The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 33 Who Stole the Product

"Let's see who's calling!"

Xiao Yu handed the phone to Sister Wang.Sister Wang saw that the phone screen showed that the caller was named Liu Er.

"I'll call you Liu'er, I'll call you Liu'er! I'll strangle you to death, you scumbag!" Seeing this name, Sister Wang's jealousy returned.Standing up, he rushed towards Lan Shucheng again!
Unexpectedly, the always weak Lan Shucheng stood up and kicked him.

"Go to nmd! Divorce! Just divorce. You can choose the date. Let me know when you have chosen."

This kick was on Sister Wang's waist.Miss Wang, who was caught off guard, fell into a fight.

This kick made Sister Wang unable to get up.Sister Wang covered the place where she kicked just now with her hand, her face turned pale.But he couldn't say a word.

Lan Shucheng didn't even look at it, and deliberately patted the foot that kicked Sister Wang just now.It seemed that the ashes on Sister Wang's body were stuck to that kick.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he held his head high, opened the door, and strode away.

Sister Wang turned pale and limp on the ground.Everyone hurriedly helped her up.Sent to the hospital for an examination.A rib at the waist was kicked and broken.

Toss until midnight.Wan'er just returned to her residence!

Sister Zhang and Jiang Feng were still sitting there waiting.

Back home Jiang Feng scolded: "I like to meddle in other people's business, sooner or later I will suffer from it."

"How can I be nosy. Now there are two scumbags for me?"

"The two scumbags won't have me, right?" Jiang Feng glanced at Wan'er guilty!
"The two scumbags I'm talking about are Lan Shucheng and Li Dajun."

"Just two?" Jiang Feng sneered!

"A lot!" Sister Zhang answered sadly.

"From noon to now, I haven't eaten a bite of food. You two don't know how to feel sorry for me." Wan'er complained!

Sister Zhang got up to warm up Wan'er's meal.

"Sister Zhang, cook for me, and stew a few more eggs by the way."

"It's already midnight, eating so much will make you fat."

"It's not me! I want to send some to Sister Wang."

"Are you staying at home tonight?"

"Yes, Sister Wang is very pitiful alone in the hospital"

"Jiang Feng, then you go with Wan'er." Sister Zhang cooked the food, put in the thermos, and said, "I think Sister Wang is really a good person, but it's a pity that she has met scumbags."

"Wan'er, why don't you go after eating?"

"Thinking that Sister Wang is worse than you, I really feel bad. Go to the hospital to eat together, and bring me an extra pair of chopsticks and a bowl."

"You are really redundant, people who encounter this kind of thing are stupid!" Jiang Feng stood up reluctantly and said, "Can't Miss Wang do it alone?"

"The soft ribs around my waist were kicked and broken, and it hurts like hell when I move it. Going to the toilet is very difficult."

Jiang Feng only complained about Wan'er's meddling along the way, saying that he had no principle at all for not going to bed when it was time to go to bed at night.

Wan'er ignored him, and blamed herself for being too busy, but she couldn't get over her conscience if she didn't have too many things.

When I came to the ward where Sister Wang lived, fortunately there were two beds in the ward, and the other one was empty.

Wan'er served the food and helped Sister Wang to sit up.Sister Wang didn't even shed tears in her eyes.My eyes are swollen from crying.

"Sister Wang, why do you torture yourself like this? Just treat him as a mad dog biting you. You can't pay it back."

"But I can't get over that hurdle in my heart."

"If you can't make it through, you have to live it." Jiang Feng said, "You are just stupid! If you can make it through, let it go, if you can't make it, then separate. Why do you have to fight and kill?"

"Getting married and living a life is not as easy as you said. What about children?" Wan'er said.

"No matter what, you have to eat food. Don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes." Jiang Feng brought the meal to Sister Wang, but Sister Wang refused to take it.

"It's okay if you don't eat, then you can just watch Lan Shucheng and have a good time." Jiang Feng really hates women in the modern world!It's so stupid that it punishes itself every now and then.

After hearing this, Sister Wang's stubbornness came up again, yes.If you don't eat, you are the one who suffers. Only after eating can you have the strength to take revenge.

"Thank you Wan'er! Give me the rice, I must eat it."

"That's right, let's eat together." Sister Wang took the rice bowl and tears fell into the rice, but she still ate the noodles and an egg.

"When the time comes, I will avenge your revenge together with that damned Li Dajun."

"It's all my fault for not employing people well. Xiao Yun and Yang Liu usually look like dogs."

"Don't be angry anymore, you can't see his heart again."

"Who is this handsome guy?" Sister Wang asked.

"He is my boyfriend Jiang Feng."

Sister Wang was not crying at this time.He took a look at Jiang Feng and said, "It doesn't look like a scumbag now, but a very responsible person."

"Is it a scumbag that you can only know after a long time of contact, you can tell from the appearance."

"Who knows? Take one step at a time."

"Sister Wang, how is the bone? Does it still hurt?"

"No matter how painful it is here, there is no heartache. That's right! I heard that you are going to go to a beauty salon by yourself."

"Yes, my house is going to be demolished. The demolition money will arrive soon." Wan'er said confidently, "It's not that I don't want to do it with you, it's just that these girls in the beauty salon always come to me Stubble, despise me."

Sister Wang sighed, and said sadly: "Now I don't plan to take Xiaoyun and Yangliu. If you leave, only Juzi and Yu'er are left. There are too few people."

