"Thirsty, are you? But water is never allowed in my cabin, it's all wine, do you want some?"

"I'm not thirsty, thank you." Xiao Kui was lying, and the traces of lying were obvious, but she still insisted on saying this. After Peter drank the wine mixed with ether into his mouth, Xiao Kui had already started to reject all alcohol. God knows whether Peter, a man, would also mix ether in the wine in this yacht?If he drank it into his stomach, he would really have to let Peter do whatever he wanted, right?

"Why don't I take you to the deck to have a look." There are only Peter and Xiao Kui in this yacht, so Xiao Kui has no chance to ask anyone for help. Even if she struggles, she can't resist with Peter's strength. He could only be forced to lie in Peter's arms, allowing him to hug himself on the deck.

It's getting dark now, and looking at the vicinity of the yacht, how many sharks are hovering?Xiao Kui shuddered suddenly. Since she was being hugged by Peter at the moment, her feelings were naturally conveyed to Peter right away?
Peter also looked into the water, but after seeing these sharks, Peter didn't feel any fear at all. Instead, he said proudly to Xiao Kui: "I'm right? Sharks are the most If I like the smell of blood, as long as I put a little fresh meat next to it, the sharks will smell it and come over. Seeing that they are staring at you at the moment, they may have already regarded you as dinner tonight, but that’s okay I understand, even I think you are very delicious when I see you, how can a carnivorous shark let you go like this?"

While speaking, Peter leaned over and intentionally kissed Xiao Kui between the eyebrows. Because Xiao Kui was so frightened at the moment, he forgot to dodge at all?She didn't realize it until the space between her eyebrows was filled with the smell of Peter's perfume. She reached out to wipe the center of her eyebrows with some distaste, and frowned angrily, "What are you doing? Before you kill someone, you wantonly destroy people's self-esteem. Are you willing to give up only when you step on your feet?"

"Of course I won't do it to other people, but conquering you is much more interesting than conquering other women, so I really want to try it." The corner of his mouth continued to maintain a beautiful smile, and Peter looked like an angel, Rather than a murderous demon!

Of course, Xiao Kui swore that if she hadn’t met Peter in this environment, she might have thought the man in front of her was beautiful, but now, Xiao Kui only regarded him as an evil monster. As for the word “beautiful” , Peter, who should exist like a demon, has no connection at all, right?

Even his tone of voice is very irritating?Not only that, even though Xiao Kui's face was already pale, Peter still looked playful and murmured in her ear: "Do you still remember our previous agreement? Didn't you agree what you asked me for?" ? I have been waiting for a long time for your plea, and I am getting impatient."

"The result of begging or not begging me is the same. If Peter really wants to let me go, you won't bring me to this yacht. Let Paul find me on the beach, you can completely explain Say you don’t know, so asking me to beg you is just one of the ways you want to satisfy your disgusting desire, not really for my own good, right?”

Xiao Kui had figured out Peter's thoughts from the very beginning. Was it because she couldn't let go of her identity and begged Peter's forgiveness for her life?It's because nothing can be changed by doing this. On Peter's neck, the wound bitten by her, because of holding her, blood began to flow slowly, along Peter's clothes, and flowed to the deck , and then penetrated into the sea following the gaps in the deck, causing the sharks to circle around the yacht, as if they had received a signal for dinner, each of them became excited, and even used their bodies or tails to keep circling. If you saw this scene on the TV screen, you might just feel a little more exciting, but if you experienced it personally like Xiao Kui, everything would seem weird and terrifying...

She subconsciously reached out and pinched the corner of Peter's clothes, her heart beat faster, she looked like a child, and she was used to Xiao Kui's stubborn appearance, but seeing her so pitifully now, Peter made Peter A little soft-hearted?
But he desperately tried to wake himself up, and then he kept telling himself in his brain: don't be fooled, don't be soft-hearted, she is just one of the prey, just like the prey he killed before, if you want to become a person who dominates the fate of others , the first thing to do is to absolutely not have compassion for anyone, because such a person is only worthy of a crushing defeat, and is not worthy of continued success at all!

