What annoys him the most is He Sheng's appearance. He obviously has nothing to do with Pippi, but he wants to question himself as an image of Pippi's confidant.

How could he know his own mind as an outsider.

If he didn't love her, he wouldn't think long-term, took Pipi home, and wanted to marry her.

If he didn't love him, he wouldn't go abroad to help Pippi's family.

But there are some things that Zhang Jiuhui doesn't want to talk about, he only wants to express his heart with actions.

Zhang Jiuhui suppressed his anger towards outsiders, at least He Sheng did the right thing this time.

He escorted Pippi over here, and let her get here safely and as quickly as possible, and met his father.

This is a hospital, Zhang Jiuhui didn't want to argue with He Sheng.

On the contrary, He Sheng's expression was not calm, "Zhang Jiuhui, are you afraid, or are you running away?"

Zhang Jiuhui was silent, he stared in the direction of the ward, waiting for Pippi to come out.

Pippi chatted with her father for a while before letting him rest, then she walked out of the ward and threw herself directly into Zhang Jiuhui's arms.

"Is my dad all right? It's going to be all right, right?"

"Will do."

With just two simple words, Pippi felt much more at ease.

"I want to stay with my dad tonight."

Pippi talked about his own thoughts, but Zhang Jiuhui couldn't satisfy Pippi.

"Listen to me, if you stay with your uncle, neither of you can rest well. If you are worried, he is also worried for you."

What Zhang Jiuhui said made sense, and Pippi had no reason not to listen.

"Then I'll accompany him until bedtime at night, and then come back early the next morning to bring him breakfast."


Zhang Jiuhui didn't want Pippi to work too hard, he arranged the people who took care of Pippi's father in the hospital, they were careful and reliable.

In the evening, Zhang Jiuhui accompanied Pippi back to the hotel.

He Sheng also lived in this hotel together, seeing the two of them returning to the room in pairs, he felt unhappy.

He always felt that Zhang Jiuhui was not good enough for Pippi, not as good as himself.

It is precisely because of this feeling that He Sheng is dissatisfied with Zhang Jiuhui and wants to get closer to Pippi. He feels that he is the one who can give Pippi the most happiness.

But he always forgets that the relationship is only established between the two parties.

Pippi in the room was not as lively as usual, and Zhang Jiuhui looked very distressed.

Pippi sat by the window holding a cup of takeaway coffee bought on the road, and did not speak for a long time.

Zhang Jiuhui took off his coat, walked to Pippi's side and sat down. He grabbed Pippi's shoulder and let her lean against him.

When the body touched, Zhang Jiuhui felt that Pippi's body was soft, and she couldn't help panicking, occasionally trembling slightly, and couldn't hide her uneasy state at all.



Zhang Jiuhui called Pippi, she was astonished as if waking up from a dream.

He held Pippi's hand tightly, trying to make her feel at ease, after all, he had experienced too many things during these days.

"Your father will be fine. I'm also doing my best on your aunt's side. Everything will be better than the current situation. Don't worry."

Of course, Zhang Jiuhui's words will serve as a comforting effect, but too many bad things have happened recently, and Pippi is afraid that one thing will be resolved, and another will happen again.

She tried to reassure herself, but felt that she had no strength at all.

"Will you always be with me?"

Pippi has always thought that she is very brave and strong, which is indeed the case. She will not escape when encountering problems, but will only face them positively.

It's just that as a girl, her power is limited, and she still has too little contact with this world.

Faced with her father's illness, Pippi knew that the world was impermanent, maybe the person who was by your side suddenly left... If you are sick today, you will be sick tomorrow... She has such worries, which is why she asks Zhang Jiuhui such questions.

"Of course I will always be with you."

Zhang Jiuhui answered Pippi without the slightest hesitation, hoping that she would feel at ease.

This was also Zhang Jiuhui's sincere thought. He thought that after this matter was over, he would start preparing for the wedding with Pippi.

As two people get along for a long time, the thoughts in their hearts will become more and more firm.

If it is said that Zhang Jiuhui was trying this relationship at the beginning, the current stage is that he wants to stabilize this relationship for a long time.

He clearly knew that the happiness that Pippi's company brought him was a new life.

Zhang Jiuhui will keep the past in his heart, it is part of his memory, and he must cherish the talent in front of him.

Just as Zhang Jiuhui was thinking about preparing for the wedding, Pippi's kiss fell on his lips.

With a kiss like a dragonfly touching water, a trace of warmth from his lips entered his heart in seconds.

"I'm sleepy, let's go to bed early, and go to the hospital early tomorrow morning to accompany my father."

"Okay, I'll take you back to your room."

Zhang Jiuhui arranged for Pippi to sleep, and he didn't leave Pippi's room until she fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Jiuhui was worried about Pippi, so he went to look at it again.

Pippi frowned when she fell asleep, she was worried even in her dreams, it was too hard.

Pippi woke up very early the next day, and Zhang Jiuhui woke up earlier than Pippi.

Zhang Jiuhui stayed up almost all night, and when he thought of Pipi's family, he felt it was his own responsibility, so he wanted to take care of everything she was worried about.

In the early hours of the morning, Zhang Jiuhui had already contacted the hospital to ask about Pippi's father, and everything was fine.

The suites in this hotel have a kitchen, and Zhang Jiuhui made breakfast for Pippi himself.

What he prepared was Chinese food, sweet porridge with omelets.

Pippi smelled the fragrance when she came out of the room, and she followed the fragrance to the kitchen.

Zhang Jiuhui was putting the omelette on the plate, and Pipi quickly ran over to pick up the plate, and cooperatively caught the last omelet made by Zhang Jiuhui.

"Why do you get up so early in the morning to make something to eat?"

Zhang Jiuhui smiled, "I guess you want to eat these."

Pippi looked at the omelette on the plate, it was golden and crispy, and the sweet porridge made from several nut ingredients was indeed his favorite.

"You guessed it right, it's really the little roundworm in my stomach."

Pippi was carrying an omelet, Zhang Jiuhui was carrying two bowls of porridge, and the two of them sat at the table in front of the French window to have breakfast.

"You try it."

Zhang Jiuhui reminded, Pippi excitedly rolled up an omelet.

When he was about to eat, Zhang Jiuhui reminded him thoughtfully, "Take a bite, don't burn yourself."

The omelette on the top is the latest one, so it is the hottest.

After taking a small bite, Pippi couldn't help admiring, "Wow, you are almost as good as a chef. I am very satisfied. I will make breakfast for you in the future."

Seeing Pippi eating happily, Zhang Jiuhui felt more at ease.

"Okay, as long as I have nothing urgent to do in the future, I will prepare breakfast for you."

"The time of the day, the morning is the most precious, and I leave it to you."

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