"Let's find some more people. You must be careful when recruiting people. Don't find any more scumbags."

"That's something later! It's already past two o'clock at night. Go back and rest too, there are still many things to do tomorrow."

"Then what do you do now? It's inconvenient to stay alone in the hospital. "

"I'll find someone to help." Jiang Feng said!

"Where is someone in the middle of the night, you go back and rest, I will stay here with Sister Wang."

"Sister Zhang is the only one at home, you won't be jealous when I go back?" Jiang Feng said provocatively, looking into Wan'er's eyes.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Wan'er also thought of this level.

"Then you don't go back, the two of us will just stay here for the night." Wan'er said angrily.

Jiang Feng was really stubborn and didn't go back.Wan'er lay by Sister Wang's bed for several hours.Jiang Feng slept on another hospital bed.

Its daybreak.Sister Zhang called and asked if she wanted to go back for breakfast.

Wan'er said, "No need, I'm still here to take care of Miss Wang."

Sister Zhang had an idea and said, "I'm fine these two days, I'll take care of Sister Wang."

"That's a really good idea."

Sister Wang, I want Wan'er to go to the beauty salon first.Sister Zhang came to take care of Sister Wang, and Jiang Feng went out to Dongshi to see the facade.

Wan'er came to the beauty salon.Thinking that it's not easy for Sister Wang to run a store, now that it's done like this, I feel sorry for myself, why did she meddle in other people's private affairs?
In order to express her apology, during the time when Sister Wang was recovering from her injuries, Wan'er devoted all her energy to the operation of Sister Wang's beauty salon.

Sister Wang also told Juzi and Yuer specifically.No matter what, cooperate with Wan'er well.For your own sake, don't trouble Wan'er.

This morning, Wan'er went to the hospital early to deliver meals.

Sister Wang also specially said: "Wan'er, you and Sister Zhang have worked hard these few days. When I leave the hospital, I will definitely reward everyone. You have to worry about the beauty salon."

"I know, don't worry, Miss Wang."

"I'll be out of the hospital in a day or two."

"Don't worry about recuperating, there's nothing to do in the beauty salon." Wan'er said, "I'll leave first if there's nothing to do."

Wan'er was just about to leave when Xiao Yu arrived with a basket of fruit.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here?" Xiaoyun and Xiaoyu are twins.Seeing Xiaoyu, Sister Zhang immediately thought of Xiaoyun.

She snatched the fruit basket from Xiao Yu's hand and threw it on the ground with a "snap".

Cursed: "The weasel has no good intentions in wishing the chicken a new year, so get out!"

Xiao Yu stood there with a red face.Embarrassed not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to everyone on Xiaoyun's behalf!"

"Your sister robbed my husband, you came here to make sarcastic remarks, right?" Zhang Jie was still relentless.

"I'm sorry, I've already told my father. But my father is joking about being poor and not prostitutes. If you have the ability, find a boss to come back and let me have a look."

Wan'er looked at Xiao Yu sympathetically. Although she and Xiao Yun were twins, they had different personalities and looks.

"Xiaoyu. You go back. Take the fruit back. I thank you for coming to see me." Sister Wang said!
"Sister Wang, can I still go to work in the store?" Xiao Yu looked at Sister Wang with pleading eyes.

"I said, why are you so kind, brought fruit to see Sister Wang. It turns out there is a purpose." Sister Zhang began to chatter again!
"Wan'er, I beg you. Tell Sister Wang to let me stay." Seeing that Sister Wang was silent, Xiao Yu turned around and begged Wan'er again.

Wan'er didn't know what to say, because she was born with a kind face and a soft heart.Sister Zhang couldn't understand this better.So I immediately stopped her by saying: "I am Xiaoyun. Although you are not your sister, you and your sister are biological after all. Your sister and Yang Liu have become scumbags together. Do you think you can still stay in this shop? The few of you have now become our enemies. Using enemies as employees is you, what can you do?"

"Sister Wang, I'm sorry, I underestimated this matter too much. I'll go first!" After Xiao Yu finished speaking, she ran out of the room with red eyes.

"By the way, did Miss Wang leave evidence?"

"I asked the forensic doctor to make an identification report!"

"That's good, in case the property division with Lan Shucheng is done at that time, it will come in handy!"

Wan'er bid farewell to Sister Zhang and Sister Wang, came out of the hospital, and walked to the beauty salon.

Come to the gate of the beauty salon.It was found that the large lock on the glass door had been opened and thrown on the ground.Wan'er couldn't help being surprised.How is this going?

She didn't rush in because this store is not her own after all.

She took out her mobile phone and called Sister Wang to explain the situation. Sister Wang asked her to stand below and shout to see if Xiaoyu and Juzi were in the store.

Wan'er was more thoughtful, and she didn't hang up the phone. She stood downstairs and called several times, but there was no one.

"Go upstairs and have a look." Sister Wang said on the phone.

Wan'er kept the phone on the call, opened the glass, went up the stairs, and found that the door to the second floor was also opened.

She held her breath, her heart beating loudly.Take a look in the hall.

The counters where the new products were placed were empty.The new set worth 10,000+, together with a single bottle of water cream, was looted.

"Sister Wang, all the new products have been stolen." Wan'er cried.

This blow was too great, after all Wan'er only had one!
On the other end of the phone, Sister Wang also cried.

"What about Miss Wang?"

"Wan'er, hurry up and call the police!" Hearing Sister Wang sobbing on the phone for a while, she said again, "Go to Police Officer Su first."


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