I can't be rushing

Chapter 30 The First Customer

Wu Sheng is a bit lost now, the results of the first subscription just came out, and there are only more than 70 people who have subscribed, which makes him more or less depressed.

You must know that his collection has already exceeded a thousand, but the first order is only a few dozen. He has long known that such a situation may occur, but it is still a bit uncomfortable.

He has also been conscientious in his updates these days, and he never said he dared to break a chapter. This is the most frustrating thing, but fortunately, there are still people subscribing.

It would be sad if there are only a few followers for thousands of favorites. It is estimated that the editors will have some ideas about him by then. After all, there are only favorites and recommendations but no one subscribes. This is basically a ticket.

"what happened?"

Li Yao also saw that Wu Sheng seemed a little unhappy today. Today is also a rare holiday for their team, and they originally invited a few friends to go shopping together.

However, as soon as he came out, he saw Wu Sheng sitting on a chair with a dead fish face, worrying.

Although Wu Sheng paid the manuscript fee today, he is still not happy. This is still far from his requirement of [-] points. He still thinks that this book will give him a chance to speak, but unfortunately he still thinks more about it. up.

"It's nothing, just a little sad."

"Then do you want to go out for a walk together?"

Li Yao saw that there was nothing wrong with Wu Sheng staying at home anyway, so why not take him to the newly opened cafe, and there happened to be a piano there.

Wu Sheng nodded. Anyway, staying at home is meaningless, why don't you go out and have a look, maybe you can get some inspiration or something.

His novel was put on the shelves yesterday, and he signed five chapters with great confidence. In the end, he only ordered more than 70 chapters on the spot, which directly caused him to have no motivation at all today.

Wu Sheng tidied up briefly, and took the bus with Li Yao to the city. Of course, Li Yao didn't tell Wu Sheng that this time they were with their teammates from the team.

The two squeezed the bus to the city, and when they got off the bus, Wu Sheng vaguely felt something was wrong, as if a bunch of girls were greeting him.

After Wu Sheng looked around for a while, he was sure that he was either greeting himself or Li Yao. Obviously, the latter was the correct choice.

It seemed that it was too late for him to leave now, and now he was surrounded by a group of girls.

"It's you who hooked us Yaoyao away?"

"The length is not bad!"

Wu Sheng felt that he didn't understand what it meant, and Li Yao on the side naturally blushed. The two of them are actually nothing, and now it's just Li Yao's unrequited love.

"Okay, okay, he's not my boyfriend, he's just a roommate who shares the rent with me."

Li Yao knew that if she didn't stand up and make a rescue, Wu Sheng would probably be embarrassed and feel ashamed, and the relationship between the two of them would be unclear in the future.

"Brother Sheng, let me introduce you. These are our teammates, Azai, Xiao Tang, Han Xin, and our captain Hot Pot."

Li Yao began to introduce Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng didn't expect that the psionic team was actually a women's team. He searched it out of curiosity, but there was no news about this team on the Internet. He thought that like other teams, there were men and women.

It turned out that they were all girls, and he didn't know until today, but the only problem now is how he can get out, originally he just wanted to go for a walk and relax.

Now this has completely exceeded his expectations. Walking on the street surrounded by girls is undoubtedly a sight to behold. If someone photographs this, the consequences will be dire.

"Yaoyao, why don't you play with your teammates by yourself, and I'll just find a place to wander around by myself."

Wu Sheng also immediately took out his mobile phone to send a message to Li Yao, he didn't want to be surrounded by so many girls.

"All right……"

Although she was not very willing, Li Yao also knew that she and Wu Sheng had nothing, and Wu Sheng had no obligation to accompany her to go shopping with her friends.

But what made Li Yao happy was that Wu Sheng at least sent her a message instead of disappearing suddenly on the road, so she didn't even have a chance to explain.

"Go ahead! I'll call you when I'm done shopping!"

Li Yao used a relatively clichéd routine to get Wu Sheng out.

After Wu Sheng left Li Yao's group, he felt that his breathing became much easier. He really couldn't cope with so many girls, only Li Yao was fine.

He and Li Yao are also friends, so they won't be awkward when they are together, but he has never had any contact with those people in Li Yao's team.

And they may not know that he is a voiceless person, and so many people keep asking him questions, his hands are not tired, so is his heart.

Wu Sheng thought about it for a while, and decided to sit in his shop for a while. He had no other place to go, and it might make his thoughts clearer there.

He chose to call a car, after all, it was still some distance away from Wangyou Cafe, and he had just paid the manuscript fee, and he still had plenty of money.

When he arrived at the door, as expected, Sui Shaoyun didn't open the door, so Wu Sheng reluctantly took out the key to open the door, and made himself a cup of southern coffee.

This is a unique type of coffee produced in a small mountain village in Yunnan. It is said that the small mountain village has always been making tea. The young people in the village felt that there was no future in this industry, so they all ran out.

There are only a bunch of old people left in the village who are still sticking to it. Later, through the efforts of three young people, this small mountain village has changed the ancestral business that has been followed for hundreds of years. ""

From growing tea to growing coffee, it is also the only coffee with its own brand in China, and the taste is indeed very good. Wu Sheng took a sip.

A warm current spread throughout his body, and his mind was slowly opened up. He sighed, even though there were very few subscribers, he still had to persevere.

He directly entered the dimensional space and began to code words crazily. As long as the thinking is clear, the speed of the code words is naturally as fast as you can fly. It only took him five hours to complete the number of words in the three chapters.

When he returned to the real world, Wu Sheng was about to close the store and find a place to have a meal, but it was a coincidence that people entered the store at this time.

"A cup of Blue Mountain Coffee."

Before Wu Sheng had time to explain, the customers in front of him had already ordered and even settled their bills.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet, the coffee he made was only drunk by Sui Shaoyun and himself, and had never been tasted by other guests.

He patted his face to regain his energy, and followed the operations Sui Shaoyun taught him, such as boiling water, grinding, filtering, warming the cup, and brewing. After completing all these steps, he handed the coffee to the customer tremblingly. before.

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