On the other end of the phone, Sister Wang also cried.

"What about Miss Wang?"

"Wan'er, hurry up and call the police!" Hearing Sister Wang sobbing on the phone for a while, she said, "You go to Police Officer Su first. I'll be right back."

Wan'er hung up the phone.Go to the police station.It was exactly eight o'clock.Officer Su has already gone to work.Wan'er explained the situation to Officer Su.

Su Beibei brought two or three people to the beauty salon.The scene was carefully inspected.

Sister Wang and Sister Zhang called back to the beauty salon.Enduring the pain, she went up to the second floor, went to the lobby, and listened to Su Beibei's introduction to her.

Su Beibei: "Boss Wang, I'm afraid this case is not very easy to solve for the time being. First of all, there is no surveillance on the side of the road outside the gate. The surveillance in your lobby has been blocked by someone! In addition, we also took fingerprints on the door. I found traces left by gloves. This must be a master criminal. But don't worry. We will try our best." After Su Beibei finished speaking, she asked Sister Wang to sign and left.

Yu'er and Juzi also came to work!Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.Only then did Sister Wang remember.Another thing asked: "Is the customer's stuff still there?"

So Wan'er and Yu'er Juzi, the three of them went to the room separately to watch.Fortunately, the sets that the customer has already opened are still there!
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.The three of them went back to the hall and told Sister Wang!
"Sister Wang. Is your waist okay?" Wan'er asked.

"It's okay. It just hurts when I move. But I'm just getting ready. I'll be discharged from the hospital in two days. I didn't expect this to happen!"

"It's all my fault!" Wan'er said angrily, "Who is so wicked!"

Yu'er said at this time: "I don't think it's someone else. Xiaoyun and Yang Liu must have found someone to do it. She knows that you are in the hospital, and we will go home at night."

Wan'er didn't dare to speak either, because she couldn't speculate without evidence.

Orange said: "It must be them. I saw Xiao Yu yesterday. He passed by here with a basket of fruit, and he didn't know where he went."

Sister Zhang said: "She came to see Sister Wang with a basket of fruit. But I scolded her and left!"

"That's right," Yu'er said, "Xiaoyu went to the hospital with a basket of fruit. He deliberately delayed your time, or was trying to find out the truth. The rest of the people are here to do the crime."

Wan'er said, "No. It must have been stolen first. It must have been last night."

"Hey, what can we do now. One thing is not over, and another thing is coming!" Sister Wang said.

Everyone agreed that it was Xiaoyun and Yangliu Xiaoyu, the three of them did this.

Wan'er, I thought of Jiang Feng at this moment. Jiang Feng's smartphone is very powerful.I installed a profiler to see if I could find any clues.It may be hopeless to count on the police station.Because it is a product, not something else.

Wan'er used the magic mirror to call
Jiang Feng's phone call.This phone function was modified only after Jiang Feng came.

Jiang Feng is really a high-tech talent.If you can introduce him to the research institute.He can definitely make a great contribution to this era, but it's a pity that he doesn't want to!He said it would change human history.

Wan'er was thinking of other things, so she couldn't help but lose her mind.Sister Wang saw Wan'er distracted.Then he asked, "Wan'er, what are you thinking, do you have other thoughts?"

"No, I just. Give Jiang Feng a call! See if he can do anything!"

The phone was finally connected, and Jiang Feng said, "What's the matter, stupid?"

Wan'er said: "Jiang Feng, all the products in our store have been stolen, can we find out?"

"Go to the police for such a trivial matter!"

"The police are also slowly investigating. Do you have any quick solutions! This is all of Sister Wang's possessions!"

"I really have no way to do this? It's up to you, stealing things. It depends on whether he has left fingerprints or not. Or something!"

"There are no fingerprints left! People who work in the beauty salon can't compare, because everyone has to open the door several times a day. This won't work."

"I'm sorry, I really can't solve your problem. You want me to check the location or something, it's a signal reflection. This thing sneaked away, I really can't help it. By the way, are you free? Come back, let's take a look at the house together. I'm in Dongshi, and I've found the facade!"

