The phone he dialed was from Yalo's room. At this time, Yalo should be in the room to sort out tomorrow's work items, which is his usual habit.Sure enough, the phone was picked up quickly, and then that familiar and gentle voice came out,

Lu Xining smiled, opened the curtains a little, and took a look, "Hey, Ya Luo, take Ye Tian and Fu Huaijun to check the neighborhood, maybe there will be a lot of harvested mice, I want to live, and, I seem to see our little pet running around again, how do you drive it back into the cage." It seems to be saying that a cockroach got into the house and needs cockroach medicine, but Yaluo on the phone naturally knows that his family What is the mouse that the lady is referring to.

Rats have often visited Diling Bay since the past. They either wanted Lu Xining's life or wanted the gold, silver and jewelry inside. Although the location of Diling Bay is not as good as that of Oujing City, it is also a prime location in City Y. Natural resources Countless, the outside world saw such a resplendent manor and became malicious. Before Lu Xining came back, all people from all walks of life wanted the resources and money of Di Ling Bay, and later became the life of the priceless Lord Lu. .

Therefore, the maids and servants in Diling Bay are not easy-going lamps. Before Lu Xining came back, they had been guarding Diling Bay, catching mice, and then eradicating their existence in society, that is, making them lose their lives. .

Hearing Yaluo's respectful answer, the woman put down the phone with satisfaction and returned to the man's arms. Yun Moqian also hugged him, a little curious about their mouse-catching action. The man might be curious about Yaluo's actions, so he smiled and said, "Go, let me show you."

After speaking, he went up to the rooftop with others, and the two maids followed one after another and brought a blanket and hot tea for Lu Xining. Those who didn't know it thought it was going to watch the moon tonight, only the husband and wife were different, They came to see the mice running around in the forest.

As for the people in Ou Jingcheng who just called to say that they had caught a few guards, Yun Moqian could guess right away that Li Chang might have released some more powerful people to guard Diling Bay, or... sent them out. Both groups of people are very weak. After all, Lu Xining's purpose tonight is to see how strong Li Chang's people are.

But it seems that the people in Ou Jingcheng are really weak. They caught five people without a single move. They didn't even use the most basic weapons. I'm afraid... Li Chang focused all the artillery fire on Emperor Ling. Bay on…

Downstairs, Yaluo hung up the phone and turned around to see Yetian and Fu Huaijun standing behind him looking at him. He obviously knew what he was going to do. Yetian jumped excitedly and stretched his muscles, while Fu Huaijun Still with that expression, it seems that nothing can affect him.

"Is there another annoying little mouse? It's really troublesome. I will catch the mouse as soon as I come back." Every word the man said was contemptuous, as if the mouse owed him money in the previous life, and he also said it from the bottom of his heart. Tired of mice, he had to accompany Lin Yizhun to catch the mice who had unreasonable thoughts about the Lin family in Country W, and he had to protect Lu Xining when he came back to City Y. In the business of catching mice.

Fu Huaijun looked at Yetian's so excited performance, and thought he was going to play if he didn't know it. He turned around and picked up a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet, watching the bottle turn without saying a word. This is his favorite wine, but since After Xian Jiu'er's death, he never drank again, and he only drank this bottle of wine when they secretly met on the night Lu Xining came back to Country W.

After thinking about it, he looked at the decoration of Diling Bay, then went to the cabinet and took a bottle of Neverland, poured three glasses and put them on the table, looked at the other two, picked up one of the glasses, and looked at Ya Luo and Yetian said seriously:
"Protect this place, protect our young lady." Fu Huaijun drank it all in one gulp. This was Lu Xining's sweet wine, and the hot alcohol made him more sober. In ancient times, when executions were executed, they would drink to cheer, but now they are To drink and cheer.

The other two smiled and picked up the wine glass, touched the glass and drank it, then walked out of the gate and looked at the assembled prison teammate, Yaluo counted one by one, "There are thirty people here, fifteen Ordinary, fifteen people with special abilities, each of us takes five, all pay attention to safety, do not know the strength of the other party, so we will retreat whenever there is a dangerous situation, and we must not love to fight."

The team members came out one by one and followed Yaluo and the others, and then looked at the gate in the distance. Yu and Lin were waiting in the house to protect Lu Xining. Luo then let Yu and Lin stay in the house.

Yaluo looked up into the distance, his eyes lit up, and he saw that there seemed to be a figure on the roof, and he took a closer look... The man raised his lips and saluted in that direction with a smile. He saw Lu Xining waving to him, but he felt a little helpless He clearly told people to stay in the house well, but why did he run up to the rooftop.You can tell it's a good show just by looking at it...

