I can't be rushing

Chapter 19 If the Voice Can't Remember

The judges were not in a hurry. After all, Wu Sheng had just played so many songs without stopping, so it was appropriate to give him some time.

Wu Sheng kept his head down. He began to think back to the days when he first arrived in Lingxi City. He sighed and began to play on the keys.

This song is a bit sad like "Confession Night", but this time there is a bit of joy in it, not endless sadness.

This piece of music he overheard recently, and it is very close to his life. The name of the piece is "If the Sound Can't Be Remembered".

It was a movie that Li Yao took Wu Sheng to accompany him to watch two days ago, and this song was also memorized by Wu Sheng, mainly because the plot was too boring, so he only memorized this song.

This piece lacks other soundtracks, so the taste is naturally a bit monotonous, but Wu Sheng began to substitute the artistic conception, making this monotonous piece still make people cry.

Day after day, year after year, every turning around is like meeting for the first time.Missing is a spring silkworm, eating up time bit by bit.The spring breeze and autumn rain are written into thoughts, and the flowers in the heart are blooming in the mountains and fields.

This is the climax of the song, and Wu Sheng's artistic conception became more and more intense. Many judges closed their eyes to feel it.

They thought it would be great if Wu Sheng could play a song "Confession Night" with artistic conception, but they didn't expect to play "If the Voice Can't Remember" with an artistic conception that is not inferior to "Confession Night".

In their opinion, Wu Sheng's level has far exceeded the eighth grade, and it should be more than enough to pass the tenth grade.

In fact, the top ten piano exams are not difficult. Basically, they are some famous repertoires. As long as you practice a little and add a little talent, it will not be a problem at all.

However, in the subsequent performance level, you need to create your own repertoire, or be able to play a few artistic pieces to pass, and Wu Sheng has obviously done it now.

"This man..."

Xia Ruhua also had an exam today. She was here to take the first-level performance exam, but she came late due to her company's emergency.

Otherwise, she should be the first to finish the exam and the first to leave, but now she can only wait until the end to take the exam.

She looked at Wu Sheng who was playing the music in surprise, she had already come in when Wu Sheng played "Confession Night", she felt the sadness in the sound of the piano.

And the second song "If the Voice Can't Remember" is also sad, but there is a little bit of joy in it, which is also empathetic.

She looked at Wu Sheng who was playing, and it was the first time that she felt that such a boy could attract him so much.

The pieces played by Wu Sheng always make people want to know about his life experience and past, and Xia Ruhua couldn't help becoming interested in Wu Sheng.

But it's just pure interest, there are no other emotions in it.

Wu Sheng also ended the song after he shed two lines of tears. He knew the line "a man does not flick his tears lightly", but he also knew the following line "just not to the point of sadness".

Before he met the "boss", his life was always difficult, but after meeting the "boss", his life began to reverse, there was a little more fun in his life, and his life finally had a glimmer of light.

The cheerful part of Wu Sheng playing "If the Voice Can't Remember" is to describe his current appearance. He stood up and bowed to the judges, and then waited for the judges.


Of course, several judges agreed unanimously, and no one would refuse at all.

"Oh, you have a bright future as an apprentice!" Zhang Benzhi's evaluation of Wu Sheng has also changed a bit. At the beginning, he thought that the talent was at most the one that attracted much attention.

As a result, he thought less. Wu Sheng's talent was obviously above the attention of all the people, but he still had a few things to break through that level, the level Xia Ruhua was in.

"Master, Uncle Song!" Xia Ruhua also walked from the back seat to the front to say hello to the two of them.

"When did you come?" Zhang Benzhi was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Xia Ruhua to appear here suddenly.

The two hadn't been in touch for a while. The last time they had contact was when Xia Ruhua asked him about the performance assessment. It was also a month and a half ago.

"I also made an appointment for the performance-level assessment today, but the company temporarily changed it to the afternoon. When did Uncle Song come?"

As a strong woman, Xia Ruhua's capable aura is also daunting, and most people dare not approach her.

"Your Uncle Song's disciple came to take the test for the eighth grade certificate today, of course he has to follow." Song Zhiping pointed to Wu Sheng who was stepping off the stage and said.

"It turns out that he is Uncle Song's disciple. No wonder the two songs are played so artistically. It seems that Uncle Song has found a treasure."

Only then did Xia Ruhua find out that Wu Sheng was a disciple of Song Zhiping. In this case, it was not surprising that Wu Sheng could play two songs with artistic conception.

"Hi, Junior Brother, Xia Ruhua!" Seeing Wu Sheng approaching, Xia Ruhua also extended her hand to greet Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng held Xia Ruhua's hand and let go, then walked behind Song Zhiping to get his other piece of clothing.

Naturally, formal attire was required for the assessment, so Wu Sheng changed into that suit, and put his mobile phone and notes in another suit.

Xia Ruhua was also a little stunned. This seemed to be the first time she was ignored by others. Wu Sheng only shook hands with her without even saying "Hello".

"Don't worry about that little Xia, my apprentice doesn't have vocal cords and can't speak, that's why he didn't say hello to you."

Song Zhiping could also see that Xia Ruhua's complexion had changed a bit, anyone would be a little unhappy when Wu Sheng messed with her like this.

"Hello, my name is Wu Sheng, and I am a voiceless person." Wu took out a note and briefly introduced himself.

It was only then that Xia Ruhua realized that Wu Sheng was not ignoring herself, but wanted to communicate with herself using sticky notes.

She thought of the song "If the Voice Can't Remember" just now, and finally understood why Wu Sheng played it so artistically.

After all, he doesn't even have a voice.

"By the way, Xiao Xia, you want to take the performance-level examination today?" Zhang Benzhi remembered the key point of the question. He, a master, didn't know about his apprentice's examination.

"I originally wanted to give you a surprise. Of course you have to be present for the performance test, so I didn't tell you."

Xia Ruhua could tell from Zhang Benzhi's expression that Zhang Benzhi was a little unhappy, so she immediately explained.

She is very busy every day, so she has no time to notify one by one, anyway, Zhang Benzhi will definitely be in the jury in the end, and she will know sooner or later, so she didn't intend to tell him.

"That's right! Hahahaha! You see, my apprentice is promising!"

Zhang Benzhi originally thought that Song Zhiping would be outnumbered by Song Zhiping today, but he didn't expect Xia Ruhua to appear at the right time.

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