Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 274 Tiger

In an instant, only half of the group of people who were still cheering just now was left. Only the people from the Prison Office brought spare medicine, and then looked at Yetian, "Master Yetian, are you okay? Do you need medicine?" I was afraid that those guys would be poisoned, some of them were chronic poisons, and they would bleed to death in the end, only Ye Tian touched the wound lightly, and then smiled after smelling it.

How can it be so powerful, isn't it just to use the wind and launch an attack?Moreover, they were still so vulnerable. As soon as the special personnel of the Prison Office attacked, they were frightened and fled everywhere, but it was useless to escape. There was Yaluo on the left and Fu Huaijun on the right, or they would be caught by Yaluo, otherwise It's just random flying bullets winning the lottery.

Ye Tian casually wiped the blood on his face, as if it wasn't his own blood, even dismissing the scratch, then raised his eyes to look at the few people who were still trembling but not affected, came out Said: "You still want to hurt me like this? It's too tender."

After speaking, he threw the knife in the leather pouch at his waist. The man who just started shouting had three knives in his head, and died suddenly. He escaped very quickly. Why did he underestimate the enemy so much?Just now Yaluo told the two of them not to underestimate the enemy, but he didn't expect the other party to have this problem.

"I, we can't beat... Run! Run!" one of them shouted and turned around to run away, but before his name, he didn't care about his brothers at all, so he ran behind him alone They have been in the forest for so many days, and they can make sure that no one is guarding the forest.

In addition to the sound of the wind, I only heard a chuckle while running. The man thought it was strange, but he didn't care too much. As long as he ran forward, he would definitely see their car and escape from this place. area, and then report to the master, Mr. Ting will definitely be able to escape!
But the more the man ran, the more strange he felt?Why not chase yourself?Obviously capable of catching up and dragging myself back...why not chasing...was it intentional to let me go?

But looking at their appearance just now, it doesn't look like they will let themselves go at all. The man was panting heavily while running. The recent ghost weather is so annoying, it is so humid that people can't breathe.

But what he didn't know was that the reason for his difficulty in breathing was because he was afraid that the air pressure would naturally decrease when the forest in God's Spirit Bay became dark at night.

I suddenly felt like stepping on a little sticky liquid, what is it?And why is the air so oppressive, is it going to rain?The man couldn't help thinking that he ran for so long but there was no beam of light, and no one caught up. Did he really run too fast?The so-called people will have great strength in the face of death.

Suddenly he seemed to bump into something, soft and hairy, which made people feel puzzled.The man cursed, and couldn't help sighing how unlucky he was today. Not only did he almost lose his life, but he also bumped into something in the forest, but the forest is so dark, and rich people don't install a lamp, so they are not afraid of being hit in the middle of the night ah!

Going forward, but that huge thing has been blocking the front, making it impossible for people to break through, and this thing is still dripping with sticky things, which makes people very uncomfortable. This liquid is stinky...what the hell is it!In such a dark place, I couldn't tell whether it was a tree trunk or a stone in front of me. I touched my pocket, but fortunately my phone was still there despite running so fast.

While looking at the surrounding environment impatiently, the man took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight to shine on the huge thing in front of him. It’s okay if he doesn’t take a photo... once he takes a photo, something happens... there are no plants or people in front of him... it’s a giant dripping with saliva Tigers... and very big ones, no!How could there be a tiger here!

The man took a few steps back, its eyes were shining with green light, it seemed to have been hungry for a long time, but when he looked again... there was still a little blood on the side of its mouth, the man was so frightened that he stood still and did not dare to move anymore... The feet are also soft, and I can't shout anymore. Why is this house so weird... There are even tigers... Could it be a zoo that ran out.

The exciting light of the flashlight made the tiger instantly angry. It screamed loudly, and it seemed that the branches next to it were shaking because of its mighty cry. In the air, only the tiger gasped, the man's teeth trembled, and the leaves fell. the sound of,

He finally knew why those people stopped chasing him, was it because he knew there were tigers in the forest? would you know...are they prophetic?what to do... what to do...

At this time, the man had only one word in his mind: run.

As soon as he thought of it, he quickly implemented it, turned around and ran, but when he ran to the gate, he realized that something was wrong. Isn't he back to the original point now! !Like this...what should I do...let the tiger kill everyone here?
He ran while thinking, he ran too fast just now, he didn't have a weapon at all, not even a knife, even if he had one, he couldn't beat a beast!

Only now did the men realize that they had never experienced anything with their master, and they didn't even have the most basic survival skills. What should they do? There are tigers behind them and enemies in front of them. Have all the brothers died in battle?
When I got back to the original position, I realized that I was right. All my companions fell on the ground without breathing, some of them could only breathe weakly, and there were two people who were struggling on the ground tied with ropes. Life, but half-life with a bruised nose and a swollen face,

It looked like they were beaten by the two people who were chatting and laughing, and the object of their chatting and laughing was Yaluo and Tingwu, and they didn't seem to care about the tiger's cry behind them, as if they didn't hear it.

"Ahh! There are tigers! Tigers!" The men planned to die together!He couldn't believe it, this tiger only eats itself!Do not eat others!He hurried to those two people, trying to see a little bit of panic or fear on their faces.

But...why are the expressions on the faces of these two people really disdainful and helpless?He only heard the man who was called Ye Tian look at the man next to him with excellent marksmanship, as if the tiger was a kitten.
"Who released it?" Ye Tian frowned, looked at the giant without panic, and then pulled Fu Huaijun's clothes.

"It should be chasing mice." The man kicked the person who was trying to move his body to escape. Unexpectedly, the kick knocked him out, and Yaluo remembered that he hadn't talked to these two people. There is no time to talk about the tiger running out...

Ye Tian didn't even look at the fainted person, but hearing the sound just now, he couldn't die. "Miss is going to say that it has trampled the lawn, and then it will not only be scolded, but also us..."

The man who was running away was stunned for a while, but the tiger behind him had already run behind him. It coaxed the man so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and he didn't even dare to turn around, mainly because he didn't have the strength to turn around again.

"Aww!!" Hearing the tiger's yell, the man knew that he was bound to die this time, and closed his eyes resignedly to his fate. In fact, if he managed to run back tonight, he would die as well, so it's better to have a good time!Die directly!

But the pain or bleeding didn’t come, instead he heard a muffled grunt from the tiger. The man opened his eyes in fear and turned his head slightly... Then he saw a scene that he couldn’t believe.
Ye Tian was standing in front of the tiger, hitting the tiger's forehead with the knife again and again, which made the man dumbfounded. Does this guy think he is Wu Song...

"You bastard! I've said it several times! Don't run out!"

"Every time!"

"Beating, scolding and scolding you are not tired, I will be tired!"

I saw the tiger lying on the ground slowly, seemed aggrieved, and didn't dare to bark again, let alone move. It didn't look like the king of beasts at all, but like a poor puppy.

The escaped man was dumbfounded, and Fu Huaijun stood beside him and said slowly, "This guy is a gentle girl, but sometimes she is naughty." After speaking, he walked over and touched the tiger's head that was beaten.

What girl... What kind of girl is this?It is obviously a tiger, why do they still divide male and female?Who the hell is this person... It's just that I don't have the strength to run away now... I have run out of strength after running back and forth once, and I was scared by a tiger unexpectedly, and now I don't have the strength to speak at all.

"Okay, you did a good job tonight and helped us catch someone back." The tiger seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence, stood up and circled around Fu Huaijun a few times, like a giant cat , looking at the man in a daze, what the hell is going on... Is it from the acrobatic troupe?

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