The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 644 His Girlfriend

"She hasn't seen me since that time, she should be with Mr. Gu."

Of course Xie Jian knew what Kou Ze was thinking, but to be honest, the few times Gu Mingchen came to visit her, she felt that Gu Mingchen didn't care much about Kou Ze.

If you like it, why would you come to find her on New Year's Eve instead of looking for Kou Ze.

No matter whether Gu Mingchen likes him or not, he definitely doesn't pay much attention to Kou Ze.

"They shouldn't be together..."

Xie Jian said this sentence very naturally, as if he was refuting what the little boy said just now.

There was a feeling of resignation in that boy's words, and he also told Xie Jian something she didn't know.

He said that he saw Gu Mingchen and Kou Ze come out of the hotel with his own eyes, and it was early in the morning, if they hadn't had sex and slept all night, it would be impossible to come out at that time.

Xie Jian didn't say much, but suddenly felt his heart sink, and the phone fell from his hand to the ground.

She waited for a long time before picking it up. The little boy You Kou had hung up the phone after waiting for too long. Although he knew Kou Ze's thoughts on Gu Mingchen, Xie Jian guessed that Gu Mingchen was not interested in her just now. Such news.

She felt a great sense of loss.

Because they may have had a relationship, and because they were unprepared.

It took her a while to force herself back to normal and sort out the things she brought to Susu.

After tidying up, Zhang Jiuhui called. He was quite busy at his place and finally got free, so he was concerned about Xie Jian's situation.

"How was it, how was last night?"

As soon as Zhang Jiuhui mentioned this sentence, Xie Jian instantly remembered everything that happened with Gu Mingchen last night. Originally, she was happy, but what the little boy said just now washed away the joy in his heart.

But Xie Jian didn't want Zhang Jiuhui to worry too much about himself, "I'm fine, I ate a lot, watched fireworks, and TV shows."

"I'm afraid you're lonely."

Zhang Jiuhui's faint words hit Xie Jian's heart, she is lonely.

"It's okay, it's very old-fashioned."

Xie Jian said this and hung up the phone. She didn't want to hear Zhang Jiuhui continue, otherwise she would have to pretend to be happy and perfunctorily answer him when she was originally sad.

She sent a message to Zhang Jiuhui, saying that she had an appointment with a colleague and was in a hurry to go out, so she hung up the phone.

Zhang Jiuhui reminded Xie Jian to be careful, and also reminded her in a text message that it snowed last night and be careful of slippery roads.

How could she not know about the snow, she witnessed the whole process, no one knows better than her.

After dismissing the two men, Xie Jian spent the day quietly lying on his bed, and the next day was the same, Zhang Jiuhui had no way to separate himself, Xie Jian could only live alone.

She woke up very early, but fell asleep after waking up for a while, in a drowsy sleep.

Suddenly a phone call came in and Xie Jian woke up.

When she saw that it was Gu Mingchen, she hung it up, and after three seconds of reaction, she quickly answered the phone.

"Are you going to see Susu?"

"Go downstairs."

Gu Mingchen's simple two words gave Xie Jianxin hope. It was a great surprise to see Susu. No matter how unhappy she had been before, it could not be worth it.

Xie Jian hurriedly packed the suitcase and went downstairs. The driver opened the door and let her sit in the co-pilot.

The driver was not Gu Mingchen, and Xie Jian didn't even think about why he sat in the co-pilot.

She looked back excitedly, and the smile froze on her face.

It turned out that Gu Mingchen and Kou Ze were sitting behind.

She hurriedly turned her head, and wanted to get out of the car at that time, Xie Jian suppressed this impulse and asked Gu Mingchen what itinerary was, and confirmed that she would go abroad to see Susu, she endured the discomfort in her heart.

There was silence in the carriage along the way, and no one spoke.

Gu Mingchen didn't speak and kept looking out the window, Xie Jian did the same, only Kou Ze seemed to be very busy and kept looking at his phone.

Although there was no conversation, Kou Ze would show Gu Mingchen his phone from time to time, and he would nod his head.

Xie Jian clutched his mobile phone awkwardly, and changed to a stronger one. The continuous pressure on the mobile phone made it crushed.

Arriving at the airport soon, Xie Jian pulled the suitcase and sat on the side seat, separated by a long distance from Gu Mingchen and Kou Ze.

She kept reassuring herself that her purpose was to see Susu, not to do something with Gu Mingchen.

And she is Zhang Jiuhui's girlfriend, so she can't do anything to him.

The boundaries must be clearly defined so as not to cause any other troubles.

But seeing Kou Ze and Gu Mingchen discussing something, she couldn't help standing up.

Everyone noticed her standing up like this, Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian, and then asked a VIP room staff to handle her affairs.

A beautiful female staff member came in front of Xie Jian.

"Is there anything you need?"

Before she could answer, one of Gu Mingchen's special assistants appeared, took Xie Jian's suitcase and Kou Ze Gu Mingchen's suitcase and went directly to check it.

Prompted to board the plane immediately, Xie Jian waved his hand.

"No, nothing is needed, thank you."

After boarding the plane, Xie Jian was next to Kou Ze, which was very embarrassing.

Both of them thought that this annual vacation would not happen, but why did such a thing happen?But Xie Jian couldn't ask Kou Ze why he came with him, she was free to ask, it was just asking for trouble, to her it was questioning, it was impolite behavior.

Having nothing to say, Xie Jian could only ask the flight attendant for a blanket and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she had already arrived at her destination, but this was not the country where Su Su studied, but another country.

Xie Jian couldn't help but ask now. When she got off the plane, she snuggled up to Gu Mingchen's side to ask about the situation.

"We didn't want to see Susu, why did we come here?"

The country where he landed was Germany. Gu Mingchen said that Susu was taken here. He happened to have a short vacation and wanted to come to Germany to play, so they came here directly to accompany Susu.

Hearing this, Xie Jian felt a lot more at ease. If she didn't see Susu, she would feel like she was being trafficked. Seeing Susu made her feel at ease.

The suitcase had already been delivered to the hotel, but luckily the three of them lived separately.

Soon, when Xie Jian was packing his luggage at the hotel, the doorbell rang. Standing at the door was Susu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.


Xie Jian hugged Susu excitedly, feeling a little out of control.

Although Susu also missed Xie Jian very much, she was relatively calm overall, and he had to come to appease Xie Jian's emotions.

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