Smiling, at this moment Peter's eyes have gradually turned blood red, as if a layer of blood has been splashed on him, looking at Xiao Kui in his arms, he put her down, taking advantage of her lack of strength to struggle , hugged her in his arms, looked at the sharks around the yacht, and whispered softly in her ear:
"You're right. People like me don't deserve to live, but I'm more afraid of death. It's really not easy for me to kill you, but not killing you would be the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. I don't want me to make mistakes, and I don't want my mood to be disturbed, especially by you, Xiao Kui! You are a little fairy, but will you still be lucky to live this time? It can only depend on your own luck!"

Xiao Kui bit her lips tightly, and said to Peter with a pale face: "Don't do this, Lin Yiqing can be yours and I can give you a hundred times! I know you are not short of money at all, so why can't you do something good with all your heart? Why do you have to stain your hands with other people's blood? I know your heart is not really so terrible, Peter, wake up, don't let desire dominate your brain, you shouldn't live like this, but you should be kind Live well, do you understand?"

At this moment, Xiao Kui's heart seemed to be trembling, after all, he was about to face death, who could be so confident?
However, Peter didn't seem to be able to hear Xiao Kui's words at all. He still had a smile on his mouth, but he couldn't make people feel a little better?He lowered his voice, approached her ear, and continued: "Farewell to Xiao Kui, don't come back even if you are alive, because I will still not let you go when we meet next time, by the way, you look really beautiful tasty!"

After finishing speaking, Peter gave Xiao Kui a hard back. She was standing on the deck without any protective measures, and her body was weak. After being pushed again, she staggered and fell directly into the sea water. middle?

Suddenly, the salty smell came into her breath, and she completely lost consciousness. When she finally closed her eyes, she seemed to vaguely see Peter standing on the deck. She didn't know where she got a shotgun from?She was lifting it up and shooting at the water surface, the bullets were flying through the water, which looked extraordinarily beautiful, and in front of her eyes, a shark seemed to see her prey, wagging its tail and rushing towards her...

Two days later.

When Xiao Kui opened his eyes again, he saw that the surroundings were all white, white quilts, white floors, white walls, and white medical facilities?

etc!Medical Facilities?She is not dead yet!still alive?Looking at the medical equipment wrapped around his body, Xiao Kui sat up abruptly, looked at his arm, there was no sign of being bitten by a shark at all?But just when she wanted to go down and walk, there was a tearing pain in her calf?She frowned immediately.

Paul outside the door seemed to hear the voice in the ward, and rushed in as fast as possible. When she saw Xiao Kui who was sitting up, he ran to her side desperately, and then pulled her by the side. In his arms, the whole person looked surprised and happy, hugging her, feeling her panic and doubt, he murmured gratefully:
"This is really great, Xiao Kui, do you know how happy I am that you are still alive? The doctor said that you were soaked in sea water for too long, and you were shot again. You are weak and dehydrated, and you are not sure how long you can sleep Time? I was about to go crazy, but fortunately you finally woke up, promise me that you will not leave me again, okay? Seeing you lying here these two days, how much I want to suffer this pain instead of you Don’t worry now, the mortal who kidnapped you has been brought to justice, although the police only know his body, but I’m sure you will never be in danger again, Xiao Kui, you are also very happy to hear the news Isn't it right?"

"You said the kidnapper is dead?" After hearing the news of Peter's death, Xiao Kui didn't know why?Suddenly there was a feeling of being pricked by a needle, maybe because I saw Peter who was poisoned in the small room before, heard his painful murmur, recalled the past, and found that he was not a man who was born a devil, but because he was This society has severely hurt him. Gradually, he chose to turn his back on the society. In order to protect himself, he tried various methods to become the master, and then he went astray step by step.

It's just that he died, but Xiao Kui also felt sad. If Peter could be given a chance to change his mind, would he still choose to go on this road of no return?

Sigh, to Paul's surprise, after hearing the news that the kidnapper had passed away, not only did Xiao Kui not show a trace of joy on his face, but he even sighed?

He frowned, and slowly pushed Xiao Kui out of his arms. Seeing her frowning slightly, he asked in puzzlement, "Xiao Kui, have you become confused by torture?"

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