The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 18 The Rumored Heroine

When I went out to take a taxi, I hurriedly reported the address of Gu Mingchen's company, and then began to think about how to scold him first when I saw Gu Mingchen.

When he was about to reach the entrance of Gu Mingchen's company, he found that the street in front of Gu Mingchen's company was blocked.


"How did that happen?"

Su Yan blinked her eyes, looked at Che Hai in front, and couldn't help asking.

"President Gu of this company revealed that he is going to get married. I don't know which girl is so lucky. All the reporters are waiting here."


Su Yan panicked for a while, how could she get in after a while?She's a gossip diva now!

"Master, do you know the back door of Gu Mingchen's company?"

When Su Yan got out of the car, she asked the master while withdrawing money.

If it is blocked, she can only go around.

The driver smiled and said enthusiastically, "Girl, if you want to get news about Mr. Gu, just wait in front of the gate."

"Pick up news?"

Just as Su Yan was about to close the car door, she was stunned for a while when she heard this sentence.

The driver looked like I've seen through you, and smiled at Su Yan: "You're dressed so sloppily, you're usually a paparazzi who stays around all night, I understand."

After hearing this, without waiting for Su Yan to explain clearly to him, the master has already turned around to make money.

Scruffy, paparazzi squatting there all night?

Su Yan looked herself up and down, and had some doubts about her body and appearance.

She carefully picked up her bag and walked towards Gu Mingchen's company with her head down.

When she walked near Gu Mingchen's company, she was still looking around nervously. Sure enough, many paparazzi were standing guard, surrounding the gate of Gu Mingchen's company tightly.

And Gu Mingchen's company is also very domineering, and the security guards are so strong that they didn't even let a reporter in.

Su Yan lowered her head vigorously again, so she couldn't help speeding up her pace and walked towards the door.

When passing by the first reporter, she heard the people next to her say: "If Mr. Gu can't come out, then Su Yan won't come to find Mr. Gu to show affection?"

Su Yan's heart skipped a beat when she heard her name, and she even quickened her pace, for fear of being recognized.

So, the reporters around didn't notice Su Yan's existence at all, and continued to say to the people around them: "Su Yan can control Gu Mingchen, she must be very wise, and she won't be a demon at this time."

"Yes, if you were Su Yan, would you appear at the door, waiting for the reporter to interview?"

Another reporter fired back.

Su Yan couldn't help but glanced back. She had already reached the door of the security guard, so she whispered to the security guard that she had an appointment at ten o'clock, and the security guard took her to the side to register.

When registering, the security guard asked Su Yan's name, and Su Yan said his name was Su Yan.

So the security department didn't believe it at all.

He looked Su Yan up and down, and asked formally: "How do you prove that you are Su Yan?"

"I'm Su Yan, how do you say I can prove that I am me?"

The guard questioned Su Yan directly.

"Oh, ID card."

Su Yan suddenly remembered that she had an ID card, and she couldn't waste any more time here, so she quickly took out her ID card and handed it to the security guard for registration.

Although the guard compared Su Yan's ID card with Su Yan standing in front of him twelve times, it could be seen from the guard's eyes that he did not believe that he was Su Yan.

The guard directly called the company's front desk, and not long after, the girl at the company's front desk came over.

Su Yan looked at the watch in her hand, the time was passing by quickly, and she felt extremely anxious.

After the front desk lady came over, she ran to see Gu Mingchen.

So, the lady at the front desk came over and only looked at her ID card, then looked Su Yan up and down, and couldn't help but sneered.

"You go back. I won't call you. It's against the law to forge ID."


Su Yan couldn't believe her ears: "Look carefully, my ID card is real, what kind of fake ID card?"


The female receptionist also sneered and said: "You are Su Yan. Although Su Yan is portrayed as Cinderella, she is not a beggar. What are you wearing? Can you do your homework in advance when you come next time?"

Su Yan clenched her fists tightly, her good temper completely dissipated.

She explained to them for nearly half an hour, and finally thought she was lying.

She blushed, turned her head and said to the security guard, "Okay, please lend me your mobile phone, my mobile phone is broken."

The guard hesitated, Su Yan picked up the phone directly, and then dialed a series of numbers to her.

After a while, Gu Mingchen's low voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello?"

"I was detained at the gate of your company. Your front desk thought I was lying."

Su Yan was so angry that she didn't dare to ask Gu Mingchen for help, she spoke directly, as if giving orders.What a fiery girlfriend.

On the other end of the phone, Gu Mingchen frowned, and only said: "Give it to the front desk."

When Su Yan handed the mobile phone to the front desk, the front desk was still expressionless. In the end, she only heard a word from the other party, and her face was so frightened that there was no blood in an instant.

Can't even speak.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gu, I will definitely bring her in."

Then, the receptionist hung up the phone, and Su Yan handed over the phone to the security guard.

He pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Can I go in? Shall I show you my fake ID again?"

"No... sorry."

The female receptionist didn't dare to look back, and went straight ahead.

As soon as the front desk brought Su Yan into the company, the news that Mr. Gu's fiancée had joined the company spread like wildfire.

After Su Yan walked into Gu Mingchen's office, all the employees of Gu Mingchen's company were excited.

"I'll go! How did this little girl hook up with Mr. Gu?"

"We, Mr. Gu, have had zero scandals in the past few years. Is this the aesthetic?"

Su Yan knocked on the door and came in. She carefully glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was less than 5 minutes before Gu Mingchen's meeting.

5 minutes, I can't even finish reading the file.

Gu Mingchen was still reading the document carefully.

"Gu Mingchen. In order to save time and effort, I have thought about it all the way. I agree to all your conditions, as long as you help my mother treat her illness as agreed. There is only one request from my side. After marriage, we will not interfere with each other and each will do his own thing."

"it is good."

Gu Mingchen raised his head and looked at Su Yan tenderly. After speaking, he called up the document, modified it himself, printed it out and handed it to Su Yan.

"I still have 1 minute, do you want to take a closer look at the file?"

"Don't read it, just sign it."

Su Yan saw that the document given by Gu Mingchen was only two sheets of paper, and he had marked the part she was concerned about in the document. She only read this part, and she didn't look at it carefully, and signed it directly.

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