The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 19 Su Xiaoyue's Threat

Gu Mingchen also signed, and they each signed a copy.

"Well, then I'll take my leave."

When Su Yan stuffed the contract into her bag and was about to leave, Gu Mingchen's voice came from behind.

"and many more!"

"what's up?"

"Give you a call."

Gu Mingchen took out a mobile phone from the drawer and handed it to Su Yan.

Su Yan frowned and looked at the latest mobile phone, a little puzzled: "Why did you give me a mobile phone? I will cooperate with you, so you don't need to pay more, just help my mother treat her illness."

She didn't want to owe him anything anymore.

"I hate it when you call me from someone else's phone. No one can call my Gu Mingchen number."

Alas, isn't there nothing she can do?

Gu Mingchen should also be out of his protection of privacy.

Su Yan didn't know why a trace of disappointment flashed in her heart.

"Do you want?"

Su Yan directly picked up the phone and put it in her bag.

He smiled at Gu Mingchen and said, "Thank you."

He didn't say anything, and although her pride was hurt, she really needed a mobile phone now.

As soon as Su Yan opened the door, Gu Mingchen's cell phone rang, and she heard Gu Mingchen answer the phone very gently.

Even if it's just a "Hello?"

Judging from the tone of the word, this person should have an unusual relationship with him, and his position in Gu Mingchen's heart seems to be different from that of other people.

Su Yan shook her head.

I should be blind, so I closed the door directly to isolate Gu Mingchen's voice.

She stepped out of the elevator and was about to leave when she saw a Ferrari driving up to the door.

The guard stopped the registration, and Su Yan saw the woman inside the car clearly from the car window.

She is an elegant and beautiful woman.

And the security guard squatting next to him also noticed this woman, and was instantly dumbfounded.

Isn't that woman Li Yixiang?
The group of reporters exploded almost instantly. Almost all the reporters who were about to stare at the company's gate in a daze swarmed up.

However, the red car just stopped for a moment, and Su Yan could hardly see what the other party looked like, and it disappeared from her sight.

Su Yan was not familiar with this name, and she never cared what others said.

But I still vaguely remembered that Li Yixiang was probably a celebrity's name.

In fact, Su Yan only guessed half right. Li Yixiang's name was indeed the name of a celebrity, but this celebrity was not a person who became famous in the entertainment circle as she imagined.

After putting the contract in her bag, Su Yan walked to the bus and sat down, but she was a little embarrassed standing next to the stop sign.

Where are you going?

If he went back to Su's house, the storm in Su's house must have not passed, and Su Xiaoyue would not let him go.

Let's go to Tingting's place first and continue hiding for a while.

Su Yan went straight back to Tingting's house. When she returned to Tingting's house, opened the cell phone that had been turned into a brick, took out the card, and put it in the new cell phone, the SMS bombarded in again, and there were many calls. I did not answer.

Most of the missed calls were from Su Xiaoyue.

She was right. Fortunately, she didn't go back to Su's house.

Of course, she ignored Su Xiaoyue's warning text messages and did not return her calls.

Instead, she lounged on the couch, poured herself a glass of lemonade, and prepared to do some research online.

But before he finished drinking the water, Su Xiaoyue called again.

Su Yan didn't want to answer, so she hung up the phone directly, Su Xiaoyue acted like crazy, and made N more calls, if she didn't answer this call, Su Xiaoyue would probably keep making endless calls.

Su Yan was helpless, she still frowned and picked up the phone, and said to the other end, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Oh, you finally answered the phone."

On the other end of the phone, Su Xiaoyue was as high-spirited as ever, and said to Su Yan in the tone of ordering a maid: "When will you go home, I have an idea, let's go for plastic surgery together, you plastic surgery to become me, I plastic surgery If it's you, you'll still marry Xiao Ruyue, and I'll still marry Gu Mingchen."

Su Yan felt that her three views had been disrupted.

He couldn't help feeling anxious about Su Xiaoyue's IQ.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to have plastic surgery with you and marry Xiao Ruyue? How much I want to marry Xiao Ruyue!"

But Su Xiaoyue didn't seem to care about the sarcasm in Su Yan's tone.

"I asked you to marry Xiao Ruyue to protect you. After all, Xiao Ruyue will not cause trouble in the future, and you are not in danger of being kicked out."


Su Yan couldn't help laughing: "So, sister, are you caring about me?"

But Su Xiaoyue smiled innocently: "That's right. After all, after marrying Gu Mingchen, he still has to compete with other women."

"However, when I was watching the news today, I clearly saw that Gu Mingchen has been around for so many years without even having a female companion. He is a very clean and self-sufficient person. Could it be my sister, did you remember wrongly?"

Su Yan really didn't want to play with Su Xiaoyue anymore, she couldn't wait to hang up the phone.

"If it's okay, I'll hang up the phone and forget about the plastic surgery. I might as well marry Gu Mingchen and suffer."

Su Yan said this on purpose.


Su Xiaoyue was so angry that he cursed at the phone.

"Su Yan, don't be ashamed! You wait to be a widow. Don't you know what happened to your marriage with Gu Mingchen?"

Seeing Su Xiaoyue's face suddenly changed, Su Yan cursed in a particularly harsh manner.

On the contrary, Su Yan imitated Su Xiaoyue's pretending innocence just now: "We are just a normal relationship and a natural marriage, sister, what do you mean?"

"it is good!"

Su Xiaoyue was obviously furious on the other end of the phone, he couldn't even control the tone of his speech, and his logic was even more chaotic, he just threatened Su Yan: "You'd better not go back to Su's house, you go back to Su's house to see me How to deal with you, you have the ability to hide with Gu Mingchen for a lifetime!"

After speaking, Su Xiaoyue hung up the phone angrily.

Hearing this threat, Su Yan felt helpless.

With a long sigh, he picked up the lemon juice on the table and drank it in one gulp, which made the breath in his body a little more peaceful.

Alas, if she could leave the Su family, she really wanted to hide under Gu Mingchen's protection for the rest of her life.

But... Su Yan quickly shook her head, it was impossible to hide under Gu Mingchen's protection.

The two had their own needs in their relationship, and when the needs ended, the two were destined to part ways.

Su Yan'an sat quietly on the sofa for a while and stared blankly, remembering what happened before answering Su Xiaoyue's call, she quickly picked up her phone and opened Weibo.

She wanted to know what was going on with her and Gu Mingchen's scandal.

So, enter the keyword: Su Yan.

No search results.

Su Yan couldn't help but wonder, was she so famous?This news became so popular that Gu Mingchen's door was blocked, and she couldn't even find her own name?

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