I can't be rushing

Chapter 20 Sleepy

Xia Ruhua and Zhang Benzhi chatted a few words, and they were ready to perform on stage. She was going to play several songs from "The Pianist on the Sea", and of course the most difficult "Flight of the Bumblebee".

The first song is "Playing Love". Xia Ruhua began to play with emotion. The emotion she expresses is a kind of tough feeling, but as long as it can bring the artistic conception, it is basically qualified.

The requirement for the performance level examination is five pieces with artistic conception or two pieces with artistic conception plus one original piece to pass.

Naturally, Xia Ruhua didn't have time to think about her own compositions. She just played five songs in a row this time and it was over.

After playing the first song, she just moved her wrist a little, and then started "1900 s Madness". It's not easy.

But there were some people in the audience who didn't know how to appreciate it. Wu Sheng was sleeping soundly at this time, and fell asleep completely leaning on the chair, and he didn't hear any of Xia Ru's paintings at all.

"Junior Brother, wake up." Xia Ruhua looked coldly at Wu Sheng who was asleep, and woke Wu Sheng reluctantly.

Wu Sheng was so nervous last night that he didn't sleep. In addition, he was in a tense state during the exam, and then he relaxed after passing, and the sleepiness naturally came to the top.

Wu Sheng was woken up by Xia Ruhua, he struggled to open his eyes, he was a little dizzy and almost fell down, but Xia Ruhua helped him in time.

"Senior Sister, where are Master and Uncle Zhang?" He shook his head to keep himself awake, and asked with a sticky note.

There were only him and Xia Ruhua left in the entire venue, so he naturally wanted to inquire.

"Master, they are leaving now. I will wait for you to go together, but it seems that you are going to sleep until tomorrow, so I can only call you like this."

Without the presence of Zhang Benzhi and Song Zhiping, Xia Ruhua became cold, even her tone of voice changed.

Wu Sheng nodded to show that he understood. Xia Ruhua saw that Wu Sheng was awake and started to walk out of the venue. Wu Sheng naturally followed her silently.

After walking to the parking lot, Xia Ruhua stepped straight into a Lamborghini, and Wu Sheng looked at the car door worriedly.

It's not like the Wuling Hongguang he usually sits in, which can be opened with a simple pull. He doesn't even know how to open the door, and he regrets following Xia Ruhua.

Xia Ruhua also saw Wu Sheng's embarrassment, and opened the car door from the inside. Wu Sheng just got into the car, and then gently pulled down the car door, fearing that the door would be broken if he moved too far.

He had read on the Internet that the car he was riding in cost at least a few million to start, and he couldn't afford to pay for it.

He drove all the way and arrived at the hotel where they had dinner yesterday in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, the door opening in the car can refer to Xia Ruhua, otherwise he would have to ask someone to open the door for him again.

Wu Sheng followed Xia Ruhua consciously. He found that the elevator he took yesterday and the elevator Xia Ruhua took were two different concepts. There were no people at all and they were transparent.

Wu Sheng's legs trembled a little when he went up, but fortunately he had experienced a lot during this period, and he gradually got used to this feeling, so he didn't make a fool of himself in front of Xia Ru's screen.

"Yo, two people are here!"

Zhang Benzhi and Song Zhiping had already drank, but the dishes on the table were basically not moved, but today's dishes are more varied, and there are some lobsters and so on.

Wu Sheng's eyes were straightened. The dishes on the table were completely different from yesterday's. It was like heaven and earth. He didn't dare to sit down until Xia Ruhua sat down.

Yesterday, no one was watching, so eating was a bit ugly, but today is different, Xia Ruhua is sitting opposite her, so she definitely can't eat as much as yesterday.

Wu Sheng took the chopsticks and picked up the vegetables, but the more he ate, the hungrier he became, while Xia Ruhua looked at his phone while eating.

"Xiao Xia, you and Wu Sheng will eat first, and I will go play chess with you, Uncle Song!"

Zhang Benzhi and Song Zhiping had almost finished drinking, so they naturally wanted to give up the place to the young man. Of course, they had no other intention. After all, Xia Ruhua couldn't like Wu Sheng's situation.

Xia Ruhua kept looking at the phone, and after Wu Sheng tested it a few times, he seemed to let go of his meal and began to gobble it up.

Xia Ruhua just simply has no appetite, this restaurant belongs to her, she has already tasted the dishes hundreds of times, and she is already immune to these dishes.

So Wu Sheng took care of all the dozens of dishes on the table. Of course, Wu Sheng was still not full. Xia Ruhua wanted to send him off, but Wu Sheng refused.

He might as well be happier walking back by himself, and besides, he can stop by to see if there are any snacks on the street, and he hasn't had a good time in the past two days.

The air ticket was booked for tomorrow afternoon, and there was still some time left for Wu Sheng to go shopping for a while. He walked to a relatively bustling street, and there were quite a lot of people anyway.

There are also a lot of snacks on the street. Tonight is Christmas Eve, so Wu Sheng just followed the crowd. He stopped to have a look when there was something delicious. When he learned that the price was double the usual price, he turned his phone Put it back in your pocket.

Since it was Christmas Eve, performances were definitely indispensable, so he also walked downstairs to Wang Da Square, looking at the stage surrounded by people, he knew that there might be some other activities.

He just quietly watched from the audience. Most of the people on stage were small Internet celebrities. There were very few celebrities who came to the scene, and some of them were third-tier celebrities.

Now the one who is singing on the stage is a relatively popular Internet celebrity Ye Xiaoling, and the cheers from the boys in the audience are also louder.

Wu Sheng was also quite fascinated looking at it. The girls wore ancient costumes and veils, which gave people a very mysterious feeling. In addition, there was dry ice on the stage, which gave people a fairy-like feeling.

Where can I find a bosom friend?

"First of all, I wish you all a Merry Christmas Eve! Thank you very much for listening to my song. Next, I will choose a lucky audience to sing with me. Who will he be?"

Ye Xiaoling's voice was like a lark. As soon as the voice came out, the male audience in the audience immediately became excited. After she finished singing a song, she naturally had to interact with the audience as required by the organizer.

"I me me!"

"You deserve it too! It must be me!"

The male fans almost fought, after all, there are very few opportunities to sing with the goddess, let alone face to face.

"Whoever throws this bouquet of flowers in my hand now will have the opportunity to sing with me!" Ye Xiaoling said while holding the flowers just handed over by the staff.

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