I can't be rushing

Chapter 348 Retreat and Write a Book

For the next half month, Wu Sheng also accompanied Xia Ruhua to play everywhere, and he still hadn't forgotten the important task of code writing. After half a month of playing, Wu Sheng also decided to retreat to code writing.

After all, it would be better to finish this kind of thing sooner. Wu Sheng felt that it was too troublesome to leave it there all the time, and if he finished the novel earlier, he could rest earlier.

So during this period of time, Wu Sheng's bookstore has a lot more martial arts novels. When he was filming "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword", he simply had an idea.

When the determination was realized, he realized how difficult it was to choose, so he also read many classics of the ancients, thinking that this would enrich his wisdom, and see if he could write an article with them. The same novel came out.

Retreating to practice is a good thing even in novels. After all, after each retreat, you will gain a new world.

"Your husband hasn't been out for a month? Aren't you worried about him?"

"It's okay, I believe he will take care of himself!"

Xia Ruhua also looked indifferent. Although she was still a little worried about Wu Sheng, she knew what kind of person Wu Sheng was.

Since Wu Sheng asked people not to disturb him, there must be a reason for him, so she didn't let others bother her, and she would just leave her three meals a day at the door.

But in fact, it seems that Wu Sheng has been in seclusion for a month, but in fact Wu Sheng has been in seclusion for almost a hundred years. One minute outside is equal to one hour in the dimension space.

So Wu Sheng has been in the dimensional space for more than a month in the real space. In terms of time, he has been there for almost a hundred years, and it can even be said that several centuries have passed.

However, he still can only stay in the dimensional space for four hours, but now his body is recovering quickly, so the number of times he goes in is increasing, and it is fruitful to go in so many times.

That is, within this month, the new book "Yi Qiu Biography" he wrote has also been optimized in countless versions, and Wu Sheng is still not satisfied with it.

After half a month like this, Wu Sheng finally finished writing the ending of "Yi Qiu Zhuan". After finishing writing the ending, he stared at the sky with dull eyes, he was really a little tired.

"Hehe, you kid has finally written a shocking work!"

The moment he just clicked the end, the light in the endless galaxy shone again, followed by a strange but familiar voice.

"Is this voice so familiar?"

At this time, Wu Sheng's senses were a little weakened. After all, he had been in the dimensional space for several centuries during this period. He had already become moldy, and even his thinking was a little stuck.

His single-minded focus was on writing his astonishing novel. He finally finished it today. If he hadn't finished it, he wouldn't have heard this voice.

"Mom, fuck me! It's only been a while, but I've saved my life for you!"

The boss also said angrily, he didn't expect that Wu Sheng couldn't even hear his voice. Fortunately, he went to save his life before, but now it turned out to be like this.

"You wait, I will answer you after I sleep!"

Wu Sheng was also mentally exhausted now, and then returned to the real world. After lying on the bed and sleeping for two hours, he finally woke up.

"That voice just now seems to be the boss?"

After Wu Sheng woke up, what he remembered was this incident. He really heard the boss talking, and he seemed to have written a masterpiece himself.

"Boss? Boss?"

Wu Sheng returned to the dimensional space and called twice tentatively.

"Is it still my fantasy? But is this starry sky much brighter than before?"

Wu Sheng also thought that he was simply thinking too much. If the boss really came back, he would never respond to these two calls.

"What are you doing! Playing mahjong! What a fool!"

The boss's rough voice came again, and he still loved playing mahjong as before.

"Damn it! It's really you! Are you alive?"

Wu Sheng also turned his head to look at the starry sky. He never thought that the boss could be resurrected. He never thought of this.

"Bullshit, I didn't think I could live at first, but I didn't expect that your kid really wrote a shocking work, so I can only be resurrected!"

The boss also explained to Wu Sheng a little bit later. When he died, he knew that if Wu Sheng could write a shocking work, then he would have the opportunity to be reincarnated and resurrected.

After all, the amazing work is a hidden reward, there is a reward for both the system and the player, of course, the reward for the player is naturally used by the boss secretly.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? I wouldn't have been able to revive you earlier."

"Don't think about it. With your ability at that time, the probability of being able to write this amazing book is basically zero, so I have no intention of telling you."

"...then now"

"Although you didn't have that ability at the time, I'm optimistic about your future. After all, you have the potential to write amazing works, but I didn't expect that you would write them in just a few years!"

"How many years is this? It took me hundreds of years to write this book. It almost drove me crazy."

Wu Sheng couldn't help complaining that he really worked hard for this "Yi Qiu Biography", and he had to take it here for about a month every day before going out.

You can tell by looking at his current appearance, the messy hair, the already oily cheeks, the heavy dark circles, and the deep red eyes are enough to prove that he is alive and well. How tired.

In this way, the two chatted for a long time in the dimension space, and then Wu Sheng also came out of the study after a successful retreat, took a shower, shaved his beard, and finally cut his hair.

Then let Wu Ran hold a press conference and use all the strength of Ran Ran Zhixing. He is going to start promoting this "Yi Qiu Biography". Since the boss has already said that it is a shocking work, then he I'm not going to post it online first.

Instead, publish it first, and then release it in your own novel software, so as to maximize the profit. After all, this novel is the only one that is not sold.

This "Yi Qiu Biography" is going to be adapted by himself, so he will not give other directors a chance, and if it is published first, he can receive part of the book money first.

Then publish it on the Internet, so that you can also receive a subscription fee. This is a plan that Wu Sheng has thought up, so that he can earn a lot.

With the promotion of various celebrities Douyin and so on, people who have read it have blown up this book as mysterious and mysterious, which is what everyone is looking forward to.

Finally, on the day of release, the 2000 million copies that were originally prepared were all sold out immediately after the day, and many people commented on Weibo after reading it.

Of course, Wu Sheng was also afraid of the situation of scalpers when the situation came out on the first day, but in the end he didn't have to worry about it at all. No matter how rich the scalpers were, they would not die.

Because the cost of producing a book is not high, and a copy of "The Legend of Yi Qiu" is not very cheap at 45 yuan, this makes scalpers feel that there is no need to do it.

And this 45 yuan book, no one will think it is worthless, because the beginning alone is already attractive enough, let alone read down, the more you read down, the more attractive you are.

And this "Yi Qiu Zhuan" is a novel with a total of 500 million words, so the weight is relatively sufficient. Of course, those who did not buy the novel are also more red-eyed.

Wu Sheng is not in the mood to be busy with that now, he is now receiving calls from various directors every day, willing to pay [-] million to let him be a leading actor in this book, Wu Sheng naturally does not want to agree.

Not to mention giving him [-] million, even if he was given [-] million, he wouldn't plan to sell it, because he wanted to keep the novel for himself and then sell it to other directors after the adaptation.

In this way, these directors will have no way to compare with his classic "Yi Qiu Zhuan". After all, the first one will always be a classic, and the rest will naturally be back shots, so Wu Sheng does not intend to talk about his own. This sweet pastry is given to others to eat.

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