I can't be rushing

Chapter 347 A Shocking Headline


Xia Ruhua was stagnant at the moment. She didn't know how to express her feelings. This scene was something she had never expected.

She originally thought that with Wu Sheng's personality, maybe they would have to talk about the marriage proposal in the future, but she didn't expect that today Wu Sheng would propose marriage without her knowing.

This kind of thing really made her not think of it, and it also made her brain start to collapse, because a scene that she had never imagined appeared before her eyes.

"Calm down! It was the same situation back then!"

Xia Ruhua also tried her best to calm herself down. She also thought of the same situation when she was in Xia's Villa. She thought that no one would come to rescue her.

But at that moment, Wu Sheng came, and the heat that she never expected came and saved her. Today's scene is just like that day's scene, which no one had imagined.

Now that she has experienced it once, she will show the momentum to face it the second time, so Xia Ruhua also walked directly towards Wu Sheng.

"Slap!" She slapped Wu Sheng on the face, not to reject Wu Sheng, but because she felt that Wu Sheng's action was too dangerous.

"Who would propose like this! What will you do if you fall like this!"

Xia Ruhua also had tears mixed with blame on her face. She was more worried about Wu Sheng's safety than proposing marriage. This way of proposing marriage is extremely dangerous.

If Wu Sheng could not successfully break through the window to get in, something more dangerous might happen.

"Isn't this thinking about being handsome, but don't blame me first, why don't you tell me that you are willing?"

Wu Sheng also touched his head and said, Xia Ruhua was a little too disrespectful to him in front of the city-wide live broadcast scene, and slapped him in front of so many people, which most of the others saw. One would say he is a henpecker.

"Didn't you already know the answer? From the moment you came to save me that day, I was doomed not to fall in love with anyone else in this life."

Xia Ruhua also hugged Wu Sheng directly, whispered into his ear, and then kissed Wu Sheng affectionately. This scene was also seen by the couple on the side of the road biting their teeth.

"The following is a paid program!"

At this time, the drone also immediately turned off the projection, and still mischievously typed a paragraph to make people happy, but with the shutdown of the drone.

Fireworks also bloomed in the sky at this time. Countless fireworks exploded around Lingxi City. Ren Shaohua also emptied his entire family this time. This time, the fireworks exploded in the sky a total of 1314520 times.

Even if it is based on the cost price, it will cost more than 1000 million yuan. This price will directly dissuade ordinary people. After all, there is no need to engage in such a big battle.

Following Xia Ruhua's promise, a group of people got together at night and had a big meal. Of course, Wu Sheng must have paid for this meal, and the meal tonight was worth about 100 million.

"Are you awake?"

As soon as Wu Sheng woke up, he found that his arm was a little numb. After opening his eyes, he found that Xia Ruhua was pillowed on his arm, and the two of them were still sleeping on the same bed.

"You...yes...we are engaged!"

Wu Sheng didn't realize it at first, but he also slowly realized that he and Xia Ruhua are a couple, which also means that he will prepare for marriage later.

"You go to bed later, I'll make you breakfast!"

Xia Ruhua felt that it was time for her to be a good wife and mother, and it would be good to leave the company's affairs to other people. After such a long time, she also had a confidant of her own.

So there is no need to worry about a problem of the company. Besides, the most important thing is to keep the goods in your stomach right now. A marriage proposal does not mean that you can get married.

The last two small books are the most important, and of course the more important thing is the child. Only after having a child can the two of them be tied to each other, which is of course not the case.

"Well, I read the headlines. There was such a big commotion yesterday. I guess the Internet should be ready to fuck me now!"

Wu Sheng also had a premonition that some major events were going to happen today, after all, if what happened yesterday did not alarm people all over the world, then this marriage proposal would be meaningless at all.

Of course, the result was exactly as he thought. It was indeed a complete headline, and it said, "A well-known male star spent [-] million to propose marriage!"

This is today's headline, with a reading volume of 5 million, which means that most people in China know about it, but he feels that [-] million is not true enough.

After all, he spent so much money, and the main things were spent by other people. Except for the fireworks last night and last night's meal money, everything else was found by others.

Of course, the most important thing is to comment negatively, that is to say that he is extravagant and wasteful. After all, a marriage proposal costs hundreds of millions, which is undoubtedly showing off wealth in the eyes of others.

And there is another point, that is, doing it like this will make those girls imagine that their boyfriends will propose marriage like this, which will greatly increase the difficulty of getting married in the future.

This is also the reason why many male colleagues denounced Wu Sheng. Anyway, Wu Sheng knew that his apology statement would not go away, but he had not responded yet.

Many celebrities have already echoed him. After all, they have been suppressed for a long time, and they are basically the kind who have been suppressed by the masses for a long time. If they live a little bit harder, they call it a show, and if they live better, they are extravagant and wasteful. .

This also made the celebrity feel very uncomfortable, but this time it happened to be a breakthrough, no matter what, it really caused Xiao Qiang in the end, and there would still be Wu Sheng to help watch at that time.

That's why they all said that Wu Sheng's life is a bit of a show, and a better life is extravagance and waste. In this way, even if it collapses later, the troubles will all be drawn to Wu Sheng's side.

Of course, Wu Sheng's good brother didn't forget to help him, after all, Wu Sheng had just ended his engagement, so those who couldn't let Wu Sheng feel this bad mood naturally stood up to support him.

"I released the missile! If you have made such a great contribution to the country, I don't recommend giving you one!"

Jiang Xuan also responded domineeringly on the official account. In fact, these soldiers also have small emotions to some extent. There are not many keyboard warriors on the Internet.

Some people even said him, which made them accumulate some emotions, but they are soldiers, but he is Wu Sheng's brother, so he also chose to stand up and speak out for Wu Sheng.

Everyone else followed the same approach, and the online violence finally stopped. Of course, this incident was not a reasonable ending.

Wu Sheng himself still lost a lot of fans, but Wu Sheng didn't care too much about it. After all, he is a person who is about to quit the entertainment industry, and these fans will not give him a chance to make money lying down.

It's better to dump more fans now, so that no one will cry and clamor for him to come back. In fact, he can completely quit the entertainment circle now.

But his own dream has not been completed yet, so there is no need to rush for a while. Thinking of this, Wu Sheng also got up and brushed his teeth, walked to his computer and started his coding journey again.

After all, if he wanted to realize his dream, he had to write his own novel script first, and he must first keep his famous plan.

"Eat breakfast! Stop working!"

After Xia Ruhua made breakfast, she yelled several times, but Wu Sheng didn't make any movement. It was only after she walked upstairs that Wu Sheng was typing.

"Wait until I finish coding this paragraph!"

Wu Sheng is also thinking clearly now, so he has come up with more things, so he quickly started to type.

"No way! After eating, code again. It will be dark by the time you finish code!"

Xia Ruhua also acted very tough, and then she covered Wu Sheng's eyes with her hand, but she found that this did not affect Wu Sheng's typing speed at all.

"Well, the coding is over, let's go eat!"

Wu Sheng has been a code slave for several years, and he must have learned the skill of blind typing, so even if Xia Ruhua covers his eyes, he can still continue to code.

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