The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 656 There is a chapter to tell you

As she spoke, she raised her hand to wrap around Gu Mingchen's arm.

"I have something to tell you."

Gu Mingchen nodded slightly to Yu Yi, and then led her upstairs.

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen and Yu Yi who got into the elevator, and felt mixed emotions in his heart, always feeling uncomfortable.

Zhang Jiuhui held Xie Jian's hand, "Let's go to the hospital."

Xie Jian didn't respond, and Zhang Jiuhui took her away.

This matter seemed to be over, but Xie Jian never calmed down, always felt that the matter was not that simple, and she really couldn't accept her dismissal.

She really liked that job, and thought about whether she would be fired for a while, but after that stage, she really wanted to keep doing this job steadily.

Zhang Jiuhui brought Xie Jian to the hospital. She was in a daze while checking her arm and remained silent for a long time.

"It's just a sprained arm and it's not a serious problem. Apply medicine on time."

The doctor was urging Xie Jian, but she kept looking at a place absent-mindedly and did not respond.

Zhang Jiuhui hurriedly responded, "Thank you doctor."

The doctor shook his head helplessly, the nurse immediately brought the next patient, and Zhang Jiuhui took Xie Jian out of the consulting room.

After walking two steps, Xie Jian said that he was tired and wanted to take a rest, so Zhang Jiuhui sat down with her on the side of the corridor.

Xie Jian suddenly talked about work again.

"I really don't want to lose this job, I can't bear it."

Zhang Jiuhui knew that Xie Jian was on the edge of his own horn now, and it was difficult to accept this reality for a while, and it was useless to persuade him.

He simply refused to persuade.

"If you still want this job, go for it. Since it was Yu Yi who asked you to leave, you can do it from Yu Yi."

If Xie Jian just has something to do with Yu Yi, he doesn't mind, as long as he doesn't have too close contact with Gu Mingchen.

But Xie Jian was still thinking about Gu Mingchen, she always felt that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"But, Gu Mingchen is the president, so will he directly decide to fire me later?"

Zhang Jiuhui explained helplessly, "She is the vice president, and Gu Mingchen's focus is on Gu's. In fact, Yu Yi is basically in charge of this company. Of course, she has the right to fire you."

He continued, "Remember what Yu Yi said just now, saying that your design works are not competitive in the market.

If you want to recover, you can start with this. "

Zhang Jiuhui knew that Xie Jian couldn't be persuaded, so he pushed her forward.

Yu Yi said at the time that this matter was Gu Mingchen's decision, which proved unchangeable, even if Xie Jian found Yu Yi, it would be useless.

Today's matter, obviously Yu Yi decided to help Gu Mingchen block it, and Zhang Jiuhui would not expose it, let Xie Jian go to Yu Yi's theory to fight for venting, no matter what.

This would at least make her feel better. Xie Jian must have given up on this matter until the end, because she had to leave and there was no room for change.

Zhang Jiuhui had already thought about the result.

Xie Jian thought about what Zhang Jiuhui said just now, especially what he said, that we can start from the market sales. The sales she saw in the past were different from today's. If she can investigate and prove her strength, then this matter will be solved. can change.

She has always gotten along well with her colleagues in the company, and her popularity is also very good.

If you contact colleagues in the company for help, there will always be someone willing to help her.

Regarding the matter of getting her job back, Xie Jian had new motivation, and she immediately started working on it.

After returning from the hospital, Xie Jian asked Zhang Jiuhui to leave, and she quickly contacted her colleagues in the company to ask others to help.

But it's not easy and it's not that straightforward.

The company has several departments. Although she gets along well, she has a good relationship with the design department. Among the colleagues in the design department who are willing to help, they must have contacts in the operation department.

Xie Jian didn't run into a wall because of favors, but because of connections.

"Director, our design department has always gotten along well, but we don't have much contact with the operation department. department."

Xie Jian listened to the embarrassment on the other end of the phone and stopped pressing.

She suddenly remembered her assistant, and remembered that she had a good relationship with Yu Yi's assistant, it would be great if she could use this to call up the sales content.

As soon as Xie Jian thought of this, he quickly contacted his assistant.

"I need your help with something."

"what's up?"

The assistant was cautious and obviously lowered his voice.

Xie Jian heard it, "Is it not convenient for you to talk?"

"No, you said."

Xie Jian began to talk about his plan, "I just hope you can help me adjust the previous sales records to see how the performance is.

I remember that you have a good relationship with Assistant Yu Yi, so this matter shouldn't be too difficult.

I want you to help me, if I can find some holes in this, maybe I can get back to work. "

When she finished speaking, the assistant's call was cut off, and Xie Jian asked hurriedly.

After 2 minutes, the assistant called back and said that the signal was not good, so it was cut off.

"Director, I've thought about it, and I'll help you."

"After you left, I also followed the vice president. I don't need to handle this matter with others. I can do it."

Xie Jian became even more excited when he heard this, and always felt that there was hope for his reinstatement.

"okay, thank you."

A day later, the assistant sent a text message to Xie Jian, saying that she had printed out the paper sales data for her and asked Xie Jian to pick it up after get off work.

Because there were basically no people in the company at that time, and her coming here would not cause any sensation.

Xie Jian held his phone excitedly, unable to calm down for a long time.

... She kept staring at the time, and she set off when it was almost time to get off work. She calculated the time on the way, and when she arrived, it happened that everyone had almost evacuated.

Unexpectedly, Xie Jian was actually stopped by a psychopath, and after pestering her for a long time, when she arrived at the company, the assistant was gone, and she couldn't get in touch.

At this time, the assistant was in Yu Yi's office, and she was standing in front of Yu Yi.

"Mr. Yu, I just..."

"Needless to say, you can pack your things and leave."

The assistant panicked when she heard this. Compared with Xie Jian, she needed this job so much. Xie Jian never lacked people who were kind to her and willing to give and support her, but she didn't have any.

She has to rely on herself for everything, and her salary has to be paid to her parents who are far away in the countryside.

In order to express his remorse to Yu Yi, the assistant tore up the documents in his hands and threw them directly into the trash can.

"I will never do something like this again!"

"Please, don't fire me!"

The assistant was crying miserably. She was willing to make friends with Xie Jian. One was because Xie Jian was a good character, and the other was because there were always high-quality young people around her. She longed for a good man to take care of her and love her.

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