Constantly praying to God to bless Paul so that he can find himself quickly?Take yourself away from this devil's lair?Xiao Kui looked at Peter with sarcasm.

But after hearing Xiao Kui's words, didn't Peter feel the slightest bit of fear?Instead, he shrugged indifferently, and then replied: "Oh? Are you talking about that idiot aristocratic man? I found out that he is also pursuing you, and he can even abandon this wedding between nobles for you. Right? But I’m sorry to tell you some bad news. That guy went to that beach an hour ago and wanted to find you, but he couldn’t find even half of your vellus hair. After all, I His subordinates are not vegetarians either, I believe that a young master like him, who was spoiled and raised since he was a child, must be hiding in a corner and crying secretly because he was frustrated and couldn't find you."

"What did you just say? Did you say that Paul went to find me?" Although it had only occurred to him that Paul would never turn a blind eye to his disappearance?But he never expected that Peter in front of him would be so cunning?Knowing that if Xiao Kui was left on the beach, Paul would definitely find her, and by then, Peter, who had killed so many people and made a fortune by kidnapping, would naturally be exposed. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, That's why Peter deliberately brought her to the vast sea. Surely Paul would never have thought of this?
Clenching his fist tightly, Xiao Kui's body has gradually regained some strength, but it is still not enough to support his body to stand up?In addition, the ships in the sea were rickety, she couldn't stand at all, so she could only sit up reluctantly, grabbed Peter's clothes, and asked angrily:
"You lunatic! Why on earth do you think you have the right to decide the life and death of others? Do you really think you are the god of death? People like you should die the most. Only when you die will more people be safe. living space, you are a heinous person, do you know that?"

"Of course, I won't go to heaven after I die, and maybe the god of death won't take me in after I die. I already knew this, and I don't need you to remind me." After hearing Xiao Kui's curse, Peter seemed to hear very The beautiful and touching singing voice is so ordinary, not only is it not angry, but also closes your eyes and slowly indulges in it?Is this the first time that Xiao Kui felt such a huge sense of fear because of a man's silence?

But then Peter's beautiful cold eyes slowly opened, and he looked at Xiao Kui's face still full of anger with great interest, and suddenly proposed, "That's good, why don't you beg me? As long as If you beg me to let you go, maybe I will follow your advice? You should be very afraid when you are about to die? I have killed several rich and beautiful women, and they are all like this. You can beg me to let you go."

Remember those women, before they died, kept saying that as long as Peter was willing to let them go, they would be his slaves for the rest of their lives, even if Peter wanted to get them, they would be willing?Looking at the different Xiao Kui in front of him, Peter was really curious, wondering if Xiao Kui's reaction would be exactly the same as those of those women when he reached the point of despair?

She frowned, as if she didn't expect Peter to make such a request. She looked at the man in front of me who always liked to make strange requests, as if she was seeing through his heart, but Peter was not an ordinary person. The true thoughts in the heart are well hidden, no one can pry into them, Paul Xiaokui?

Suddenly, she smiled, her smile was beautiful and weak, "Really? As long as I beg you, are you willing to let me go? It's that simple? It's effortless?"

"It depends on my mood, but the result of begging me will definitely be less painful than what you are suffering now." Peter also laughed, and suddenly realized one thing, he must kill Xiao Kui!It is a must!Because this woman's every move had a profound impact on him, for example, just a smile was enough for him to giggle too. Is this the kind of soft-heartedness that the murderous Peter didn't have before?

After hearing Peter's answer, Xiao Kui nodded, then raised his head, his beautiful eyes were full of curiosity, "Of course I beg you, who doesn't want to live a few more days? Even at all costs? But why don't you go first?" Tell me, who is it that costs me to death? Let you kidnap me? Or even ask you to kill me? Who is your upline?"

Xiao Kui has always wanted to ask this question. She couldn't correctly determine the culprit who planned this incident in her mind, but Peter is a person with very weird ideas. Ask him, maybe there will be a breakthrough?
However, what made Xiao Kui even more unexpected was that Peter not only gave Xiao Kui a breakthrough, but even told Xiao Kui the identity of the other party without hesitation?
"Lin Yiqing, the heir of the Lin family, is said to have a certain reputation in the country. The Feng Qinghan who proposed to you in public before is her fiancé right now?"

