The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 655 I want an explanation

Xie Jian yelled again, but the employees rolled their eyes and went back silently without responding.

The men who trapped her couldn't bear to listen anymore. In order to make Xie Jian calm down, he yelled at her several times, and Xie Jian felt like he was about to lose his hearing.


Xie Jian couldn't bear it anymore, she stepped on those men's feet, and wanted to rush into Gu's.

This time she was not only stopped, but hit.

The men stopped her in a hurry, and one of them ran too fast and ran into her directly. She was knocked to the ground, her face turned red instantly, and her arms couldn't be straightened.

This situation was not Gu Mingchen's original intention, they panicked, and then sent someone to tell him about Xie Jian's situation.

Xie Jian has always been so stubborn, he knows it.

But this time he really didn't want to see her, but she always forced him like this, which made his heart ache and chilled him.

Gu Mingchen's special assistant stood aside and waited for his response.

"Mr. Gu, Miss Xie Jian can't move her arm now. She just wants to see you, and she can't stop her. Why don't you go down and see her?"

Gu Mingchen coughed slightly, "Wait a minute."

He didn't know why he felt soft-hearted again, and he had clearly decided not to see her again, but the words he just heard made his mood fluctuate, leading to such a decision.

... Tingting knew that something was wrong when Xie Jian left. She guessed that she would find Gu Mingchen, so she immediately contacted Zhang Jiuhui for help.

In fact, Zhang Jiuhui should have arrived earlier, these things would not have happened, but he was trapped on the road by a roadblock, so he only came to Gu's side until now.

The busiest place was naturally where Xie Jian was, and he rushed over immediately.

He looked at the center of the crowd, unconvinced Xie Jian was holding his right arm with his left hand, and it looked like he was injured.

Zhang Jiuhui immediately went over and stood by her side, holding the arm she was holding, and looked at Xie Jian with distress.

"let's go."

Xie Jian thought that Zhang Jiuhui understood her persistence, if she could really convince herself to leave, she wouldn't be what she is now.

She has a bad temper now, all negative emotions, and she vented them on him unconsciously.

"I won't leave until I see Gu Mingchen. If you want to leave, you can go by yourself."

Zhang Jiuhui frowned and looked at the stubborn Xie Jian. In fact, he was also a little uncomfortable, but he tried his best to suppress his bad emotions.

"Your arm is injured. I won't stop you from seeing him. Let's go to the hospital first."

Xie Jian looked up at Zhang Jiuhui, his distressed eyes made her instantly feel like a devil, why would she do this to someone who is good for her.

She struggled to regain her composure.

If Gu Mingchen doesn't see her, no matter how hard she tries, she won't see her anymore. She can't beat these people.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhang Jiuhui, who persuaded Xie Jian, frowned a little, put his arms around her shoulders and walked towards the door, when a voice suddenly appeared behind him and stopped them.

"Miss Xie Jian stay here."

Xie Jian panicked for a moment, turned around and saw that it was Gu Mingchen's special assistant who had spoken, and the person who followed was Gu Mingchen.

It was obvious that things were getting serious, and there were a lot of onlookers, so the special assistant immediately looked around and spoke.

"Now the Gu's employees in the hall, write them down one by one, and punish them."

"If you join in the fun of this kind of thing, you should be punished and return to your own station immediately, or you will be fired immediately."

Xie Jian can't hear the word dismissal now, it's very heartbreaking.

Her arm couldn't help twitching, and Gu Mingchen noticed it.

In an instant, only Gu Mingchen, Zhang Jiuhui, and Xie Jian were left in Gu's hall, and the special assistants left.

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian's arm, but remained silent.

Xie Jian finally saw him, but his silent and indifferent appearance made her unable to ask any questions for a while.

Zhang Jiuhui said before Kou Xie Jian, "Mr. Gu is really arrogant, it's hard to see each other."

Gu Mingchen glanced at Zhang Jiuhui lightly, "I only see the people I should see."

When Zhang Jiuhui was about to speak again, Xie Jian stopped him.

"Mr. Gu, I know you don't want to see me, and I won't waste your time. I just have something aggrieved and I want to ask you clearly."

Gu Mingchen didn't respond, Xie Jian took it as Moou.

"I did a good job in your other company without any mistakes. Why did you fire me? I want an explanation!"

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian carefully, but he didn't even think about answering this question.

Xie Jian asked again anxiously, but Gu Mingchen still didn't respond, but a voice came from behind her, and she recognized that it was Kou Ze.

"Firing you is out of my consideration, and has nothing to do with Ming Chen."

After speaking, Kou Ze stood in front of Xie Jian, "I'll explain this to you, you don't need to ask him."

"You...I don't it's you..."

Xie Jian looked at Kou Ze in front of him with some heartache, but she didn't even have the ability to point at her. The arm that fell just now really hurt, one couldn't lift it up, and the other was already weak.

"Firing you is based on your performance considerations. Although there is no such thing as performance in design, but you can't maintain a steady increase in sales after you take over, it means that customers don't like what you design.

I demand perfection, and in this case I should naturally change. "

After hearing this, Xie Jian felt that it made sense. If she was fired for this reason, she would admit it.

However, Xie Jian has also noticed the sales of Guan Kou. Although the sales of her designs have not increased rapidly, they have never gone downhill. Kou Ze is wrong.

"I want to look at the sales data from when I joined the company to now."

Kou Ze immediately handed the IPAD in his hand to Xie Jian, "I have already prepared it."

Xie Jian just glanced at it once, and knew about it. The impression she had in her heart was that the sales volume she saw at that time was different from the one Kou Ze showed her now.

She asked Kou Ze suspiciously, "Are these really the company's sales?"

Kou Ze immediately took the IPAD from Xie Jian's hand, "Of course, I do things rigorously and I can't make mistakes, and I have no need to lie to you."

Xie Jian still felt that there was something wrong with it, she felt that Kou Ze was blocking the gun for Gu Mingchen.

After she said so much, Xie Jian still wanted to question Gu Mingchen about this matter.

"Are you targeting me, so you want to fire me?"

She stared at Gu Mingchen, "I just want you to tell the truth! Could it be that our relationship will be ruined if it fails?!"

Gu Mingchen looked at her indifferently, but still did not respond.

Seeing this, Kou Ze immediately said, "I have already explained clearly about Guan Kou's dismissal, so you don't need to ask Ming Chen again.

Zhi Kou's personal matters are not suitable to be discussed in the company. "

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