Wan'er hung up the voice call.He said to Sister Wang dejectedly, "He said there is no way."

Ju Zi interjected again: "There is no way, you have been talking on the phone for a long time? Why do you check? It's not someone else, it must be Xiaoyun Yangliu and Xiaoyu, the three of them. Don't check anymore. Just find someone to beat them up, forget it !"

"There is no evidence, even if there is evidence, he stole it, and we can't beat people casually!"

"Then what should we do?" Wan'er said!

Everyone was silent, and for a while, no one had a good idea.

Yu'er suddenly looked at Wan'er, her eyes flickering.I thought to myself: The opportunity for revenge has come.

She said, "Wan'er, don't you want to open a beauty salon? Don't tell me you stole Sister Wang's products, just watch over yourself!"

When Sister Zhang heard this, she rolled her eyes at Yu'er: "I'm afraid you're crazy, talking nonsense!"

Sister Wang glared at Yu'er and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Yu'er pretended to be clever and said: "Am I talking nonsense? Let Sister Zhang deliberately accompany you in the hospital, hold you back, and then commit crimes by yourself! I said why are you so kind. It turns out that you are really vicious!"

Juzi said happily: "Yu'er is right. I suspect you too, now. You have the best chance. Let Sister Zhang hold back Sister Wang. Then you come to do the crime! You are the most suspected. Otherwise you Are you so kind. Who would be like a fool to help others?"

The words of the two deeply hurt Wan'er's heart.Wan'er's tears of grievance flowed down patter.Sister Zhang felt even more distressed when she saw it.Come here to play oranges and jade.

The two stared at Sister Zhang covetously and said, "Come on!"

Sister Zhang was about to rush over, but was stopped by Wan'er.

Sister Wang resisted the pain, stood up from the chair, and said between them: "Don't hurt each other. What are you two talking nonsense, Yu'er? How could it be that Wan'er stole my things? She stole my things." I put it in the beauty salon, so I won’t be afraid of being bumped into by us when I use it. This thing is so big, it can’t be hidden!”

Yu'er and Juzi are still unwilling!The two of them have other purposes.Last night, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyu invited the two of them to dinner, and Yang Liu also went.The three also asked the two of them to find a way to discredit Wan'er.

So now it is said that only Wan'er is the most likely to steal things.

Things are at an impasse.Wan'er wiped away her tears and promised everyone: "Don't worry, everyone. Since you suspect that I stole it, I will give you an explanation. I must find the thief within five days!"

At this moment, Juzi said without fear: "Look at your stupidity. It's true. The police can't do anything about it. Can you find the thief? Unless you stole it yourself. Then take it out again!" "

Yu'er relied on Sister Wang's shop and no one would drive her away.So he also added fuel to the fire: "Yeah, I don't even look at my own abilities!"

Sister Zhang couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Sister Wang, from now on, don't let Wan'er work in your store. Although I am not his biological sister, I really can't stand it anymore!"

Sister Wang pointed to Yu'er and Juzi and said, "How did you two promise me last time? Didn't you want to unite with each other?"

Juzi said unconvinced: "Sister Wang, haven't you seen it clearly? Only the two of us are loyal to you. What are you still doing to her, she will betray you and leave. I have been with you for so many years , isn’t it better that she’s a newcomer?”

Sister Wang said: "If you two doubt Wan'er again, then I will fight this store and let everyone disband!"

Yu'er, Juzi didn't make a sound anymore.Sister Wang came back to comfort Yu'er, Sister Zhang and Wan'er and said: "Everyone will inevitably say some hurtful things when they are emotional, and I hope Sister Zhang and Wan'er forgive me. Don't take it to heart. Wan'er, your store is about to open. Funds are also needed, have you received the demolition funds yet?"

"Not yet! The demolition staff said that they will arrive in a while. If so, I hope you stay here to help me during this time. I am really in a bad mood. Lan Shucheng hit me, although he It’s the child’s father and I can’t forget about it. And my products are missing. You must stay and help me check!”