But after thinking about it, there is no need to worry too much. There are several beasts in the back mountain, so when Tang Wanying came to take a hot spring, she told her that running around at her own risk was not to scare the children, but the truth, and it seemed There is a cute guy who ran out and I have no free time to take it back to the cage. I hope I don’t scare the hard-won "guest"~
Suddenly hearing the sound coming from the back mountain, Yaluo frowned. He just thought not to scare the guests, but unexpectedly... the birds in the back mountain are flying around. It seems that the tigers are having extra meals tonight. I really can't control my mouth. I hope there are more important people here at the gate, otherwise it will be a headache if they all go to the back mountain.

Yaluo smiled and led the people towards the gate. Sure enough, he saw a few evasive figures outside the gate. Ye Tian looked at those figures and shrugged helplessly, but he still counted the number of people on the other side. A little more, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

However, according to Yaluo's words, the enemy should not be underestimated. After all, I don't know if they have magic power or have some special abilities like the members of the Prison Institute. I am afraid that Li Chang will recruit some people with special abilities like Miss. It's a little troublesome.

"Miss said she wants to live." Yaluo said a few words and opened the door. The strong wind whizzed past and overwhelmed the guests. You can recognize who the three leaders are. Two of them are Ye Tian and Fu Huaijun who appeared on the live broadcast of the wedding ceremony before. As for the other...

The few people who were still hiding no longer concealed themselves and all stood up, some of them were still cursing like punks, and Yaluo, the leader of this group of people, recognized him as someone close to Li Chang for many years , I didn't expect that loyal Geng Geng is still by her side now. When I was still by Li Chang's side, he was still my subordinate. I didn't expect that he can still lead a group of people now. It seems that he has made rapid progress.

"Long time no see, Tingwu." Yaluo greeted slightly, but the man named Tingwu on the opposite side was not very friendly. He looked at Yaluo with contempt, then touched his chin, as if he was questioning Yaluo and the abilities of those behind them.

I saw the man looking at him with a mocking expression: "Yalo, are you here to take care of the child? I heard that the lady is like a child. You are now a nanny, and you don't know how to fight..."

Before he finished speaking, a throwing knife was inserted into the tree trunk behind the man in a daze.Ting Wu was stunned for a moment, then clicked his tongue twice, how could his temperament be different once he changed his master?I still remember that this man was as good as a dog when he was beside his master. No matter how others ridiculed him, he would not be moved. Even if the outside world insulted his master in front of him, he would never fight back. Protecting a little girl?

"Yalo, seeing that you brought so many people here today, you probably have an order, but unfortunately, I also came here with the order of the master. She needs Lu Xining, so... please let me go." Ting Wu Song loosened his muscles and looked at the black and white people in front of him, but he only had Yaluo in his eyes, because only Yaluo had the ability to get into his eyes, he must avenge the shame of the year!
Ye Tian on the side casually picked up a branch on the side, drew a circle on the ground and placed himself and the team members in the circle, then stretched, and casually took out the lancet at his waist, "Today, who dares to surpass This circle is bound to die,"

Fu Huaijun from the other team took out his gun and looked at the person next to Tingwu coldly, raised his eyebrows, full of provocation, only Yaluo said with a smile on his face: "Two, remember, We must catch three alive and bring them back."

After all, they are not qualified to live in the dungeon of Dilingwan, three is enough, three is enough for him to torture him well, one of them is Ting Wu, since he speaks badly, he has to pay the price,
Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and looked at Fu Huaijun when he heard people's words, as if this game was just a flying chess game, and then decided to save a shrewd one from the group of people he was facing now, "Hey, then your Keep one here, and I'll keep one here too, so don't lose them all."

Fu Huaijun said lightly: "A gun has no eyes." As soon as the words fell, bursts of gunshots rang out. Fu Huaijun's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and every bullet hit the heart. He didn't even have the strength to make the dead gasp. Everyone's eyes widened and they fell to the ground. They didn't close their eyes. In the end, they didn't know what happened. The team members fell down one after another.

Yetian whistled and laughed, but the next second he swung his knife, looking at the man lying on the ground with a gloomy face, it turned out that there was someone who was not afraid of death and wanted to sneak attack, but unfortunately, Yetian's Hearing is better than anyone else, not to mention the heavy footsteps?Apparently, the training wasn't good enough.

The people who were in charge of staring at Ye Tian were afraid to move forward, but some people shouted: "Let's go! He is just an ordinary person! He still can't beat us!" Come, when Ye Tian didn't pay attention, there was a knife mark on his face, the blood flowed down slowly, and the other side cheered in an instant, as if the victory was sealed.

"Master Yetian!" The people in the prison next to him were also angry when they saw it. They didn't expect that the other party was really prepared. Ah Mu unfolded a protective shield and looked at the person opposite him coldly.

And because the protective shield also prevented the opponent's attack from returning without success, and even received a rebound, the opponent screamed again and again in an instant, and the victory screen just disappeared like a bubble, making everyone behind who was not affected want to escape, but Ye Tian How to give them this chance?

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