The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 643 Happy New Year

Gu Mingchen immediately leaned over and approached Xie Jian's face, "I like it very much when you say that."

Xie Jian blinked, not knowing how to respond.

She reached out and patted the place next to her, "Can you sit down first, you are standing so tall, it is very difficult to speak."

Gu Mingchen sat down immediately, and Xie Jian shrank his legs back to make room for him.

This behavior of hers is like a hint, implying that she has made room for others, as if she wants others to get closer.

Of course, Gu Mingchen would not disappoint Xie Jian either.

He sat close to her, raised his hand to support the back of the sofa, as if Kou had wrapped around Xie Jian's body.

She looked at Gu Mingchen with some puzzlement.

"Why are you so close to me?"

Gu Mingchen tested Xie Jian with his eyes, and then he understood what she meant. She didn't want him to get closer, but to separate some distance between the two of them.

He didn't reply, but sat down at the side.

It was rare for Gu Mingchen not to embarrass himself so much, she just questioned a word, and he moved to the side, unlike his style.

"How do you..."

As soon as Xie Jiang opened his mouth, he didn't know what to ask.

Gu Mingchen was silent for a while, and then he was about to get up, "I should go."

Seeing that Gu Mingchen was about to leave, Xie Jian couldn't bear to part with her. She always felt that this person would accompany him through New Year's Eve, and would accompany him until New Year's Eve.

To leave suddenly, unexpectedly.

"Is something wrong with you?"

Gu Mingchen's attitude instantly became serious, and he was no longer what he was just now.

"Go see the old man early in the morning."

When Xie Jian heard that he wanted to see Mr. Gu, it was naturally an important matter that could not be turned down, and it was a family matter of the Gu family.

"Then, let's go."

She pretended to be at ease and stood up to send Gu Mingchen out, stretched her waist and yawned by the way.

"Sleepy, go back and rest early."

Gu Mingchen had already been sent to the door by Xie Jian, when he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and hugged her.

He looked at the time on the wall of her home, slowly waiting for the countdown.

At this time, the lights of thousands of houses and the city were lit up in an instant, and the atmosphere of the countdown colored everyone, Xie Jian and Gu Mingchen were no exception.

As soon as zero o'clock passed, Gu Mingchen kissed her hair lightly.

"Remember, on the first day and the first moment of this year, the first person you saw was me. This cannot be forgotten."

Even without these, it is impossible for Xie Jian to forget about Gu Mingchen.


She didn't respond too much, but just watched Gu Mingchen leave.

After he left, Xie Jian went home and watched the programs on TV by himself, so as to make the house more lively, and fell asleep on the sofa while watching.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the neighbor took the initiative to come over to say hello to Xie Jian, and even brought her children over to play around. She was very happy when she waited for Kou to make new friends.

Just looking at other people's children by my side, I always feel sorry when I think of Susu.

After lunch, guessing that Gu Mingchen was not too busy, she contacted him.

"Happy New Year."

"Well... I want to ask Susu when she can..."

Gu Mingchen's answer was very hasty, he hung up the phone two days later after only saying one sentence, Xie Jian didn't know whether to take this seriously or not.

She slumped on the sofa in a daze, and could only stay alone.

But after thinking about it carefully, she thought that whether it was true or false, she had to prepare in advance. If it was true, she would waste time waiting for Kou.

Xie Jian packed his suitcase and prepared to go abroad to see Susu's affairs. More importantly, he chose some gifts for Susu to bring to Susu, choosing the ones that were not available abroad.

As soon as she thought about it, she went to the supermarket.

Xie Jian didn't go to the small supermarket near his home, but came to a relatively large supermarket, which has a wide range of specialty products and imported food from various countries.

While she was walking around pushing the cart, she bumped into the little boy who was with Kou Ze.

She didn't want to be nosy anymore, and he seemed in good spirits.

If he waited a while to speak, she would respond politely. If he didn't speak, she wouldn't take the initiative, but Xie Jian thought about it. During the Chinese New Year, speaking is inevitable.

But what she never expected was that the boy passed her by, without squinting, and walked past as if he didn't know him.

His behavior made Xie Jian think that he had admitted the wrong person, but she looked carefully and was sure that she would not admit the wrong person.

Although he was puzzled by this situation, Xie Jian didn't stop any longer. When he was checking out, he ran into that little boy again, and there were several circles of people around him, which seemed to be in trouble.

Xie Jian was really too kind, but he couldn't bear it.

She walked over, squeezed through the crowd and came to him, "Are you in trouble?"

A few circles of people next to him immediately began to scold Xie Jian, "What are you talking about, we are troublesome, we like him!"

"That's right! How did you squeeze in, go in line!"

She was pushed out of this circle again, watching those people surrounded the little boy.

Xie Jian was curious about how popular he was, but didn't he stop working in the entertainment industry?How could it be like this.

Anyway, as long as it's okay, Xie Jian bought what he brought to Susu, and didn't care about the rest.

When she got out of the supermarket and was about to get into the car, the little boy grabbed her.

"I'm sorry just now."

When Xie Jian heard this, he smiled awkwardly, "It's nothing, why did you say sorry?"

The boy explained the situation just now. He became famous with the help of self-media platforms, but he was already in the Internet celebrity circle. Although he was not as good as the entertainment circle, his income was much better than ordinary jobs.

He is now accumulating popularity, and he wants to regain his past popularity by relying on his own ability.

Xie Jian didn't know much about these things, nor was he interested.

"Okay, then I wish you success."

She forced a smile and was about to get in the car. The little boy seemed to have something to say, but Xie Jian didn't stop, and drove away directly.

...In the evening, Xie Jian turned on the live broadcast out of boredom, and saw the live broadcast content of the little boy pushed on the homepage.

After she clicked in, she realized that he was the kind who catered to women's demands, and had a feeling of deliberately showing himself, which could even be described as "selling".

The little boy was reading the messages of the live broadcasters one by one, and Xie Jian also posted a sentence.

"Did Kou Ze tell you to do this?"

His face changed obviously, which proved that he saw this sentence, but he didn't read it out.

The people below still asked who Kou Ze was, but he covered it up with a few vague words during the live broadcast. After the live broadcast ended, the little boy contacted Xie Jian.

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