei curled his lips.I also looked at Wan'er!
Wan'er noticed that both of them were looking at her and blushed.Said: "I don't think you two are in pain, right? If you don't, Xiao Yu and I are gone."

"No, no, no!" the two said in unison.

Su Beibei saw that Xiaoyu brought Jiang Feng an apple.I don't let myself eat the small pieces of apples that have been peeled in the cup.He argued: "Xiao Yu! You are really partial. You all just like Brother Jiang?"

Xiao Yu blushed and said, "Of course I like Big Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Feng glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise and said, "You must not like me!"

Wan'er said: "See if you can do it!"

"What is ability!" Xiaoyu said with a playful smile: "Brother Jiang. I like you as a big brother. But, don't think too much, I don't mean that!"

Xiao Yu finished speaking and held a disposable cup.Go to Su Beibei's bed and sit down.Looking at Su Beibei with a smile, he said, "Brother Su, do you want to eat it or not!" After speaking, he took out a small piece of apple and fed it to Su Beibei's mouth!Su Beibei opened his mouth and blinked at Jiang Feng, meaning: Why is he not as attractive as me?
Jiang Feng snorted and turned his head away from him!

Wan'er looked at the three of them and smiled.keep silent.Xiao Yu gently and thoughtfully feeds Su Beibei apples.

Wan'er suddenly felt like Miss Xiaoyu.It's a good match with Su Beibei.

But Wan'er knew that Su Beibei's thoughts were all on Feng got married again.For Su Beibei, of course, it was an opportunity.He can boldly go after Wan'er with confidence.

Therefore, Beibei's thoughts were not on other people at all, but Xiao Yu said while feeding Su Beibei apples, "It's strange, two gangsters fought each other in one day. Could it be someone deliberately arranged it?"

After listening to Xiao Yu's words, Su Beibei said thoughtfully, "I think it's possible. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence!"

Wan said: "Could they have come for me and Li Pingping? The little monkey and Bai Chenzhou have never been caught!"

Su Beibei looked at Wan'er, and said softly: "In such a short period of time, you must give the police some time! It's not so easy to catch him! This is a prisoner who deliberately escaped."

"We must catch him, otherwise Li Pingping and I will be in danger!"

Jiang Feng said, "I'm in danger too!" The three of them looked at Jiang Feng at the same time.What danger are you in………………?

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