"Sister Wang, don't worry, I won't leave until the truth of this matter is revealed. Besides, the demolition payment is in a few days, and I don't know when it will be. Even if it arrives, the house will still need to be renovated and so on. I will not leave you during this time!"
"Okay, since you say that, let's clean up first, let's tidy up!" Sister Wang sighed after finishing speaking.Sister Zhang sat in the hall to accompany her!

When Wan'er entered her workshop, she felt as if she had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.She thought hard and didn't have the heart to clean up.Who actually stole Ms. Wang's products?
After much deliberation, he finally took a pen and paper and wrote a bunch of names on it. The first person was Lan Shucheng. However, there was a child between Lan Shucheng and Sister Wang, so he wouldn't do such a vicious trick.So she crossed out Lan Shucheng's name again.

The second person is Willow!Wan'er stared at Yang Liu's name in a daze for a while.Yang Liu should be the most suspect.She cut her own wrist with a knife in a beauty salon.Sister Wang only paid her part of the medical expenses.No compensation for lost wages or anything.It is possible to hold a grudge.I am too familiar with beauty salons, and the probability of committing a crime is 90.00%, so I left this name here.

Then wrote the second name Xiaoyun, she and Yang Liu are in the same group.The probability of committing a crime is 99%!

Then he wrote down the fourth name, Xiaoyu. Although Xiaoyu is a little more upright than Xiaoyun, but because of the blood relationship of sisters, the bones are broken and the tendons are connected, and they will not face outsiders.May be an accomplice.So save the names of these three people.

The rest wrote the names of Juzi and Yu'er, and then crossed them out.

 Juzi and Yu'er still have to work and get paid at Sister Wang's place, so it shouldn't be possible.

Who is the suspect now?Li Dajun!right!Li Dajun may be an accomplice, he is with Xiaoyun, and has no blood relationship with Sister Wang, and he especially hates Wan'er, Yang Liu's good friend.

Wan'er wrote a lot, and finally looked at several people on the paper and analyzed it slowly.I still feel that they have a high chance of stealing things. Are you afraid of being exposed if you steal products at this time?

This product is not easy to use at home, you have to use it in a beauty salon!
The thief stole the product and didn't use it himself. There is only one place to go, which is to sell it to other beauty salons.

Another beauty salon?Wan'er's brain flashed.Will people from other beauty salons come to steal products and deliberately oppose Sister Wang?
There has been a lot of commotion in Miss Wang's beauty salon recently.So take advantage of it.Wan'er made up her mind.From the workshop to the hall.

Said to Sister Zhang and Sister Wang: "I want to go around the town and see if there are any other beauty salons to take advantage of!"
Sister Zhang and Sister Wang gave Wan'er a thumbs up.

"Wan'er, you are really smart. Our beauty salon has always had a good reputation in the ancient town. We have also taken in 2/3 of the customers in the ancient town, so this mess happened in the beauty salon recently. You see, basically the customers Fewer people come here. It is inevitable that other beauty salons will play tricks on us!"
"That's good. Now, Sister Zhang and I will go to another beauty salon to explore!"
"Wan'er, everyone already knows you, isn't it suitable for you to go?"
"It doesn't matter. Use the rejuvenating mask and change your image temporarily! No one in charge knows me."
Wan'er said so.Sister Wang and Sister Zhang seemed to see hope.

"Then let's see if you change yourself!" Sister Wang saw Wan'er take out the magic mirror from her pocket and choose a face shape in front of the magic mirror.This time I chose not to be beautiful, but to have dark spots on my face!
Wan'er's beautiful face, after a temporary change by the magic mirror, immediately became dark spots. Although the general shape is still there, she has completely changed her personality.

Wan'er went inside and took off her overalls.Sister Zhang also changed her face shape.

The two came out of the beauty salon and walked on the streets of the ancient town.Go to another beauty salon to find out who stole Sister Wang's products!

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