Obviously he was joking, but Pippi really thought that he would do something wrong to her.

He Sheng finished drinking the water and put the empty cup into Pippi's hand.

"Go and let go."

When Pippi stood up, his gaze was directed at He Sheng's shoulder, and he saw obvious tooth marks.

Her tooth marks are very clear to him, this is the right thing to bite.

Pippi has two small canine teeth, and the position of the chewing tooth on the left side of the upper tooth is slightly off, so looking at this mark, she knows the mistake she made.

It was okay to punish Zhang Jiuhui by biting people before, he could always cope with it, and he could also coax himself.

He Sheng is really pitiful, completely inexperienced, and can only be bullied by drunk Pippi.

When the two of them left the hotel building, Pipi took the initiative to go to the pharmacy first, planning to buy some topical medicine for He Sheng.

"no need."

He Sheng didn't waste any time and sent Pippi directly to the company.

Seeing Pippi arrived at the company, the special assistant hurriedly handed her his phone, "Mr. Zhou."

Pippi took Zhang Jiuhui's call, "Why don't you contact the special assistant and not call me?"

"Where were you last night?"

Just as Pippi was about to lie, he remembered that his mobile phone was located by Zhang Jiuhui, and he could see his coordinates at any time.

"Slept in the hotel, fell asleep after drinking."

She remembered that she had put down the phone after sending Zhang Jiuhui a picture of the top floor last night, so she had already determined where the phone was left.

Regarding what Pippi said, Zhang Jiuhui still had doubts, but he didn't continue to ask.

After all, he is not in the country now, and it is not convenient to ask these things.

In addition, he is busy helping Pippi's father now, so he doesn't want to be distracted by these personal matters.

"Well, take care of yourself."

Zhang Jiuhui hung up the phone without saying any more, but Pippi was caught off guard by his hanging up, and his thoughts were still unfinished.

Pippi arranged for the little assistant to go to the top floor last night to get back the phone, but the little assistant couldn't find it, so He Sheng brought it to him.

He Sheng came here to seek justice for himself, Pippi was puzzled.

"Aren't you pretending to be stupid?"

Pippi shook his head and pushed away the documents on the table, "I'm not pretending to be stupid, but I don't know what you're talking about."

He Sheng naturally mentioned what happened last night, and Pippi immediately felt embarrassed.

"Didn't I apologize to you in the morning and admit my mistake? Why do you still remember?"

He Sheng looked at Pippi seriously, "But I'm not ready to forgive you."

"You...you didn't say anything when you sent me to the company all the way. I thought you forgive me."

He Sheng deliberately pretended to be angry, "How can I forgive you so easily..."

"If I go for an injury test, you're hurting on purpose."

He Sheng said that he has a nose and an eye, and that he is on the line, and Pippi feels that he is serious.

"He Sheng, you said that I was really drunk and didn't do it on purpose. How could you do that?"

As Pippi spoke, he took He Sheng's hand, trying to resolve the matter by being cute and coquettish.

He Sheng took Pippi's hand away without thinking, "Don't do this, I will deal with this matter seriously."


Pippi looked at He Sheng in surprise.

How to deal with it seriously? Is it necessary to cancel the cooperation for such a trivial matter?Pippi began to worry, all kinds of tricks to curry favor with He Sheng.

When Pippi was doing these things, the special assistant pushed the door in without knowing it. Seeing the embarrassing scene, the special assistant immediately retreated, and at the same time told Pippi's father about it.

Said that Pippi wanted to please He Sheng for the company, and there was nothing left for her dignity.

The special assistant passed on the misunderstanding. Pippi's father was going back to China at that time, but something bad happened at the airport.

Pippi's father was under too much pressure, plus he was worried about Pippi, his heart was overloaded, and he was hospitalized.

Pippi only found out about this at night.

Later, He Sheng explained that he deliberately pretended to be angry to punish Pippi, but he was misunderstood by the special assistant and made Pippi's father worry about such a thing.

He Sheng arranged a private jet to go abroad overnight.

...Pippi received a call from He Sheng when she was packing her luggage, "Go downstairs, I have already arranged a private jet, you don't need to transfer, it will be there soonest."

He Sheng's behavior is undoubtedly a timely help, Pippi hurriedly tore a few clothes and followed him.

Pippi's mother stayed at home and also watched the company's situation.

The private plane had already taken off, and Pippi was so worried that he couldn't speak. He Sheng squeezed Pippi's hand to comfort him.

"We'll be there soon, don't worry."

"And Zhang Jiuhui is over there, he will take care of it."

In order to comfort Pippi, He Sheng even mentioned Zhang Jiuhui, but he is the one who wants to take root in her heart the most. He hopes that his existence will also give Pippi a sense of security.


It took a long time for Pippi to respond.

The speed of the private jet is much faster than the flight at the airport. With less time for connecting planes, Pippi and He Sheng went abroad soon.

He Sheng took Pippi's luggage to settle, and Pippi went to the hospital where his father was.

When she arrived at the hospital, Zhang Jiuhui was there.

"Dad, are you alright?"

Pippi's father was awake, but looked weak and haggard.

She held her father's hand tightly, "I am your daughter, you should know me.

How could I let myself suffer, I didn't suffer at all. "

"That day... the special assistant misunderstood, and He Sheng and I were just playing around."

Then He Sheng also went to the hospital to explain the matter, and this time he reassured Pippi's father.

"You always say that I am the devil incarnation, how can I let myself suffer, you are so stupid."

Pippi burst into tears as she said that, He Sheng and Zhang Jiuhui handed tissues over at the same time, but she didn't answer either, and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"I want to talk to my dad alone."

The meaning of these words was already obvious, He Sheng and Zhang Jiuhui left the ward immediately.

The conversation in the ward was full of warmth and mutual concern, but the atmosphere outside the ward fell to freezing point.

Zhang Jiuhui didn't want to have too many conversations with He Sheng, because he didn't want to bring up the past.

"You and Pippi are arguing, there is always a reason, what did you do?"

Facing Zhang Jiuhui's questioning, He Sheng was very calm and calm.

"I didn't do anything to Pippi that I shouldn't do. On the contrary, you should think about what kind of cause you planted in Pippi's heart because of your excessive favor towards other women."

He Sheng was punished for Zhang Jiuhui that night.

He knew in his heart that Pippi's punishment was both playful and sad, otherwise he would not be cruel.

Zhang Jiuhui felt that he didn't want to talk to He Sheng, so he stopped talking.

He was so angry that he grabbed Zhang Jiuhui by the collar.

"Why do I feel that you only like her, not love?!"

Zhang Jiuhui took He Sheng's hand away with displeasure on his face, "You have no right to know what happened between me and her."

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