"Lin Yiqing?" Xiao Kui frowned first, and then she believed Peter's words without hesitation. Although Peter was a very dangerous person to her, since the other party mentioned Lin Yiqing's words, it must be safe. Believable!
She snorted bitterly: "I really didn't expect that woman's heart to be so vicious! Since I have already obtained the status I want, why should I hurry up and kill me?"

"It seems that the hatred between you is indeed not small, but the interesting thing is, do you know how much she paid for your life? Two million? It turned out to be only a mere two million. Hehe, Xiao Kui, it seems that you are in that In the eyes of a woman named Lin Yiqing, isn’t it worth money at all?” Peter still looked like he didn’t think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, not for anything else, just to be able to continue to see the full of anger on Xiao Kui’s face ?It seems that this is also a very interesting thing.

Xiao Kui saw that Peter's purpose was to annoy her, so he deliberately told her Lin Yiqing's identity?

Even though she really didn't want Peter's plot to succeed?But it was obviously difficult, the weakness of the body, coupled with the danger he was facing at this moment, and the reason why Lin Yiqing planned this kidnapping incident, how could Xiao Kui look down on everything without getting angry?
With a cold smile, seeing Peter with a very stylish face and only wanting to know the story between the two, she raised her eyebrows and asked: "Speaking of the hatred between us, it has a deep origin, and it can be traced back to me. Before you went to Australia to study, but Peter, you are such an attractive man, you shouldn’t have much interest in the stories between our women, right?”

Deliberately speaking to Peter in an arrogant manner, sure enough, Peter was successfully fooled?He frowned, then raised his watch to look at the time, and then replied: "There is still some time before dark, and the sharks obviously may have encountered other interesting prey, so they failed to catch up in time. Anyway, it’s boring to come first, why don’t you talk about it, maybe show some pity, and I will sympathize with you as a new student?”

What Peter didn't tell Xiao Kui was that in the past five years, Xiao Kui's every move had been followed by a special person, and then reported to Peter. Forced to become Lin Yiqing's "fiancé", even with the exposure of her identity, how she offended Feng Qinghan, became the murderer of Lan Feng and was imprisoned, and Lin Yiqing often attacked Xiao Kui insidiously behind her back. Black Hand, wait...

Knowing that she did this just to stall for time, until Paul came to the rescue?But Peter deliberately didn't expose it. No one in his heart could see through it, maybe even himself.

But this kind of Peter also made him very afraid. He was worried that if there was no one who could stop him, he would make such mistakes again and again, using a wrong idea to control his own body. In the heart, even use the blood of innocent people to appease the violent heart?This approach was wrong, and Peter knew it naturally, but it was an indisputable fact that he was becoming more and more unable to control himself!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Xiao Kui had been talking for more than half an hour before he knew it?She herself was a little dry, but she glanced around the cabin several times out of the corner of her eye, but she still didn't even notice a bottle of mineral water?It's really hard to imagine that a rich and refined man like Peter didn't put fresh water in his private yacht?
But helpless but unable to ask Peter for mineral water directly?Even Xiao Kui could only be forced to endure, but the man on the other side, who was quietly listening to Xiao Kui's story, didn't seem to have heard enough. He rested his chin on one hand and continued to ask questions with a curious look on his face. Xiao Kui said:

"That's why Lin Yiqing thinks that you first disguised yourself as a man to hide your real identity and gender, tricked her into getting engaged with you, and then abandoned her after you regained your identity, making her almost lose the high wall that Feng Qinghan can rely on. , and know a lot of her secrets, that's why you hate you to the bone?"

"Besides this, I really can't think of any other reasons." Xiao Kui nodded, but his teeth were already gritted in his heart. Since he was kidnapped by William Holissa, he hasn't drunk a drop of water. After such a long time, apart from injecting a shot of antidote into the body, which is considered a water potion, has he never been near any water?This made Xiao Kui feel like he was going crazy!

But unexpectedly, this feeling has already been noticed by Peter?There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking at the corner of Xiao Kui's already dry mouth, he raised it slightly.

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