"Yaoyao doesn't drink milk."
The son in her arms suddenly interrupted her thinking.

Lin Nian looked at his son in confusion: "Don't drink milk? What's the matter with you? Don't you like drinking milk before going to bed?"

"Uncle gives Yaoyao milk."
He said in a childish voice.

Lin Nian was taken aback: "What did you say? Did you just say that uncle gave Yaoyao milk?"

Yaoyao nodded.

"Then you sleep!"

Lin Nian was taken aback. She was still thinking just now that it was absolutely impossible for Yan Tingchen to have such careful thoughts to warm up a cup of milk for his son.Unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face so soon, and his son told himself that Yan Tingchen once warmed milk for his son and coaxed him to sleep after drinking it.

She wondered if she had heard wrong.

"Yaoyao, you..."
Lin Nian carried his son to the bed, then found him a small pillow, put it behind him, and after a while, slowly said: "Do you like that uncle today?"

Yaoyao opened her big beautiful eyes, then nodded: "Yaoyao likes uncle."

"Why do you like this uncle?"
Lin Nian still doesn't understand this kind of blood relationship.

I have been sent to the orphanage for so long, although I look forward to having my own parents like other children every day.

However, one day, after she really found her home and really met her parents, she was not in a good mood.

This scene happened to her own son. If she insisted that it was because of the blood relationship between the two people, it was really difficult for her to understand.

"Yaoyao likes uncle."
Yaoyao looked directly into her bright eyes, and said innocent things in a childish voice.

From his point of view, liking is liking, disliking is disliking, there is no reason.

And he doesn't know how to express himself, why he likes this uncle.

After all, he is only one and a half years old now, and he can't explain many things very clearly.

Lin Nian sighed: "Yaoyao, mom doesn't know what to do anymore. Maybe you really should have a dad to accompany you, maybe I shouldn't be so selfish anymore. And I have no right to stop your dad from meeting you... "

Although she is talking to her son, she actually knows that his son can't understand at all, so in fact, in this way, she constantly gives herself psychological hints, hoping to convince herself, and hoping that she can cross the hurdle in her heart .

Every time she sees other children playing with her parents, she feels very sorry for her son.

She doesn't want her son to grow up, because when he is sensible, he will find himself a child without a father.

She didn't want her son to suffer like this at all.

It was just a little bit of this idea at first, but since seeing Yan Tingchen today, this idea has exploded in her heart.

Now the balance in her heart is completely on her son's side. She feels that as long as his son grows up healthily, she can do anything.

People who have never been parents will not understand the feeling that parents can give everything for their children.

Now that she is a parent, she really understands.

All of these are for children.

If the child can grow up healthy and happy, then she will be back by Yan Tingchen's side, so what?

Furthermore, after today's short reunion, she really discovered that Yan Tingchen was not as difficult to accept as she had imagined before.

So, she lay quietly on the bed, thinking wildly, chanting from time to time, not even noticing whether the son next to her could understand or not.

After a while, she heard her son next to him panting evenly, she turned her head and saw his peaceful sleeping face.

Looking at such a quiet and well-behaved son, Lin Nian couldn't help but soften his heart.

She stretched out her hand, covered him with a blanket, and sighed softly: "I hope you can grow up quickly, and I hope you never grow up. What do you think mother should do?"

When she said this, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

Lin Nian has experienced so many things this day, he has been busy all the time, and he has to take care of his son, which is really exhausting.Now I can finally rest well.

At [-] a.m. the next day, Lin Nian took his son's little hand and went out.

Now, the game she developed has been officially launched, and she is only responsible for the development, and the rest is left to other partners of the studio to do, and has little to do with her.

That said, she's going to have a long vacation for some time to come.

However, there are still some important tasks that have not been handed over, and she still has to take the child to the studio today.

Since she opened this studio two years ago, she has been meeting many Chinese people who have dreams. Like herself, they are full of enthusiasm, but they have no way to start.

So, they rented a small studio together in this very expensive place, and from that day on, they started their real dream journey.

Fortunately, this unremitting effort was not in vain, and they are able to have what they are today.

The biggest advantage of having her own studio is that she can work with her son.

Now, if she goes to work in another company, there must be no company that can tolerate her taking her child to work every day.

That's why she didn't go to other companies to apply for a job, but insisted on opening her own studio.

At that time, she was six months pregnant and her belly was already big. She was very clear about her current situation. Not only was there no company that wanted her, but she would soon fall into a situation where her survival would be a problem.

At first, although she promised to accept Yan Tingchen's monthly support for her son, she didn't plan to really use that money.

Are you stupid or out of your mind?

But there is no way, she is too stubborn.

But she just lives by this stubbornness.

That's why she feels that the past two years have been really smooth for her. She really rarely encounters setbacks, and her luck is unbelievable.

But now she began to doubt a little, why can she live so well in such a highly competitive place?Is all this to her credit?

If it were so easy to start a business, would there still be so many failed people in the world?
Thinking about it now, many things at the beginning could not be attributed to luck.

In fact, thinking about it now, she really can't imagine how much help Yan Tingchen secretly helped her.

When she left at the beginning, she thought she knew herself well, and felt that she would not wait too long, so she never doubted that her victory in the past two years was because someone was helping her behind her back.

But after what happened yesterday, she found that he was still persisting and hadn't given up, so she could only start to doubt.

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